Its a nice feeling to be free for two /three days. I eat a great breakfast and am an organic cook, but the allone gave me a real buzz. I brought it to work today as my after noon snack.I need the tryp and L -glu , will work on getting this week.
I am so happy that this is really a chemical imbalance, that can be fixed. My dad did AA and drove me crazy with those stupid confession session, who cares about the past? lets go forward. After three times through that pity fest with him, I refused to go. None of it made sense and none of it worked.
I feel hope for the first time in several years that I can be " normal " toward wine someday in the future.
You will not hear much from me, I am not a posting person.
thanks for posting and keeping me encouraged that I am not a morally bad person with an irrepairable condition.
cheers and forward....:thanks: