anyone else feeling like that right now?
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the slippery slope
the slippery slope
Full of good intentions this morning, still intoxicated from last nights session, I promised myself and my husband that I would'nt drink anymore. Its now late afternoon and in half an hour I will have finished work. while I look forward to seeing the family, Idread going home,pacing around the house all evening with only one thought in mind!
anyone else feeling like that right now?Tags: None
the slippery slope
Hang in there. The first night is hard but you can do it.
Yes, pace, drink decaf hot tea, whatever, but don't drink. You will be so much happier about yourself in the morning if you do this.
Hang in there!!!
CindiAF April 9, 2016
the slippery slope
hi there..elsie.try to stay busy .drink lots of water .and if you feel like you want a drink dont. i know it sound easy .its not . but you can do this . be strong.also try hard candy like jolly rancher.:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
the slippery slope
Stay busy, drink plenty of water and have something healthy to eat on hand, like veggies, will keep the mouth busy w/o putting in all the calories of al (hard candy does help the cravings too)!!! The first day IS tough, but also stay close to the boards and maybe even Chat!!?? I have heard it is very helpful, frankly I am going to an AA meeting tonight and out to eat w/ all the guys afterwards, so I know I will be occupied, only day 12 for me, so I was where you are not too long ago...........
Remember, if you want to you CAN stay AF!!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
the slippery slope
Elsie, I'm there too, I had three AF nights this week, thought I'd have one glass of wine last night (I don't usually even drink for me) and the glass turned into a bottle. Husband tried to tell me you'll hate yourself for this tomorrow and sure enough here I am today, hungover, ashamed and hating myself, so back to AF for me. Hang in there you can do it!!!
the slippery slope
I am feeling that way too and I also drank last night and feel like shit today - it's the withdrawal symptoms saying "have a drink...."
You can do it - I'm with you.Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
the slippery slope
Elsie, agree with everything said above - also come on this site and post, read old posts, go to the chat room and talk to others. This really helped me through the first couple weeks, especially on the weekend nights when I was really craving the AL. You can do it and if you make it through, you will feel so much better on the other side....promise.
the slippery slope
Yep hon. Feel that way!!! Not even hearing birds sing or having lots of things to do seem to help. Trying to figure out when real life begins again actually. It's simply a choice. Not sure why that choice is so hard.This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!
the slippery slope
That's fantastic elsie!
Stay real close these next few days.. the first 5 can be tough. We are all here to help and can pull you through them. WE HAVE BEEN THERE! Let us know how you are feeling - that is really important. You can't keep it inside Ask questions and read a lot. But most importantly, stay close.
You can do this!
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.