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Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

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    Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

    Hi all

    I found this amazing site with all you amazing people 2 weeks ago (feels much longer then that) and have started taking all the vits and campral last wednesday. I already exercise a lot and I have started doing a hypnosis mp3 daily that I already had as I can't afford the mwo cd at the moment.

    I started feeling ill last Sunday, it's a virus or something, on the back of the half ironman (triathlon) I did a month ago and the few weeks that followed the race where I started drinking a lot and eating really badly again. I haven't felt right since then, yesterday I just kept crying and today's not much better.

    My cravings are half what they were already so I feel like I should be happy, but I'm so tired and emotional. I haven't had a drink for 8 days, and feel much stronger than I have ever done before when I have given up on my own. So I'm wondering if anybody else felt like this when they started? Could it be the meds/sup not agreeing with me or is this just the virus bringing me down.

    Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

    ...and my wee is bright green!!! Is that just me as well??!!


      Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

      Sounds like withdrawal my dear. You will surely be going through an emotional roller coaster right now as your body and emotions become accostomed to life without drinking. Believe me, I havent even quit (just cut back) and I have been crying at the drop of a hat!! As for the green wee, its the supps and vitamins probably - is it a florescant yellow-green type colour> If so, that is totally NORMAL my dear! Perk up, you are doing great and what you are experiencing is totally normal - not fun - but normal.


        Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

        Since I started the supps, I can't be too far from the bathroom. I definitely should have lost 50 lbs by now!. That green is a very interesting shade - I notice it after the B and the magnesium. The color is eliminating the vitamins and minerals that your body can not absorb.



          Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

          Hi Clairlou, I think we have connected before, I really feel for you. I think it is maybe something to do with letting go, facing up to responsibility. It is almost like a grieving process, if that makes sense. You know even though drinking is something we want to stop, it is a behaviour , for some our only friend, prop, support call it what you will that has been part of our lives for so long. it is like saying goodbye to an old friend, and yep, we have to sweat the feelings, we can't even get drunk to mask them!!! ha ha
          I haven't started as yet, but already I feel like that, I keep crying about my decision. I wonder if the recommended hypnothery is a crucial aid in changing our mind set?

          I notice you are using campral. Was that your choice or because youcouldn't get topamax?? I am in the UK and my gp is willing to presribe campral. Are you following the rest of the programme as suggested ie suplements?

          thank you Sophia


            Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

            Thanks everybody for your support, I think you are all right about withdrawal and facing up to stuff, I just didn't think it would hit me so hard, it hasn't before, but then it's never felt like this before.

            Sophia, I chose Campral because I really want to stop drinking completely I'm a very 'all or nothing' person and right at this point in my life I can't imagine just having one or two drinks, topa or not, I can't get my head round that.


              Feeling down - but it's working... so why?

              I get a sense that it feels very very real for you this time clairelou, may be thats what is different. Like this time it can really work, i hope so mate.


                Feeling down - but it's working... so why?


                about the strange color... try time released formulas. I have to get all my vitamins and antioxident formulas from the states. I dont like what we have here in switzerland. I have been fighting aging from cigs and alcohol for years. Try for vits and other supps, as they are very high quality. Problem is, taking the supps wont help as much if it ends up in the toilet!! I would though say for the specialized ones, better to get them hereeee, perhaps. Your body can only process so much at one time, so......

                Good luck everyone!!


                  Feeling down - but it's working... so why?


                  If you go back to earlier posts...You will see in Dec. how many different times and posts I wrote when I was feeling so bad all the time...Crying, shaking a total EMOTIONAL WRECK!

                  It did pass and I got through it, also coming here posting and reading! After getting to know some of the wonderful ladies here we exchanged phone numbers and called each other when we needed to....

                  Things will get better...Big CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 8 DAYS!


