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    This will give you a shock Bessie!!! Come on, get out from under that duvet, its time you were up!!!!

    Well, after all the events on the boards yesterday I feel I've finally had the wakeup call I needed. One of the posts really made me take a step back and take a look at myself. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe thats what I do need, tough love.

    But there I was, here on MWO, in the middle of the afternoon half way through that bottle of white that I flippantly said I wouldn't open. Needless to say I finished the bottle. What a hypocrite, how dare I criticize and condem my own mam for drinking when for gods sake, I'm doing the self and same thing. I can't keep using my past as an excuse to drink, I really need to see that. Before my husband went away he asked me to be strong and try and have some AF days, I knew I wasn't going to, I had no intention. I've let him down. I've let myself down lately, I also feel as if I've let my friends on here down. I'm sorry.

    I've been awake since 1am (the old usual wake up call after having wine - you know, the panic attacks, anxiety etc) anyway, came on here, read some posts then thought I would put the clearing cds on to relax me and I would probably drift off to sleep. Plus, it would be a good chance to get started back on this programme. But, the opposite has happened. I am now so pumped up with positivity there's no way I'm gonna get back to sleep!!!

    This is it. A new start for me. I'm making a commitment to myself tonight that this can't go on. Thanks everyone for making me see sense.


    ps is it too early to make soup and do the ironing Bessie?
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


    Well done Janice. Only you have made yourself see sense, so good on YOU!

    I'll join you for AF tomorrow
    Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line



      :H Laughed out loud to see I had been beaten to it this morning!! And, no, it's never too early to make soup and do ironing. In fact, it's the best time of the day to do anything!!

      What events? What have I missed? Haven't got time to go through the posts atm. Somebody fill me in?

      You sound very positive. Print out that post and keep it by you to remind you of how you feel. You can do it, I'm sure. I don't think you've let anyone on here down. If you feel you've let yourself down - well only you can make it up to yourself and it sounds like that is what you are about to do. Good for you!

      Where would we be without this place??!! I am hoping that my current level of work/stress will die down soon and I can spend more time on here - I need the support and inspiration.

      Happy Wednesday to all to come.

      Bessie xx

      PS Other pig is now called Bertha! Thanks for all your suggestions. She has got a lot softer and likes her belly rubbed just as much as the other one - just as well as she is about to pop any day now!!!



        Hiya Janice well looks like we both had the wakeup call the same week. Lets stick together and beat this beast once and for all. I had to laugh you said you woke up at 1am with anxiety normal stuff etc, Well I was awake BECAUSE OF THE EARTHQUAKE DID YOU NOT FEEL IT!!!!!!! The girls and hubby woke up and we ran downstairs expecting another tremor. My mum leaves about 8 miles from the epicentre and she could not get out of bed she was so frightened. Very scary. I couldnt get my head round the boards this last couple of days and at one point yesterday after reading the posts I nearly decided to just forget about MWO but then sanity kicked in and I remembered how it really works. So im still here although I think i will just post in my comfort zone if you Know what I mean. I did post on my journal thread and I will try and keep that up. Hope your feeling good today you sound positive, I wish we just felt like this everyday, Take care I will PM you thanks for you kind message.

        ONwards and Upwards




          Earthquake??? What earthquake? I'd better go and put Sky on!!

          Good luck today GG, try and come on later if you're struggling. I've got my kudzu and l-glut tablets ready for when I come in at lunchtime!!

          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            ODAT WEDNESDAY

            Oh Janice you have made me smile,maybe you didnt feel it where you , see you later keep strong.



              ODAT WEDNESDAY

              Morning all! glad to find that theres a positive vibe here this morning.

              Yesterday was my second day AF. years! Yesterday was not nice, last night was tough but I just lurked here for a few hours, I nearly gave in to temptation but ended up going to bed at 9.10pm instead.

              Today, I feel much more in control, it's empowering. The morning routine went much more smoothly than usual. Its a beautiful sunny but cold day, the kitchen is clean and the beds are made and the washings in the machine. I'm ready for work and am going to tackle things I've been putting off for ages. I like feeling in control.

              My husband commented that he hadn't heard me singing in the morning for the longest time!

              I'm a morning person, Tonight thou, I know will be difficult again....but matter what happens today, I want more of this feeling, I want to feel like this again tommorow am.
              Good luck to us all!


