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ODAT Friday

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    ODAT Friday

    Ok it's a Friday, end of the week. It makes no difference - just treat it like any other day of the week as far as Al goes. No need to kick off just cos you don't have to go to work.

    And it's the end of a month. Again, no big deal just another day of the month/year/your life. Take it ODAT.

    I have discovered another thing about myself on this project to handle Al. I have only so much mental energy. When there isn't a lot going on in my life I have enough mental energy to go work hard at not drinking. Times like now when there is an enormous amount going on my mental energy is depleted and the fight against Al is so much harder. If it was physical energy it wouldn't be so bad - I could get fitter, rest more and keep the energy in reserve. Not sure how to fitten up my brain to get more mental energy. Anyone got a mind gym??

    So, a good Friday to all of you. Big loves specially to Rustop. Read about your cousin on yesterday's ODAT thread. You are incredibly strong to be doing what you are doing for her.

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    (Still no sign of those little piglets yet! Mind you I haven't been out to see them. What's the world coming to when I log on here before attending to the animals!! :H)

    ODAT Friday

    Well, would you look at that good morning horse! And a fine horse it is!!!

    Hello Bessie - there to welcome us to the day as always! Well almost always. You have many willing and cherry substitutes! Love you all so much!

    It is 1:04 a.m. in Boulder, CO and I am packing and panicking about a 3-day trip to Las Vegas with girlfriends who have no clue that I am a moderating drunk. I have to be up by 6:00 a.m. so I need to make this short. I wish you all a great weekend no matter your challenges, goals, plans or [fill in the blank].
    I have just been blessed with some sound advice to get me through my annual "All-Girl, Whisky-Guzzling, Story-Making, Party-till-you-Puke" weekend in Las Vegas. Gotta love the MWO late-night chat room. Here is how it is going to go down once I am in Vegas:
    "Croft, why aren't you drinking? You are usually putting us under the table."
    "Well, I am on some medication and I have to be a little careful; you understand."
    "oh yeah"

    So I will be busy faking a medical condition while enjoying an all girl weekend in Las Vegas. Enjoy your weekends and bring me some fun stories. I have a feeling mine are going to be a lot more boring that usual. Last year, Prince and I made a connection. A physcial connection. Someone! Anyone! please top that!!!!!


      ODAT Friday

      Morning Bessie and Croft and all to follow.

      Wise words Bessie. Croft.....ummm....nope...can't top that...but then again I've never been to Las Vegas (wheres the smug, winking, smiley face icon when you need him). I have kissed a few princes who turned into toads...does that count?

      Rustop, hope you stop by. I've just been through a very similar situation, it sucks, pm me if you want to talk. Mind yourself.

      Day 5 Af for me, feeling proud but an emotional wreck. ODAT. Goodluck to us all!


        ODAT Friday

        Richard Branson. Physical connection there (he used my shoulder to steady himself when walking past me at one of his parties .... I felt annointed!! :H )

        And, now this is seriously cool - I slept with Sean Bean!! Well actually it was next to him in Upper Class on a flight back home from Barbados! Get me!! Seriously high flying stuff (got to be some perks to living with a pilot!!) And you thought all I did all day was shovel horse/pig/chicken shit! :H

        Ok they're not quite Prince but I reckon they both add up to nearly a whole Prince. (Isn't he squiggle again now? I've lost track)

        bessie xxx


          ODAT Friday

          Hi Bessie!

          Re Prince - I don't know about "squiggle" but he's certainly a wee squirt!! Croft, I hope you have a fantastic time in Las Vegas, you'll be able to watch everyone make total fools of themselves and remember it all afterwards. I'm going to a posh function tonight and I'm not drinking, so I'm looking forward to watching the fun as well!
          Have a good weekend everyone!
          Last (who's never met anyone even remotely famous!)


            ODAT Friday

            Hi Last! I was only thinking about you yesterday. Spooky. I haven't been able to spend much time on here recently so I haven't been able to see if you've been posting. Hope you're doing ok. Have a great time at the party tonight. It'll be so much better for being sober I am sure.... and you might even get to meet someone famous!

            Bessie xx


              ODAT Friday

              Thanks Bessie - I'm doing just fine, even started going to an exercise class - and that is a big WOW for me, I can tell you! Thanks for thinking about me, been very busy so not had time to be here lately. taking ages to catch up on all the news from everyone. Some sad stuff seems to have happened lately, so I hope everyone is feeling better.


                ODAT Friday

                Bessie you lucky girl!
                Sean Bean,watch reruns of Sharpe just to see him, Mr East always says that I dreamed of Sharpe and ended up with Harper! Have to know the series to understand that.

                Have a great trip Croft and enjoy your party Last.

                Have to stay AF today, makes 19 out of 29 for February worse than previous months but not too bad!

                Have agreat day

                In life we can live out our dreams its true
                the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                  ODAT Friday

                  hi everyone!

                  WOW Croft, didn't know it was coming up so soon, have fun on your trip, you can do it (moderate!!) if I can..........I did well there, but then again I was alone, w/ other people, but not party animals!!!

                  Bessie, get out to those little piglets!! Hopefully they are all born exciting!!!!

                  Socky, Last, and all sound great!! Have an awesome Friday all of you to come also...........

                  John Cougar Melloncamp, Prince and Rick James, know the only hot one is really Prince, but I met them all in Coconut Grove, FL where I used to work, didn't make ANY physical connection, but this is not Vegas!! Oh, and Phil Collins too!!

                  Lots of love!!:h

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT Friday

                    Friday ODAT'rs Rock! You all lift my spirits. Have a great day everyone!
                    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                    Watch this and find out....


                      ODAT Friday

                      Croft bedded PRINCE!! WOW...I AM SO IMPRESSED! Croft must be a super hottie! Good luck on your trip Croft. As of today, (well day not over) one week not a drop, drip, smidgen of an alcohol in this girls system. Feels pretty good, but Im not gonna overdue it. In fact, I am not counting days, just doing ODAT. Happy Friday everyone!
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        ODAT Friday

                        Good Morning/Afternoon to all my ODAT friends,

                        Feeling pretty good today and it sounds like so many others are, too. Yea!!!

                        I started Chantix yesterday and am praying it really works with the smoking. I truly want to break at least ONE addiction. Still working on the drinking, too, though.

                        Hope all have a wonderful Leap Day.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          ODAT Friday

                          Hey, Croft

                          Have fun..........the medication excuse is a good one........I've told people that Im being treated for depression and have to be careful with the consumption. No one pushes.

                          As for Prince, what a pipsqueak! I saw him here at a restaurant. He must be only 5 foot. He was wearing platform shoes and his signiture purple........
                          And here something I'm not too proud of. Partied with Rick James in his cocaine days. Was my first exposure to the Hollywood decadent lifestyle.............I should have sold my story to the Enquirer! I would be rich!


                            ODAT Friday

                            Hi guys! Croft have a great trip!

                            No one famous in my world.......I'm feeling left out......LOL

                            Hope everyone has a great Friday - for me; I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY.

                            Love and hugs,
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              ODAT Friday

                              HO HAH

                              Prince! That's cool. Who's Sean Bean? Sir Dick Branson would be better. I worked for him and he's a bloody hero. Enjoy without.

                              Long Road
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                              Eleanor Roosevelt

