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Hello my Friends

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    Hello my Friends

    Missed you All,

    After a brief sojurn in Deepst/ Darkest, without electronic contact, I am so pleased to report that all is well with the world as you ,know it.
    As to the evil bloody demon, not even I; can lay claim, to conquering that piece of shit, creepy bastard; that we all know too well.
    Suffice to say that I'm on my way home for some R & R and although there is nothing amusing or whimsical about my last few weeks, I'm sure that,

    If you pray for wings,
    The feathers will come...

    Good luck to you All

    Hello my Friends

    Glad to have you back Bashley! Your stories are always great.

    And yes, he is a creepy bastard that AL!

    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Hello my Friends


      So glad you made it "out" safe and sound. Your last post really had me worried...

      As for the beast, let's just keep on trying to slay him. We will. We are strong, hard working people, all of us here. It takes strength and intelligence to figure out how to maintain a "normal" life and drink like we do. If we put that effort towards getting sober and being happy and healthy, we are gonna be awesome!!

      Enjoy the R&R, you deserve it and no volunteering for dangerous jobs anymore!! Us MWOers can't take it!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        Hello my Friends

        Going home sounds like a good plan.

        Staying for a while?

        Wee Meg would probably enjoy having Dad around for awhile.

        Sorry I missed you earlier, I have been in the office since early morn.

        Glad you are safe and sound.

        m. xxxxx
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


          Hello my Friends

          Welcome back Bash we missed you

          Nice to see you around again.


            Hello my Friends

            Great to see you back Bash!
            Hope you engoy your R&R xx


              Hello my Friends

              Hey Bashley, enjoy your well earned R&R. Hope we may see you around a bit.
              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                Hello my Friends

                Hello People,

                I see that for the most part you fair well and continue the fight in your own special ways. Some more successfully than others.. ...
                Suffice to say that all is well at the homestead and am trying to not fall down the bottle a day slope again, for everybody's sake. It's the pits isn't it? Stress is off so drinking is off - thank God for Becks AF!!
                Wish you all the very best and am planning a little story one of these days, but need a couple of uninterrupted hours to write it straight through, without losing my train of thought.
                Be good yu'all and if you can't be good - be careful.



                  Hello my Friends

                  Nice to see you back again

                  Looking forward to the story Bash and nice to see the stress is off for you.
                  Kind regards, Aunty Vic


                    Hello my Friends

                    Hello! And thanks for the welcome on my thread. I will look forward to your story, too.
                    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


                      Hello my Friends

                      Bush...I to look forward to reading your story...It funny we think life is getting better, but by drinking it get worst. nice to see you... i will make sure i'm Good and Careful..

                      family is everything to me


                        Hello my Friends


                        Hi there Bashley, don't "know you" but read a few of your posts so I am looking forward to hearing about your adventures..........and reading your story..............

                        Glad you are getting some (I'm sure) much needed R&R now, and that you got through your last experience safely.


                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

