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I'm sorry i don't know about the primrose and L-carnitine,but i know you shouldn't take D-phenylalanine,L-phenylalanine and some other supps if you have high blood pressure.Best ask your doc.I'm on meds for high B/p so i'm trying to be careful with the supps as some Amino Acids lower B/p.There for a combination of meds and some aminos could lower it too far.I'm hoping my B/p is going to be a bit lower the next time i get it checked as i think it was the drink that put it up in the first place.Hope this helped.
Thanks for the info. Are you using the Kudzu or the protein drink? MD wouldn't give me topomax but increased my tranq instead saying it would do the same thing. My cravings have lessened a bit but not completely. I'm still having couple glasses of wine a night. Better than starting all day but I'm not satisfied...
Your MD is WRONG!!!!! TOPA DOESN'T WORK THE SAME WAY AS TRANQUILIZERS! A tranquillizer is a depressant and will works in a similar WAY as alcohol, so yes, you will likely drink less for a while, until your body gets used to the tranquillizer. But the habit piece of drinking might then get you, unless you are really determined, and then your drinking will probably go up again, and you'll be stuck with both:eek . Not a pretty picture! Even with topa it is still work! There are some other people on the site who have been cross addicted to both tranquilizers and alcohol, and they have had quite a time trying to get off both, so PLEASE be careful!!
If you haven't done so already, go to the FAQ section (either under Just Starting Out? or on the main page) and print out the Lancet article and get your doc to read it thoroughly. If your doc still doesn't get it, it might be time to look into another doctor. A psychiatrist might be a better bet, or even an addictions specialist!
If you didn't want to use topa, tranquillizers CAN have their place for a FEW DAYS as you come off alcohol, but in my personal opinion, (actually, my psychiatrist's opinion, too) they don't have any LONG-TERM usefullness in addictions treatment.
Just my very strongly-worded two cents' here!!! Don't want to be overwhelming, but I get really pissed off about docs that don't know what they're talking about!>:
Hugs, and good luck!
Hey sorry that I got off on the rant, there, although I still agree with everything that I said!!:lol
Re your question about supps, there shouldn't be a problem with the primrose or the l-carnitine, as these just help with the production of substances that your body needs to function normally and that alcohol robs it of. (Bad grammar there, sorry!)
Most amino acids should work very well with the medications that you are on. Many people on the site are taking medication for depression, and an off label use of topa is also for bipolar disorder, as well. Kudzu is an herb and if you can't get topa, it can help a great deal with controlling cravings. I would take it any day over using tranquilizers for any length of time!!! I am taking topa, and I didn't really value kudzu much until I got a bad sinus infection, and between that and the topa I was so dopey I literally could not think. I had to cut back on topa and so upped the kudzu. It helped very well until I got sinuses under control and could titrate up again on topa.
Hope this helps. Again, sorry for my rant, but I really do get angry at doctors! Well not all of them, and not mine, because I have terrific doctors! But some I've heard about on this site just make me want to spit nails! Please educate yourself. You are your own best friend in advocating for the best treatment possible for yourself!!!
Good luck and welcome to MWO!
Hi Nancy.
I think it is shocking that your doc would give you this advice.He obviously hasn't a clue.My mother was addicted to A/Depps and tranquilizers for many years.She always maintained that thay made her want to drink even more and of course her doc wouldn't believe her.he told her that the meds would stop her craving alcohol if she took them long enough(what s..t)In them days you took everything the doc said as gospel .Shop around for a more up to date doc.Sorry but he sounds like he/shes stuck in the thirtys,thats if he/she is older and what excuses has he/she got if younger.kathys Right find a new doc that has an open mind.
And sorry i should have been a bit clearer on the info about the aminos. I started to take all the supps as advised then did a bit of research my self.I found that i was over doing some of the aminos. between what i was taking(wheatgrass,spirulina,aflfa and a amino compleat)i was definitely over doing L-phenylalanine and D-phenylalanine.So now i'm a bit more careful with what i take.The info i got on L-phenylalanine and D-ph... was from the book Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Joan Mathews Larson.It states that these aminos should not be taken by those with high bp or taking MAO inhibitors for depression.
