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Viva Las Vegas

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    Viva Las Vegas

    Good luck Croft and have fun. And don't forget to come back!! LOL
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      Viva Las Vegas

      hi croft, i will bring the maasai elders together and ask them to do dedicated prayers to you?
      mybe this is you moment of realising your capability to change yes.
      there is much fun without booz


        Viva Las Vegas

        Have a ball Croft !!


          Viva Las Vegas

          there is so much to do in vegas that doesn't involve booze. i live near there it is our play ground. sometimes hubby and i catch a flight and play there all day and fly home. spas, shopping and shows. and lay by the pool getting fanned and spritzed by hot little cabanna boys. hahahahaha oh my gawd. you can do lots without drinking. and you can club all nite dancing dancing.. it will be fun to go back now that i'm on day 60 sober land.hahahaah and actually not have hubby carry me out of a bar. oh my gawd. cuz it is hard to walk in highheels drunk. good luck honey


            Viva Las Vegas

            When hubby and I were there we rode all the roller coasters. Can't hold a drink and do that!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Viva Las Vegas

              Check out the Blue Man Group...........very good. Then go see "Love". If you're a Beatles fan, its a must. Otherwise, I think spas are the way to go, have fun, feel healthy and bond with the girls........
              Good luck Croft..........we'll be waiting for the stories when you get back


                Viva Las Vegas


                Oh yeah, don't stay at the Extended Stay Motel right now. They are having some ricin issues..

                and whatever you do don't get sick and need to get a shot at a clinic there!! :egad:

                Just kidding, but please stay safe and have a huge amount of fun.

                Hit the Megabucks machine at least once.. You never know... It would be great to "call in rich."

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Viva Las Vegas

                  Croftie: was only in Vegas once. most hilarious and unforgettable city. wish you luck, and if you win big, remember, it would be nice if you shared it with the Travolta cat ... he is broke as hell and tired of dancing for his supper
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    Viva Las Vegas

                    Zumanity is the show to See! Pay for the better seats. Its woth it. You can definately see a difference without drink. I was there in october and was not able to moderate.
                    Starting over again 09/06/11

                    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                      Viva Las Vegas

                      Hey enjoy and try really really hard to be a good girl....!

                      I went there once. (another trip hubby did in the days when I had time to go with him) I really couldn't take much of the place (I'm a bit too much of a bumpkin!) although it was pretty awesome. Do they still have that tower thing that drops you from a great height? Pukesville!

                      We hired Harleys and headed out into the countryside and did the helicopter trip over the Canyon. Never ridden a Harley before that - took me a while to get used to the ape hanger bars and forward foot rests (normal bike is a small, two stroke Japanese sports replica so totally different!) I wobbled about a lot at first!

                      I couldn't understand why the food was so crap though. This was a few years ago. Is it still bad? We had to pay an absolute fortune for anything good. Plenty of cheap rubbish.

                      The noise in the casinos was something else.

                      Bessie xx


                        Viva Las Vegas

                        Bessie... A harley!!!! Fell out of my chair again! I would have thought a mule down the angel trail. You just slay me! my hands can't seem to do what my feet are used to doing and I drive a 5 speed sports car.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          Viva Las Vegas

                          But I have to say when we landed in Vegas it was after a three week river trip in a dorie through the grand canyon. One day a guide says to me "I want your black panties" :H Cirque du Soliel show was one of the big hilights in Vegas.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Viva Las Vegas

                            Like I said - I don't just shovel shit all day! (Just some of it!) :farmer:

                            I don't actually get out that much on the nippy Nippon - it's a choice between that and the horse and the horse is a living and breathing thing in need of exercise to keep him hunting fit - he's much more dodgy than a machine .... and much more fun!!!

                            Don't all cars have 5 speeds? 4 forward and one back or am I being super thick?

                            Bessie xx


                              Viva Las Vegas

                              It's the gas part. I almost got run over in Jamaica when I tried to drive a scooter. Well, there was the other side of the road thing too.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                Viva Las Vegas

                                Jamaica? No, she volunteered! Boom boom! Sorry old joke, popular in the UK with people of a certain age.

                                The other side of the road thing is always worth looking out for...

                                Bessie. xx

