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Just stumbled over this site....

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    Just stumbled over this site....

    I've been either drunk or hung over for most of the last 3 years. Before that, I could go a couple of weeks without drinking, but when I did, it was usually a LOT. I have gone as long as 48 hours without drinking in the last 3 years...a few times. Not many.

    I have embarrassed myself in front of nearly everyone I know. And somehow, I have managed to convince myself that I'm not doing all that badly because I have a good job, I don't miss work, I get up everyday and drag myself through life with a hangover.

    I'm a health care professional and have done lots of research into addiction. I wrote myself a prescription for naltrexone a year or two ago. It didn't really help. Of course I didn't take it got in the way of drinking.

    I am scheduled to check into Schick Shadle hospital for two weeks of treatment in a couple of weeks. When I told my husband and my adult sons what I was doing they all were very relieved. I kind of expected them to say, "WHY?? You're fine!"

    Denial is a bugger.

    I'm terrified of facing life without alcohol and PISSED that I can't just have ONE glass of wine. Other people can! What's wrong with me?

    Anyway, I'm happy to be here and feel very lucky to have stumbled into this forum.:new:
    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen

    Just stumbled over this site....


    welcome lefty.

    I'm relatively new here myself but have been AF since I joined on Monday. People are very warm and understanding. I'm still taking it ODAT.

    It helps me a lot just to log on here during my witching hours between 7-9pm and read and fill in the drink tracker everymorning. I won't lie, the first few nights were hellish (will I/won't I) and the days are an emotional rollercoaster but still so much better than the numb dumb days spent nursing a hangover.

    Best of luck.


      Just stumbled over this site....

      hey lefty- welcome from me too.

      You're in the worst part, if you ask me. Keep reading and posting. This site has saved my life. I'm 50 something days AF now and feeling really really good. It was a slow process, but so very worthwhile. It just gets better.........

      It's good that you're going to treatment. Hang out with us til you go (and after!).

      WW xx


        Just stumbled over this site....

        Welcome, Lefty.... you aren't alone. The best thing about this site is that you'll meet people in all stages of this struggle- I've only been here since Dec 31st, when I was looking for a justification to have "just one" on New Years Eve. It pisses me off too, that I can't be the normal person who can leave half a glass of wine sitting there because I've had enough....

        The beginning is the hardest, Wonderworld is right. Drink lots of water with lemon, and read, read, read. We are here for you!


        Tampa, FL


          Just stumbled over this site....


          Hello lefty, alcoholism is the curse that we all share on this web site. Well done for taking the first steps. A two-week break will wonderful for you. A clean start. Good luck.


            Just stumbled over this site....

            Hey Lefty! Welcome. I applaud you for taking such measures to beat this addiction. Please stick with us and let us know how it goes.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Just stumbled over this site....

              hi there..lefty..welcome
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Just stumbled over this site....

                Hi Lefty

                Welcome. I'm relatively new here too, but have found this forum and the people to be a lifeline over the last twenty six days. I've accomplished sobriety for that number of days for the first time in many many years with the help of these wonderful people, vitamin supplements, and medication. Yeah, I went into this with full armor, because I'm tired of all the crap. You're in the right place for support. Keep posting, and stay in touch. :welcome:
                Failure is not falling down; it is remaining where you have fallen.


                  Just stumbled over this site....

                  Welcome Lefty! I am so glad to meet you - this site is a godsend - you will meet so many wonderful people - so many non-judgemental people who are in the same stages we all really is a wonderful place to be.

                  I am not yet AF - still struggling but this site has helped me more than I can possibly tell you. Glad to have you with us on this journey.

                  Welcome aboard!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    Just stumbled over this site....

                    Welcome Lefty... check in here often.

                    I had a inner shiver when you relayed thinking people aroud you would think you were overreacting and think you were fine. We are usually the last to know we have a problem...
                    My family/ friends don't talk about it, but I am sure would give a loud FINALLY if I were as brave as you to take the next step.

                    You go sister! Keep us in the loop,

                    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                      Just stumbled over this site....

                      Hi Lefty. This website is a great tool in so many ways to help you where ever you are at. Many people understand and are supportive here. I understand when you mention denial. That is me exactly! I hope you stick around, and do alot of soul searching. Good luck with your treatment, that could be a great opportunity for you.
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        Just stumbled over this site....


                        Hey Lefty

                        Like you I am a health care professional and manage to get up everyday and make it to work and do a good job. Been Af for 10 days now which is probably the longest for me in about 4 years. This site has helped.

                        I looked into the Schick Shadle thing myself, but insurance wouldn't cover it and the cost is pretty extreme. For now I am sticking with just MWO. You'll have to let us know how the Schadle experience works. For some of us, it may be a another option if we can't manage to get in control of things ourselves.

                        Here to chat if you want. I so know what you mean about how much it SUCKS to not be able to go for a drink and just have it be one drink. those people who can realize they are lucky? I wish I could go back to that!


                          Just stumbled over this site....

                          Welcome Lefty!

                          So glad you are here. Odd that you stumbled into us, isn't it?

                          I can understand your feelings of wanting to be able to drink like "everyone" else but you know everyone else does not drink. There are lots of non drinkers out there.

                          Hundreds of thousands. A gazillion.

                          You can be one. If you choose.

                          I hope you do. It's a great life.

                          I found rehab to be a life changing journey.

                          My best to you,

                          magic xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Just stumbled over this site....

                            Welcome !!

                            You've come to the right place.
                            This is a no bullshit site and we are all here for the same reason.
                            We're ALCOHOLICS!!
                            Good luck in the re-hab.


                              Just stumbled over this site....

                              I like you "stumbled" on to this site. I was in a moment of crises(SP?) and it has made a world of difference in my life !!!
                              The most understanding people in world are right here!
                              No judgement's only all the support you can handle.
                              You are on the right path.
                              Best wishes and strength to you!!!


