My first thread. Great site. Over the years I have often wondered, "Why can't I drink normally?" Well what is a "normal drinker"? Certainly not me. Daily drinking to acheive a "buzz" to a nice mellow fog to go to sleep in. Drifting into drinking daily to maintain the buzz all day. At times I became a wino, ie a drink first thing in the mourning (that's what it feels like many times) to stay ahead of the hang over, then two more to "feel normal", then two more to feel good again. Fortunatly I was able to confine this indulgence to my days off. I happen to work for the best boss in the world, (myself) so I could take many days off or even work over the limit at home. But the hangovers got worse, I was in danger of messing up my family life and work and finally the 4 day hangover hit. DTs wo the hallucinations. I had to quit or moderate. So far I can only moderate. To quit altogether is too much without substituting drugs like diazapines and perscription sleeping pills. The longest I was totally dry in 35 years was 21 days and that was only to avoid cluster type migraine headaches. In going through the web I was attracted to this site by the suggestion of moderation. I hope that is "my way". I will try out the herbals and maybe the anti craving drugs. The CD's sound enticing. And a pledge not to drink while I am at this site or on moderation chats if anysuch thing exists. So that could easily take care of 1-2-3 hours in a night, the hardest time to moderate.
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Why can't I drink normally
Why can't I drink normally
My first thread. Great site. Over the years I have often wondered, "Why can't I drink normally?" Well what is a "normal drinker"? Certainly not me. Daily drinking to acheive a "buzz" to a nice mellow fog to go to sleep in. Drifting into drinking daily to maintain the buzz all day. At times I became a wino, ie a drink first thing in the mourning (that's what it feels like many times) to stay ahead of the hang over, then two more to "feel normal", then two more to feel good again. Fortunatly I was able to confine this indulgence to my days off. I happen to work for the best boss in the world, (myself) so I could take many days off or even work over the limit at home. But the hangovers got worse, I was in danger of messing up my family life and work and finally the 4 day hangover hit. DTs wo the hallucinations. I had to quit or moderate. So far I can only moderate. To quit altogether is too much without substituting drugs like diazapines and perscription sleeping pills. The longest I was totally dry in 35 years was 21 days and that was only to avoid cluster type migraine headaches. In going through the web I was attracted to this site by the suggestion of moderation. I hope that is "my way". I will try out the herbals and maybe the anti craving drugs. The CD's sound enticing. And a pledge not to drink while I am at this site or on moderation chats if anysuch thing exists. So that could easily take care of 1-2-3 hours in a night, the hardest time to moderate.Tags: None
Why can't I drink normally
Hey, and welcome.
It would be nice to drink 'normally' wouldnt i? sigh....
It sounds like you are serious, good luck to you!Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line
Why can't I drink normally
Hi Ramlinric,
just like to say :welcome: to mwo.
i dont think there is no such word normal drinking for me. Good luck in mod, there is a thread monthly modertion and the people there seem to be doing well at mod. this site is a great place with great people.
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
Why can't I drink normally
Welcome, Ramblinric!
The million-dollar question.."why can't I drink normally?"
I think we all want that answered. But for me I have quit searching. I had to. The answer was consuming me, as was alcohol. I tried to moderate for years to no avail. I am AF (alcohol free). That is my choice and has been a great freedom in my life. It was a hard choice, but the right one for me.
There is a fantasic group of Mod-sters here. As Teardrop said, look for the Monthly Moderation thread and post there. Ask a lot of questions.. it is real important to stay close and get to know people in the beginning. There are a lot of very helpful folks here.
Good luck!!!
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Why can't I drink normally
Hello and welcome. The great thing about this programme is you can take bits of it and tailor it to your own needs. Different aspects of it work for different people and the best advice I can give is be open and flexible. At times your goals may change from moderating to being AF. You will get lots of support here and you can get all the ifo and inspiration you need from reading old threads and by starting ones yourself. All the very best of luck.
Why can't I drink normally
Hi Ramblinric! Welcome to MWO. Remeber, you are not alone. Many of here on this site have been successful with moderating and/or abstaining. Either path you choose, you will find lots of support here. Don't feel shy to "let it all out". Most of "have been there and have done that". We all relate to each other in one story or another. Good for you in searching the web for answers. The people on this site are going to offer lots of great suggestions. We are here to pick you up when you are down, and are here to praise you so that you remain strong. -ReenieSeptember 23, 2011
Why can't I drink normally
Welcome to a wonderful slice of humanity, struggling in so many different ways against BIG AL. You will obtain ideas for yourself and lots of support, no matter what.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Why can't I drink normally
Welcome Ram,
Glad you found the amazing group! We have all asked that question, millions of time and no boubt have many numerous attempts to "Drink Normally". I also think that you will find that most of us came here with the notion, that we could and would learn to drink "normally", without fear of over indulging.
Whatever you find, I hope that you are able to find, Your Way Out. By the way, along with the supps and CD's, I highly recomend reading the book. It really gives you a lot of insight and understanding.
KateHA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Why can't I drink normally
:welcome: You're not alone in this locale, buddy! Write away! I'm starting with mods myself, and am gaining so much strength from these folks. With nutrition and supps, I'm finding that AL has lost its appeal and kick, but I'm still ingesting. (Seems kinda stupid, but most of these folks know where I'm coming from). I know there will be a point where I tell myself "yuck," so I'm being patient with myself. My next big step is one day AF, and you can bet I'll be rejoicing right here. I'm aiming for AF later on and know it is going to happen. Why? If there's no kick, no reward, and I'm already telling myself 'well, that was a waste of good calories,' it is only a matter of time. Hell, I broke my addiction to chocolate and soda....this one's just a little slower to eliminate. But mods is getting me to my eventual goal, and I refuse to beat myself up that I'm "not there yet." The support here is lovely. AA meetings cannot be my route, as I live in a very small town, am known professionally, have 2 kids and limited resources. I feel part of this community, and can show up at 1 AM if I want to. :thanks: everybody!
Why can't I drink normally
Ram, welcome. You sound commited to your goals. I'm proud of you already.
I too joined and wanted to mod, but was told I should go AF for a while first. Well, Af feels so good, I haven't wanted to mod. But you'll find what works for you.
Good luck on your journey. Just get a plan together and stick to it. We are here for you every step of the way.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Why can't I drink normally
Welcome here. Your amongst friends. I cant drink normally either, and it sucks! Sometimes I try to think of it like this. Just as a diabetic should not have sugar, we are chemically imbalanced and should not have alcohol. I hope you stick around and meet some of your goals, it will be worth it!I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!