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Ducks almost in a row

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    Ducks almost in a row

    I have all the items from MWO and I get my prescription on Monday. I'm very excited but worried about the side effects. The only one I'm really worried about is the anxiety. I often suffer from extreme anxiety and panic like attacks. I tried the calms forte one night and it seemed to agitate me even more. Has anyone else experienced this? I hope it is just getting ready nerves.:h

    Ducks almost in a row

    :welcome: Evangeline!! I 'm not using the prescription. I do have the "True Calm" from MWO, not sure if it is the same as calmes fortes? I also suffer from anxiety and am on another med for that. glad you found us, this is an amazing group.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      Ducks almost in a row

      Thanks for your reply. I've taken Xanax for years for the anxiety, but will be unable to take it when I start the Topamax. I drink absolutely no caffeine and stay away from anything that has it, but I still get agitated at times. I am however, going to jump in with both feet.


        Ducks almost in a row

        I also suffer from severe anxiety... I was prescribed xanax, but a therapist I saw last week told me that xanax is like dry alcohol, and I could kill myself by taking it! Sheesh. I just can't win huh! I am supposed to start Naltrexone on Wednesday and antdepressedants. So hopefully I'll be taking the high road.

        I am just feeling really lonesome today...


          Ducks almost in a row

          I've been taking the Xanax for years off and on and never had a problem with it. Of course, the number one rule is, YOU NEVER TAKE IT WHILE DRINKING. Xanax has helped me thru many a panic attack. Sometimes I've gone months in between taking it. I've been on several antidepressants over the years including effexor, paxil and wellbutrin and after going through the debilitating side effects of getting completely off them, I've come to the conclusion that exercise is just as effective in alleviating my depression and lonliness and the side effects are great. I read a great quote last week and it really inspired me. In the newspaper article a man said, "motivation follows action, a lot of people think it is the other way around, but it is not". I felt like a light bulb went on. He is absolutely right. We have to take action, we have to get moving, even if we don't feel like it, because our actions will motivate us to do more. I wrote his quote in big letters on a poece of paper and taped it to my mirror. I'm going to make it my mantra.


            Ducks almost in a row

            Is it ok to take xanax with a hangover? I have some, and I feel like I am going to lose it right now. but I am scared to take it since I am hungover...
            I hate this feeling of anxiety.


              Ducks almost in a row

              Yes, you can taker it for a hangover. I never take more than .25 at a time.


                Ducks almost in a row

                Evangeline - I did notice that when I first started taking the calmes forte that it gave me a bit of an "anxiety attack", something like heartburn? But, after my body adjusted, it was the best supplement of the lot...I took it all day (one about every 3 hours and then 3 at bedtime) to keep my nerves in check and to help me sleep. Really, the side effect only lasted a couple of days. It's worth the wait - that little pill ROCKS!!!!


                  Ducks almost in a row

                  Evangeline - calms forte is great stuff - you can take it in combination with valerian root and/or melatonin at night, and it will really help you sleep - one of the most common side effect of quitting drinking is not being able to sleep at night - well, this really helps.

                  Good luck to you in your journey!
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    Ducks almost in a row

                    Good to know. I'll stick with it.


                      Ducks almost in a row

                      Welcome Evangeline,
                      You sound so ready to do this! You have really made a plan and received your supplies! I wish you much success! Stay close and use the support system here!

                      Take Care!
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007

