No tatoos - Just Branding ...
- Maasai I just love the sheep with their new branded names ...
S O B R I E T Y Y That will keep them sober too!! And the cow -- Maybe you could brand the Cow MWO for Maasai's Way Out!!
And Suki and her S O B E R Kitties. I only have 2 kitties. What can I "brand" them? I need some ideas. :groupluv:
Flutterby - So glad you stopped by to see the madness - Don't worry about Dex - She is our Crazy Beloved Kitty who we are soon going to put her very own brand on - Maasai do you have any ideas what we should brand on our Dexie Kitty?
Laura - our happy Laura gets the smilie branding
MM - She gets the (oops I can't say it here but it goes with all the brazillians .... :H
BHOG - He gets the Brand on the back of his bald head - I'll let you guys pick his branding.
Ok - Dexie this might call for it's own thread "Maasai brands his 9 Sheep S O B R I E T Y Y"
OK - I need to get something to eat .... the blood sugar must have dropped I'm feeling a bit goofy.
See Ya'll later