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    Thank you all for your warm welcome. I will be checking in frequently. I'm still wrestling with whether to try to stop or cut down before going into treatment on 3/16. Amazingly, ever since I actually made the call and set a date, I've been drinking less anyway. Some part of me wants to reserve the right to go all out before the big day....

    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


    The all 'out thing' is overrated... you KNOW that... remember, less is more.

    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison



      If you go 'all out' you will feel lousy, I promise ............



        Good luck Lefty,

        My only advice would be to stop or cut back 3 days before you go since days 3-5 seem to be universally the hardest when going AF and at least you will be in good hands when to going does get tough. That head start will help tremendously and give you confidence going in to your recovery.
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....



          Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I'm actually really surprised at how much I've cut back just because I made the decision to go into treatment. I don't think I can go completely AF until I check into treatment on 3/16, but I think I can promise myself no hangovers, and I will shoot for at least 3 AF days/wk.
          "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen



            Lefty, are you going to in-patient treatment? Do you know how long you'll be there? I'm just wondering if you'll have the same experience that I did.
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."




              I'm going into Shick Shadle for 10 days. I'm excited but terrified. What was your experience?
              "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen




                You MUST let us know how it works or not.

                Schick Schadel is a completely different model than most rehabs. It is aversion therapy.

                We will all be waiting to hear.

                Good luck with it!! I hope it works as well as their website says.

                AF April 9, 2016



                  I was in rehab for a little over 14 days. I didn't get the aversion therapy and that sounds really good to me. I did the detox with librium and other things I don't remember. I had personal and group sessions, plus art activies as part of therapy. After you get used to how things go inside there it's not at all. I really enjoyed it and came out with a trememdous head start. I had 2 1/2 years AF until my doctor said I could probably be someone who moderated. WRONG!!!!! I so wish I hadn't listened.
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



                    Noelle, I'm glad to hear it was a big head start even without diversion. I hear they do aversion therapy with nausea drugs and hypnotherapy with sodium pentathol. Yikes. I have no idea what I could say....I hope I never have to see those people again

                    I don't need detox, I just need a smack upside the head to get myself under control. I hope 10 day of S-S (and $20,000) can do it.

                    Cindi, I will most certainly keep you posted. They have high speed internet and encourage you to bring a laptop. I'll be posting from the 'inside'. I'd better request they NOT let me touch the laptop til the sodium pentathol wears off. :eeks:
                    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen



                      Oh, I didn't notice that about the nausea drugs and truth serum!!!! Well, it must work or people wouldn't come back. I'd keep and open mind about it though. I had no idea what they were going to do when I went in. I kind of liked it that way.

                      Maybe they do the sodium pentathol privately? In any case, you won't ever see those people again, so try not to worry about it. All you need to do is be yourself and everything will fall into place a lot easier.

                      That's cool you can bring your laptop. I can't wait to read your posts from the "inside!!!"
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



                        Wow, big step...good for you. I would skip the "big blow out". Will make you miserable!!!! We all know that. The therapy sounds very interesting, would hate to see what I said.




                          That is awesomw for you...I have heard of Shick Shadel and wondered about it myself.I am another one who will be anxiously awasiting your posts "from the inside" and after as well!I think aversion therapy sounds amazing.
                          nOELLE,would you mind if I asked you what type of place you went to?It sounds kinda up my alley :O)..
                          have a great day,all!:l




                            Good luck to you! Take everything you can out of it.

                            I am with you.....Don't need the detox, just a big slap across the head and someway to keep me that way! :')

                            Best Wishes,
                            Hugs, Bambi
                            "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney




                              Yeah, keep us posted as to what it is like "inside"..............never been to one, but have thought numerous times that I needed to be in one! I think if you go in w/ an open mind you will be amazed w/ the outcome!!

                              good luck, keep us posted on your time .................


                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

