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day 11

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    day 11

    Hello all and thank you for the reads for the first 10 days.

    They are going well, easier than I thought. I just had to make up my mind that I was kidding myself by thinking that I wasn't drinking too much and that my drinking didn't affect anyone in my life. Previous attempts to cut back were not sincere and thus failures.

    I was a daily drinker for a long time - 7-8 years? I didn't get hammered or hungover, it was a habit. A sidekick because I am an adult and I can. For a long time it was self-medication. I was depressed and my wineglass kept me company. I sought help for my depression through therapy and resolved the issues that were holding me back (mostly!) but I never discussed my drinking with my therapist. Or my husband.

    I am ashamed that I hid how much I drank from people. I am ashamed that my children witnessed my constant wine glass and carried my empties to the recycling bin. I worry that it's too late to undo that message to them. I am pissed that I've hurt my body and wasted life.

    When I first found this site, it was because of the idea of moderation. I wonder if I can be a moderate drinker again? For now I think it's best if I hold out. I've stood firm to some serious cravings. And I've had a headache every day.

    But I'm here. Thank you for the community.
    The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
    Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

    W Whitman

    90+ days yay!

    day 11


    :welcome: and wonderful on the 11 days!!

    The headaches will go away and you will start feeling better physically soon. Just keep up the good work.

    I think it is too soon to determine if you want to mod or af. RJ's book recommends a 30 day AF even if you plan on modding.

    Are you taking the supplements recommended? They do help and will get you back to healthy quicker.

    Glad you are here.

    AF April 9, 2016


      day 11

      Hi Disapprovingcat! You've gotten past the hard days of 4 and 5. Eleven days are great. I had that headache too. It does go away.
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        day 11

        Hi disapprovingcat,
        Congratulations on your 11 days - it will get easier from here. Like Cindi suggested take the supps they will help you get your health back quicker. I didnt get headaches but a got body aches - can you take something for the headaches until they go?
        Keep strong you can do it - everyday is power to you over AL
        love and strength your way x
        I am the author of my life.


          day 11

          Noelle;281788 wrote: Hi Disapprovingcat! You've gotten past the hard days of 4 and 5. Eleven days are great. I had that headache too. It does go away.
          Thank you Cindi and Noelle

          I think (at least) 30 days is a good idea. The voice that calls out during my usual time to start is getting quieter already. Last night I had a meeting that kept me out until after 9 pm - typically that would be my cue to start in on something harder than wine when I got home. I was shocked at the urge that came over me when I was driving home! But I made some tea and had cookies.

          I'm not using anything except my secret support here. When I quit smoking successfully 15 years ago - it was cold turkey - but I was ready. I feel now like I have a stronger urge to get a handle on this than the THING that nags.

          I do hope the headache goes away soon.

          And thank you looking for hope - yeah I was taking so much motrin it made my tummy upset lol
          The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
          Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

          W Whitman

          90+ days yay!

