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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all!

    Blowing a gale here so not such a good night's sleep. Busy day ahead (when isn't it!?!)

    I'm going to up my efforts (my drink tracker is NOT pretty) so may well spend a bit of time on the Monthly Abs threads so may not be on this one so often .... just in case you think I have gone MIA!! (I can't be everywhere).

    Love and luck to all of you ODAT for Saturday.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Windy night here as well. Tonight is crunch time for me, we're having some friends over for dinner, they're staying the night, love them but it always turns into a wine fest. I have no intention of joining in but its going to be difficult. Still, I have a cough so I will use the antibiotic excuse and back it up with Lent excuse if needs be. I've planned a really simple menu to cut out the stress during the day. I think I'll move my laptop into the bedroom and will log on here if I get really tempted. I've also planned a day out with sis and the kids 4 sunday, so don't want to get there with a hangover! Busy day ahead. ODAT.

    Ps feel a little more stable today.

    Hope everyone enjoys their day off


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hello to all you ODATers!
      Yes a windy night would be an understatement.Whats going on a earthquake,and a hurricane in one week!!
      Nice and sunny though here in UK,and i hope it is where you are too.Even if its in your mind.Have a great weekend everyone.xx


        ODAT - Saturday

        Morning Bessie, socky, wakupmom and all! We're in the throes of yet another snow storm...don't want to jinx it, but I do hope it's the last one of the season. Now that I've got 29 days AF under my belt, I'm going to focus on eating better and exercising more. Hope you all enjoy a fabulous Saturday! :h


          ODAT - Saturday

          Morning everyone - It's a nice Sunny day here and I'm feeling positive today.

          I'm planning on spending more time on MWO this month and going to get those AF days that I lost back under my belt - I'm with you Bessie - my drink tracker wasn't pretty either (to the point where I didn't even enter in #'s anymore).

          I'm looking forward to a fresh start with March!

          Have a great Saturday everyone,
          Love and Hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Saturday

            Good day everyone. Its a glorious sunny day here in Florida. A hangover free morning, gotta love that! I made it now officially over one week AF, but whos counting. Not me really, just feels good to have had 7 days sober. Have a great weekend meeting your goals.


              ODAT - Saturday

              My second AF Saturday and having my usual glass of orange juice sans AL! Thankfully I have a very busy day with the kids so no time to dwell on the dwellable. Have a great day all!
              Is Addiction Really a Disease?
              Watch this and find out....


                ODAT - Saturday

                What a night!

                Hi everyone, just managed to get the computer to myself today and its 8.30pm!!!! Had an amazing night last night. Went to an evening wedding reception, and had the best night out I've had in years, and I mean years.

                It was day 3 for me yesterday, and I didn't touch a drop last night!! Whats more, I danced and danced and danced till my husband dropped - yep, had to drag me off the dancefloor at 12.30!!!! Dancing was amazing. I have never felt so confident, so free, so HAPPY!!! I looked all around me and the majority of people were either very much under the influence (some having been there all afternoon as well) or well on their way!!! What an eye opener it was for me!! At one point, I just looked around and thought to myself "I want to tell all my MWO friends about this fantastic feeling!!".

                Got a family wedding at the end of March - can't wait!!

                Day 4 for me today, got up at 7am and went swimming (that wouldn't have been possible after last night if I'd had a drink!!). I can't tell you how motivated last night has left me. Instead of feeling "poor me, I can't have a drink" I came away feeling I'd had the best night since....well, I can't remember for years. I actually had the confidence to dance with a bunch of women who I'd never met in my life while my husband was talking with colleagues, I was singing to Gloria Gaynor "I will survive!!" and all the actions. Little did anyone know I was singing about AL!!! "Go on now GO!! Walk out that door, don't turn around now, cause you're not welcome anymore...":H

                Haven't felt tempted at all today, I want to savour that feeling, I don't want to go back.

                Off to catch up on all today's posts now. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Love to you all....

                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Good for you Janice!!
                  Feels great doesn't it.Powerfull.Long may it last.xx


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    I am very happy for you Janice! I love swimming too it an awesome workout. Keep that feeling going!
                    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                    Watch this and find out....


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Hello all ODATers,

                      I spent a long morning on another thread and then went to AA myself.


                      I am so happy to have another day on the face of the planet.

                      And so blessed to have all of you trying to do this journey with me, it was so HARD when I was by myself.

                      We did not have gale force winds or an earthquake. My daffodils are blooming and I "smell" Spring in the air!! so do the birds. They have been singing, tweeting, warbling all day. OMG, that is so special. Glad to be sober for this day, at least.

                      Hope all have had, are having, and will have a wonderful day.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Been alcohol free for about 2 minutes. Feel sick :cupajoe:

                        Just so darn BORED and ALONE.

                        You know, it was a weekend and i didn't speak to a single soul. If i hadn't have worked last night, i would have spent all WEEKEND ALONE.

                        That is the only reason i drink. For a friend. I am so BORED...

                        (and please don't tell me to find a hobby, it's not going to work. I am too depressed to feel capable of interacting with normal people).

                        So fukned up.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          ODAT - Saturday


                          Well, you can interact with us "abnormal" people!!

                          Please do not give up on yourself. We are just a bit different in that we want to drink too much. Nothing else....

                          Hang in there and hang with "us."

                          We understand.

                          AF April 9, 2016

