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l done something very silly

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    l done something very silly

    l can not belive how silly l was last night,,, l have got a abses in my tooth,,, and it was killing me could not get to see anyone for it,,, was at hospital for 6 houres with b,freind and work before it was late when l got home,,,, so l got a very small bottal of wiskey,,to nume it,,,,l am one of the people who can not have just one drink,,,
    but l did it l spat it out and done it agine when l went to bed,,, am still sore this morrning but no hangover,,, am so proud of my self... but l will never tak a chance like that agine
    there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning

    l done something very silly

    Hi Kaddy,
    I can so relate to the toothache it is awfull.I really hope you get it sorted out soon.I expect you were given antibiotics and some strong painkillers.Well done with resisting the urge to numb the pain with booze!A warm water bottle helps. xx


      l done something very silly

      WELL DONE ! a great achievement !!

      Next time, try the proper drugs eh?? lol
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        l done something very silly

        yippeeee Kaddy


          l done something very silly

          Good for you Kaddy!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            l done something very silly

            Kaddy!!! How strong of you to have it in your mouth and spit it out! Way to go!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              l done something very silly

              WOW Kaddy, you spat it out :shocked:well done!!!!!!!


                l done something very silly

                Kaddy, Well Done.:cheering

                Here's the silliest thing I've done lately.... last Saturday, I was struck with the flu, and it wiped me out for the count. However, I had a meeting about 4 hours away on Tuesday that I could not cancel, so I went. On my way home that evening, I was still running a fever, and I was just exhausted! I went ahead and drove home, through a series of wicked thunderstorms.

                Well, my nose was runny, and rather than keep blowing it, I shoved a Kleenex tissue up my nostril and kept driving. I had to stop for a toll, went through the toll booth.... greeted the lady, gave her my money, got the change, wished her a great night....

                You guessed it. With the Kleenex still jammed in my nose. It wasn't until I left the toll booth and put away my change that I realized I still had it in my nostril. No wonder she gave me "that look"?!?!?


                Tampa, FL


                  l done something very silly

                  Kaddy, hi. A big well done for spitting it out, the whiskey that is.... You need a big pat on the back......

                  Question is though, did it numb the pain?
                  TIGGER1 :l

                  Formerly Mr Boop


                    l done something very silly

                    Way to go, Kaddy!! Good for you. I hope you get your tooth fixed soon.
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      l done something very silly

                      that is a great acheivement well done and good on you
                      ~ I am better than this devil AL ~:new:


                        l done something very silly

                        hahahaaaahahahahahaaah - at least you did not have a tapon stuck up your nose. I have heard people will do that to stop a bloody nose.

                        Not Happy Hour-Happy Life;282529 wrote: Kaddy, Well Done.:cheering

                        Here's the silliest thing I've done lately.... last Saturday, I was struck with the flu, and it wiped me out for the count. However, I had a meeting about 4 hours away on Tuesday that I could not cancel, so I went. On my way home that evening, I was still running a fever, and I was just exhausted! I went ahead and drove home, through a series of wicked thunderstorms.

                        Well, my nose was runny, and rather than keep blowing it, I shoved a Kleenex tissue up my nostril and kept driving. I had to stop for a toll, went through the toll booth.... greeted the lady, gave her my money, got the change, wished her a great night....

                        You guessed it. With the Kleenex still jammed in my nose. It wasn't until I left the toll booth and put away my change that I realized I still had it in my nostril. No wonder she gave me "that look"?!?!?


