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ODAT Sunday

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    ODAT Sunday

    Bessie, get your arse out of bed! :H I was such a good girl last night I drank hot chocolate and watched a movie. That was instead of paying bills and such but thant can be worked on today. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and meets their goal & that Luvuall likes AA.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT Sunday

    Hey! I've been away from my bed since 5.30am! But I'm trying to wean myself off the ODAT thread and stick to the March Madness and Long Term Abstainers (as if!!? but I can only hope some of that rubs off on me) forum instead.

    I'll pop in on this one but won't be so manic about starting it.!

    Well done you on the hot choccy and movie. I could really do with a night like that. Last night was working on getting the holiday let ready until about 9, takeaway pizza and bed ... but no Al. And that is the important bit. And there won't be any tonight either. There will, unfortunately, be lots more work instead.......

    Bessie xx (knackered and now wondering how to entertain two elderly parents in law who are visiting tomorrow for a few days.....)


      ODAT Sunday

      Okay, i've been AF for about 1 hr and 2 mins now. Reached that point where you feel nothing, if you know what i mean. Have a headache etc... blah blah blah.

      Know i have to get out of this. Have a glass of wine next to me, am going to flush it. Am going to freeze the rest of my $21.00 bottle of wine (too expensive to throw out). OKay, here goes.

      I hope everyone has had a better day than i have had. I just don't feel motivated to give up. Alcohol is my only reliable friend right now (or so it feels). Have already cried for about 2 hrs :upset:. It's pathetic.
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        ODAT Sunday

        Bessie;282922 wrote: Hey! I've been away from my bed since 5.30am! But I'm trying to wean myself off the ODAT thread and stick to the March Madness and Long Term Abstainers (as if!!? but I can only hope some of that rubs off on me) forum instead.

        I'll pop in on this one but won't be so manic about starting it.!

        Well done you on the hot choccy and movie. I could really do with a night like that. Last night was working on getting the holiday let ready until about 9, takeaway pizza and bed ... but no Al. And that is the important bit. And there won't be any tonight either. There will, unfortunately, be lots more work instead.......

        Bessie xx (knackered and now wondering how to entertain two elderly parents in law who are visiting tomorrow for a few days.....)
        Give them a backgammon board. Lol. Only joking :shocked:.
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          ODAT Sunday

          I'll be your friend, change.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT Sunday

            Good morning ODAT-ers! Hope you don't mind me popping in. I'm still one day at a time - for sure! And I do read the thread every day.. it helps me a lot. So thanks.

            Green~ Congrats on the hot chocolate.. you sound great. Funny thing about bills, they actually do wait - sigh...

            Bessie~ Good on you for taking the plunge and jumping into the March Madness. it is a bigger step, but you can do it!

            Change~ I am sorry you feel bad this morning, but it really is one day at a time and tomorrow is another day. So concentrate on today. What can you do today? Maybe go ahead and pour out that $21 bottle of wine. Frozen wine tastes like shit, even the good stuff. If you have it you will eventually drink it, otherwise you wouldn't keep it. So, be strong and let it go. It is all about you being in charge here. So, take charge with this one thing - that is what you can do today, this day.

            Thanks again for letting me pop in and say hello... have a good Sunday and do something fantastic for yourselves today.

            Namaste, my friends...

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              ODAT Sunday

              Hi there all you ODAT'ers.Hope you are all having a great sunday.Just wanted to say thinking of you all.Exspecially you Mums-Happy Mothers Day!! xx


                ODAT Sunday

                Hello everyone,
                Back from my cruise - I hope everyone is well and I didn't miss too much, I will try and catch up on my reading today. Good job last night greeneyes!

                I have upped my dosage of Topa about 3 days ago and am really encouraged by the results. Friday night I actually poured my glass of wine BACK INTO the bottle. What's up with that? Last night I had 2 glasses and watched a movie. Tonight I plan to be AF and see how the week goes. I hate this dopey feeling though. I can deal with the tingly hands and feet but the word retrieval issues and the cognitive malfunction may cause problems at work...I'm going to stick with it for now, I understand the side effects go away...I shall post in the other thread on that.

                Hang in there change, I find setting a daily goal helps instead of looking at the big picture. I'm not there yet. I get too frustrated and scared and then I "give up". I set daily attainable goals and when I meet them I feel more confident. We each have to find our own way here. Hang in there, you can do this.
                Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                  ODAT Sunday

                  hi everyone! Day 5 for me and feeling good....had a lovely Mother's Day with my husband, daughter and mum-in-law. Had a lovely walk and just going to tuck into roast pork with all the trimmings!! Hubby is in the middle of his 2nd or 3rd glass of wine, not sure, haven't been really bothered, been out in the garden, just come in and opened my can of diet coke!!

                  love to all,

                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    ODAT Sunday

                    Hi Friends. Well, I wish I could be posting today and say I had a sober Saturday night, but nope! I was shopping during the day, and just casually put a bottle of wine in my cart. Even ended up drinking more than a bottle of wine when a co worker stopped over. So of course I have a headache today. Im going to get back on the wagon tommorrow, and try to string longer time than I have.


                      ODAT Sunday

                      Deena;283042 wrote: I find setting a daily goal helps instead of looking at the big picture. I'm not there yet. I get too frustrated and scared and then I "give up". I set daily attainable goals and when I meet them I feel more confident.
                      Thanks Deena,

                      I did set a goal today because i am semi-unemployed and need to find a job. I decided, in all my tragedy last night, that i needed a clear head today in order to deal with my decisions and write my resume.

                      Well, it worked. Found a great job on Seek and will be applying tomorrow. The goal for tonight? To stay sober in order to apply for the job tomorrow. Don't have a goal for tomorrow, but it will be work, if i am called in. If not, i think it will be a walk, or the gym and a phone call to a friend. If all else fails, i will go to AA (yes, i am that desperate), or set some business goals for the evening (i am currently researching some business ideas).

                      *Sigh*. So, it was really hard tonight. 6:30pm is my drinking time. Really had to fight the urge to go to the bottle shop. There is one on every corner here. Umph...

                      So, yeah, thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I just need to get through tomorrow night and the one after. Once i've done it for a few days, it will become slightly easier. I will have to set strict goals for tomorrow evening (that will be hard).

                      And, greeneyes, i'm glad you'll be my friend! I have green eyes too.

                      See everyone tomorrow
                      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                        ODAT Sunday

                        OverIt2007;283195 wrote: Hi Friends. Well, I wish I could be posting today and say I had a sober Saturday night, but nope! I was shopping during the day, and just casually put a bottle of wine in my cart. Even ended up drinking more than a bottle of wine when a co worker stopped over. So of course I have a headache today. Im going to get back on the wagon tommorrow, and try to string longer time than I have.
                        Don't give up, just try again today.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