                ODAT WEDNESDAY

                Good morning everyone

                Thanks for opening Janice. Hang in there, we are all in the same boat. This thread is just so positive and funny and I enjoy reading it every day. Glad you named your pig Bessie. Things got a bit heavy on some of the other threads yesterday!! I hope we dont loose somebody like Satori who I have found to be an inspiration since joining.

                Welcome aboard Socky. Yesterday was just a taste of whats to come. When you manage to stay AF you feel so positive and in charge. It makes the struggle worthwhile. It is a struggle though. Are you using the supplements? Night time is my hard time as well and I have used everything from going to bed early, bath, AF beer. Log on here, do whatever gets you through. Good luck.

                Have a great Wednesday everyone.



                  ODAT WEDNESDAY

                  Hi guys,

                  Janice - good on you! I'm proud of you and will be with you through the struggle.

                  Bessie, I too have been so busy lately that I haven't been able to come on lately - and I have really noticed it - my consumption has gone back to more than I have since MWO (still a lot less than beforfe but more than I would like). It goes to show how much this program really works, when I'm not able to read the threads or get on chat it really does take it's toll on me. I just need to get through 2 more weeks at work and then I can really buckle down and get back into my MWO groove........

                  I'm having a bit of a rough time personally (gee what else is new........LOL) but I think I am finally getting where I need to be in terms of wrapping my head around the possibility of leaving this relationship. Not an easy thing to do but things can't go on the way they are for much longer. I really deserve to be treated like I'm important, not just an afterthought........but I think I'm getting to the strong place that I need to be to make that decision.

                  Hope everyone has a great day! I plan to be AF today and hope I get a chance at some point to catch up on the boards.

                  I'm off to work!

                  Love and Hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT WEDNESDAY

                    Morning all
                    I had the day off yesterday, spent way to much time on the boards and yes, it was a rough day........moving right along........For me I could spend hours reading the "tough love" posts. I spent months on these boards, reading and reading....hoping, wishing, contemplating, coming up with reason after reason, why I could not stop the drink. In retrospect, some of those reasons, which were really my own excuses were real doozies!!! It was the tough love responses that finally got my attention....Those are the words I really needed to hear.....
                    We all have our own demons, our own plans and our own goals.......different strokes for different folks.....It all works......
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      ODAT WEDNESDAY

                      happy Wednesday!

                      Well, everyone it is "hump-day"! Day 10 (but who is counting!?)

                      Janice, thanks for opening the thread today, GG you two are working together towards something worthwhile, keep going at it.............

                      Bessie, glad you found a name for the pig..............hope she "popps" soon, and all the piglets are healthy!!

                      Straightlines, Universal(good on thinking the relationship through, you have to put yourself first sometimes!), Socky(GREAT job on day 2, it DOES get better yet believe it or not!!), Rustop.............Hi to everyone!!!

                      Everyone yet to join also have a GREAT Wednesday, will, again check in frequently today, as I have a pretty light schedule AGAIN!

                      Lots of love,:h :h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        ODAT WEDNESDAY

                        Good day ODAT'ers. I have heard mention of "wake up" calls. Im sure I have had mine. I have no desire to drink, but I am not counting days. Just ODAT for now.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT WEDNESDAY

                          Good Morning Odat'ers,
                          Day 2 for me.
                          Emotions in high gear. Have never made it past day 3 since Jan 1, 08 (or for years prior, for that matter)
                          I WILL do it this time, I WILL.

                          I wish you all a happy "hump" day, and that you all reach your goals.

                          much love and hugs,
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            ODAT WEDNESDAY

                            Day 10 too!

                            *GOOD MORNING ODAT'rs*!!!

                            Hey Cgal, I'm counting on you going with me ODAT straight past 100 and then some. Never dreamed I would get to this point and it feels great!!

                            Hey Janice, how about give hubby a nice welcome home present of a few AF days!

                            GG, Socky and everyone else, let's make this a great AF day!! :h
                            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                            Watch this and find out....


                              ODAT WEDNESDAY

                              HI all..........I'm still here although not HERE. Been very busy, mostly life stuff. Still trying to come to terms with my Spain trip and my relationship with mom. Trying hard to grow personally and have time for the family. Did the taxes Monday. Thank god this time I didn't owe. I'm still paying off last year debt. All this and trying to remain AF or at least moderate on certain occassions.......My record remains impressive at least to me considering where I was. I'm going to try to achieve 30 days least ODAT
                              Its a beautiful day in Los Angeles.......75-80 degrees........I think after work I'll walk on the beach...........Not Bessie's farm eh?!