Kudzu,i took for the first 10 to 12 days which realy helped with craving but i found that Glutamine took the lead.I had read some of the posts that had said the glutamine worked within mins and found that it did for me to.
Good luck and hope this helps
Thanks to all for your advice. I'm having a terrible time even thinking straight on the topa. don't know whether to sh or go blind. should I continue with kudzu? quit topa? I'm miserable. will say I've noticed a difference in my craving. from 2 bottles to 1 1/2. Please give me advice. don't want to live this way.
Second opinion sounds very smart.
Oh, and to respond to a specific message within a thread, click the third button on the lower right side below the message (looks like a pen and quill.) This is a bit confusing, I know, it should say "Respond". I'll see if I can change that.
Very good thread and here are some thoughts:
* Evening primrose oil does, in fact, help reduce high blood pressure. It's a member of the willow family and shouldn't be a problem unless you're taking large amounts with a blood thinning medication or suffer with epilepsy. In addition to helping with alcohol withdrawal and craving, it is also beneficial in treating PMS, arthritis, psoriasis and a number of other conditions.(Recommended effective dose is 1,500 to 3,000 mg per day. We suggest 2,600 in our program, but of course you may customize and take less if you wish.)
* L-Cartenine appears to help prevent or repair liver and other cell damage caused by alcohol abuse. However, we do not include it our program because many who take it experience nausea, vomiting, insomnia and other side effects. We think it could exacerbate GI problems some individuals seem to have when they start MWO. We also believe the blend of amino acids recommended for MWO and found in All One and/or Amino Complete (and other brands certainly) contain an excellent mix of amino acids to aid in withdrawal, craving reduction and improved overall health.
* L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid (D-phenylalanine has the same chemical make-up, but is synthetic and produced in a lab.) The most important reported contraindication is for those who suffer with a rare condition called phenylketonuria (PKU). Large doses should not be consumed by those with high blood pressure. It's often used to treat depression and pain, with a recommended dose of up to 4,000 mg a day. Our blended product contains 418 mg.
* Physicians sometimes prescribe a tranquilizer to help ease early withdrawal symptoms, but they do not act in the same way (long term) as the new anti-craving medications. They may also be very addictive. In addition, docs sometimes issue anti-depressants rather than Topamax, Campral, Naltexone, etc. but some antidepressants may actually increase craving, particularly for certain drinker sub-types. I posted information about this earlier and it can be found in our archives.
* Regarding cognitive effects of Topamax: if they are particularly bothersome, you may wish to titrate up at a slower level. This has been helpful to many. Others, working with a health care provider, may choose to add a nootroptic (smart med) like Olmifon or Provigil in the short term. I personally found it helpful; others have told me they became agitated. If you look at a number of older posts, you'll find info about this.
* Please note: All One is not a protein drink, but contains 18 naturally occurring amino acids within its protein formula. Unlike true protein drinks (such as those often used by body builders, dieters, etc.) it is a high potency blend of over 50 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and anti-oxidants.
* As Dr. Garcia often recommends, you may wish to talk with your pharmacist when you pick up your meds, as they usually have access to an extensive on site database. Let him or her know what new supplements you're now taking (keep in mind, our recommendation for the intensive period of combined vitamin/mineral/amino acids/herbs supplementation is six weeks as you withdraw from alcohol, eliminate craving and begin a program of moderation or abstinence. Many continue to use All One or a similar product afterwards, along with a couple other supps (e.g. Kudzu and L-Glutamine). They find it makes for a really good long-term maintenance program. Other amino acids are sometimes added, but we do caution you to research carefully before taking them. I am a big proponent of Joan Matthew Larson's book, Seven Weeks to Sobriety--in fact I recommend it on my Amazon reader's list, as many of you know. I followed the program myself several years ago with limited success but we encourage everyone to investigate all available therapies and find one that works for them. If you have adopted MWO, please be prudent when adding new supps to your existing program. More is not always better, especially if you're also taking other medication.
Hope that's helpful, and thanks for the feedback above. I'll work on the "reply" button today so individual posts are easier to address.
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trying again wrote: lluf
How do I get my reply to you? Can't work this message board so that I can read reply from my most recent questions?