My husband is coming home tonight so I wont be here for a while. Not to thrilled with him right now getting a bookeeper to take care of OUR business. I am so tired of fighting and trying to let go of what I cant control. That is basically his only job right now. If he doesn't do the bookeeping what will he do??? I know many women have gotten screwed over because their spouse did not divulge information about the finances, hid money etc.. I also know women who have done something similar, so not to seem like I'm man bashing. Just confused. I don't like this strange place called my life right now. And this makes me want to drink. I don't think relationships are supposed to be this much work. I have seen some good ones and they roll pretty smoothly. I feel like I'm always having to fight for what I think is right or fair. Maybe because he's spanish and I'm not. My gerbil is going crazy in my head. But I also know 90% of what you worry about doesn't happen. Why do we worry so much. AAAAAGGH:argh::soapbox: Sorry