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Viva Las Vegas

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    Viva Las Vegas

    I am off on a pretty grand adventure. Actually it is a test of the strength of my very soul. I feel like a character on Lord of the Rings. Here Croft, carry this glass of vodka in this delicate but extremely attractive container to the land of pretty sights and beautiful people, where men will find you attractive no matter what you wear, say or do. The smell of smoke and alcohol will dance around you in waves of delight. Everything you see will be wondrous and tempting but you will not be allowed to partake of any of it. I MEAN IT! And whatever you do, no matter how strong the urge, even if your very life depends on it??.DO NOT DRINK THE VODKA!!!!

    I am going with a bunch of girls. These are great girls. We have been doing this trip for several years in a row now and we always have a TOTAL blast. But these girls are not like me. You see these girls are the kind of people who drink on a Friday night because their husband is making his favorite recipe of margaritas and the Baker?s from next door are coming over for Mexican food. Whereas, I am the sort of person that drinks because it is eight o?clock in the morning and I am really not that picky about the recipe.

    The trip generally starts with shots of whisky in the parking lot of the airport. Why wait until we actually get to Vegas? Then we take little 3 ounce plastic bottles filled with more whisky onto the plane in Ziploc baggies. You see the stewards cannot keep up. By the time we get to Vegas we are pretty well sloshed. We call it a successful trip if we find our hotel room on the first night.

    And the stories are many. We have been almost kidnapped by the Indian mafia, touched by Prince, twirled by the Chippendales, dressed by the stage crew of Jubilee, married to George Clooney and saved by Buffy the Vampire Slayer! And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

    I am worried about the trip this year and you can tell; just take a look at the drink tracker.

    Viva Las Vegas

    scared silly

    I just got back from Vegas, but went by myself, moderated well, but this sounds scarey!! Be careful Croft!! I know I sound like a concerned mom, just a concerned friend, I know how I would be that is all......................

    love ya!!!:l:h

    You will probably be fine, take us all w/ you!!!!

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Viva Las Vegas

      Oh man. Trying to do Vegas sober would be the utmost test of even the strongest Hobit. May Gandolf be with you! (also Superman and Spiderman thrown in too)


        Viva Las Vegas

        croft I already feel the hangover and shame. be very, very careful. my liver is hurting just thinking about this... ouch!
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Viva Las Vegas

          Yes, I am going to need some Super Heros and some Super Powers and some Magic. I wonder how much credit I have on my cards?


            Viva Las Vegas

            Croft have a blast - AF i hope. I went in January on biz at the peak of my lushness, but never could get a buzz on the booze out there. I also have to laugh because I threw a fit when I couldn't find all my little 3 oz bottles to fill for my plane ride out, silly me to think I was the only one clever and desperate enough! :H
            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....


              Viva Las Vegas

              Well.... I have gone a trip with best GF for the past maybe 12 years. She's a drinker, but not like me. I tried to tell her about my problem and that I drink in Am, it was geting out of control, etc. But she doesn't want me to be a non drinker so she sloughed it off. I decided this year I am not going to go. I do not have the skills right now to spend a week with her and try to behave myself. Even with my big girl pants. Wish I did, but I just can't. I have to try to protect myself. Guess I'll just tell her about doggie school, AA, therapist, and the black hole. BTW. I just hired someone part time to help me. Not real sure if we can afford it but I can't afford not to. Better to do that than go to rehab which I am sure would be quite more expensive. Shit the therapist is expensive enough. I wish I made 75 an hour. I should have gotten that PhD.:H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Viva Las Vegas

                your therapist is cheap greeneyes. the last therapist I saw charged 200 an hour and she was no good, I had to let her go.
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  Viva Las Vegas

                  Yeah, she is. I think she understands that we who have adictions are already spending a ton of money on them and our attempts to go free. And if her fee was too high, we wouldn't do it. She's that kind of person. She was an addict herself and knows.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Viva Las Vegas

                    greeneyes;281309 wrote: Yeah, she is. I think she understands that we who have adictions are already spending a ton of money on them and our attempts to go free. And if her fee was too high, we wouldn't do it. She's that kind of person. She was an addict herself and knows.
                    wish I could find someone like her, you are lucky
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Viva Las Vegas


                      I got back from Vegas last night and really did fine. I didn't want to mess up my spa/shopping daytime hours with a hangover so I was pretty good. Just tell you're friends you're going easy because you've been prone to headaches lately. Have fun : )

                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson


                        Viva Las Vegas

                        Drenched: good excuse - between that one and my "now getting pretty lame" on a diet excuse I think I am packed!


                          Viva Las Vegas

                          Croft - if you check in while you are in Vegas - Pay yourself 1000.00 if you can walk around the casion for the entire day with a club soda & lime - No booze. Might be the best $$ and peace of mind made in Vegas today! Lots of Love (no such thing as Luck in Vegas!!)
                          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                          (from the Movie "Once")


                            Viva Las Vegas

                            Vegas Nights

                            I did Vegas sober 3 years ago. I won. Go to Venice an COUNT!
                            Then use the profits to chopper over the canyon. No drink can beat that experience believe me.
                            Long Road
                            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                            Eleanor Roosevelt


                              Viva Las Vegas

                              hi there..croft ..hey go have an awesome time the right way .enjoy yourself and realise who need al to have a great time .when they have that toast have .you have water or soda .this way you can really remember the good times.and you wont be in a fog.about the hows , when ,wheres, but hey good luck i i know you can do it .and you will be in my thoughts...PS dont do it for anybody else. do it for yourself
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

