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    March 13 Post em

    March 13 Sticky Note

    The Gift

    Today your sticky note should read ... The Gift. For today the Gift is free Choice. You have a Choice to be Alcohol Free. Oh - I know it seems like we don't. It seems like there is an invisible force making us drink. I can tell you - we do have a choice. I realized tonight that choice is a gift.

    Tonight I sat with a precious 5th grade girl, who just had her leg removed because of a cancerous tumor. She looked right at me with a big smile, wringing her hands and licking her parched dry lips .... "I promised I wouldn't cry - even if I came out of surgery and they took my leg" ... They took her leg - but they didn't take her Spirit. And they didn't take her ability to Choose how she would deal with it.

    I thought to myself ... I am never going to lie to myself about how every choice I make is a beautiful gift I give myself or a twisted mess I tie around my neck. Either way - I own the outcome. Tonight dear friends I am 72 days AF and I realize that every one of those AF days have been a choice I've made. They were a gift I've given myself. So tonight I am asking you ... will you make that choice? Or will you believe the lie that you do not have a choice?
    Your Choice can be your most treasured gift

    I love each of you -
    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")




      Liv, you brought tears to my eyes w/ that story! I am soooooooooo grateful for my "bum" knee, at least I have a leg..................and the strength of that little girl, WOW is all I can say!!

      Thanks for starting us out today w/ such a positive sticky! You inspire me to keep on going when the going gets tough!

      I TRULY love you!!!:h:l

      Mary Anne
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



        The Gift..

        Yes, it is.. and I will treat it as such today... Thank you!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



          Thank you Liv, and all :h :h
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            MARCH MADNESS

            Thank you for reminding me in a most forceful manner what great gifts we have been given, and how we DO have the choice to one forces us to buddy up to AL or ALice!
            Thanks so much for your ever-inspiring stickies!
            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


              MARCH MADNESS

              Thanks Liv!

              : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                MARCH MADNESS

                nice one liv,
                i made a choice today to live my life as per how it is and accepting my life and everything that has happened and be happy for myself.


                  MARCH MADNESS

                  This is my 3rd attempt to write a response to "The Gift". I can't. That was perfect. I don't want to touch it. Thank-you


                    MARCH MADNESS

                    I check in each day for my postie and your post made me cry. Thank you Liv.
                    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                      MARCH MADNESS

                      late day message

                      Hi everyone

                      I didn't mean to be SO emotional in my postie today - but I felt you all embraced the message so I went back to see Allie and told her that I thought her life already had impacted people. She didn't smile today - as she is in a lot of pain. But I know she will smile again. She's a winner. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes for her.

                      On to the weekend. My post em is going to be an old stand by -- but a good reminder for us all - as heading into a weekend can be a tough time for a lot of people. So - post your sticky in an obvious place and remember I AM THINKING ABOUT ALL OF YOU ALWAYS!

                      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                      (from the Movie "Once")


                        MARCH MADNESS

                        March 14 Post em

                        March 14 Post em


                        Hungry - don't get too hungry
                        Angry - Anger is a emotion that needs special care during early recovery
                        - Loneliness is a red flag for relapse
                        - Being tired can cause potential disaster!

                        Basically, whenever you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, you are especially vulnerable so you need to be extra cautious. Being aware of these zones can help you HALT
                        before you fall into a pit.

                        Get your post em pad out and write on it ---- H A L T
                        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                        (from the Movie "Once")


                          MARCH MADNESS

                          Living, I just wanted to say I really enjoy your inspirational quotes. Keep 'em coming.
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            MARCH MADNESS

                            am printing that to my shirt that am putting on today, thanks livin


                              MARCH MADNESS

                              Living, haven't visited your thread as often as I should, but you quotes are amazing, they really make me think. Thanks so much!


                                MARCH MADNESS


                                Hi Lushy, Maasai & Suki ! I love the shirt idea Maasai! You all make me smile - I hope you all have a fantastic Friday - Everyone else out there - Have a great Friday and stay near in all the "madness" :heart:

                                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                                (from the Movie "Once")

