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Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

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    Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

    I found the MYO on Amazon, went to this post on Monday, bought my 1/2 supplements yesterday at the local healthstore, (1/2 price), and will be ordering more. I used to drink wine from 4 pm on. AfterI took the allone and a kudzu at noon, took a nap and another 600 mg kudzu, I by passed the wine . I really did not want it, just was afraid I would drink it.
    Its a nice feeling to be free for two /three days. I eat a great breakfast and am an organic cook, but the allone gave me a real buzz. I brought it to work today as my after noon snack.I need the tryp and L -glu , will work on getting this week.

    I am so happy that this is really a chemical imbalance, that can be fixed. My dad did AA and drove me crazy with those stupid confession session, who cares about the past? lets go forward. After three times through that pity fest with him, I refused to go. None of it made sense and none of it worked.
    I feel hope for the first time in several years that I can be " normal " toward wine someday in the future.
    You will not hear much from me, I am not a posting person.
    thanks for posting and keeping me encouraged that I am not a morally bad person with an irrepairable condition.
    cheers and forward....:thanks:

    Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

    welcome orca you seem to know what steps to take. glad the supplements and the book are keeping you strong.

    we are here to support each other. "no pity fest" if you are not interested.

    stick around and welcome again

    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

      Hi Orca.....welcome!

      I'd be lost without the kudzu, totally lost. And drunk!

      BTW, what is allone?
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

        Welcome Orca and good 4 you, you really have a plan.
        Noelle: AllOne is a combination supplement that is sold on this site. don't know much beyond that, have not tried it.
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

          Welcome, Orca,
          Your confidence will take you a long way. I find that writing stuff down here, whatever I happen to say, keeps me from sliding back. I have quit before, but never have been this successful - 30 days today! This site is great, and the people are amazing.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

            Congratulations on being AF! I thought the first 2-3 days were awful. I am on day 6 now, so not a lot of experience with everything. I bought the supplements that were recommended, but have been unable to find the Kudzu. Didn't know if it was worth it to pursue it. Sounds like it's helping you, though. Maybe I'll give it a whirl... 5pm is so hard for me. I want a glass of wine so bad, so I eat chocolate. ARGH!


              Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

              going well/ question?

              Well its been a week and I am doing well, the kudu 600 mg three times a day is working well, take one at 4 pm to stop cravings.
              The All One is great about noon, since I love to make a wonderful breakfast. the L-t in it is a real buzz! I take it to work and drink it before I leave, so I do not go home low BS and drink wine!
              Had some wine on sunday afternoon, but not as much. Put the glass down after dinner. Planning on making it all the way to Sat before I think about it again. the craving is dying down, now I am fighting the habit.
              I used to drink wine while I cooked, and I love to cook, so I am working on redirecting that pattern.
              I made a lot of food ahead, so there is no slip in eating, or getting too low in the BS.
              Hope to swim this week and get my bike out for 30 minutes, mayybe 70 on sat/sunday. hope to see the wine weight off soon. that will be real encouragement, since the rest of my eating habits are great.
              thanks for all the support and stories. god bless this site, no AA for me.

              For me, it seems the drinking is turning out possible to be the vitamin deficiancy/habit.
              Have any threads explored the idea that there may be more than one type of alcohol related illness? I am noticing on the boards that the people drinking"hard liqour" seem to have the most agony, this is not to say drunk is not drunk, or wine is better, or worse....
              but do some types of dependencys need different kinds of supplements?



                Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more


                The book which I am reading right now addresses the nutritional imbalances in alcoholics (or people who like to drink too much, like me!) It is 7 weeks to sobriety, it basically tells you to supplement w/ alot of the stuff here in MWO, more protein, no processed carbs, no processed sugar as in candies etc.............sounds pretty healthy, and I think there might be more stuff on this on of the holistic thread here.............

                Good job Orca!!!:goodjob:


                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Thank you all, now AF x2-3 days, and planning on more

                  Yea for you!!!
                  the supplements are amazing I have to say. I went off of them out of laziness and an adversion to over-sized pills for a few days and it was hard. I am back and glad.

