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Taking Back Control

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    Taking Back Control

    Hey there. I found this site last week and am so glad that I did. I now know that I AM NOT ALONE!! That there are others out there who are just like me! I have been in tears whilst reading some of the posts - I always thought it was just me, but everything that I experience because of my drinking (guilt, self hatred, insomnia, fear etc, etc, etc) has been described and discussed on this site AND without judgement.

    I'm still deciding to do the program, but just reading all the comments has been inspirational so far and I'd like to say thanks to everyone. I think my life might finally change.


    Taking Back Control

    Hi Judy

    I remember being in your "place" almost six months ago. I remember the tears and the guilt and the despair.

    Keep reading the posts, and if you decide to do the program - we'll welcome you with open arms. Just knowing you're not on your own is the first step.

    I believe you CAN change your life.



      Taking Back Control

      Welcome Judy!!! You have come to the right place!!!!:happy

      You will love coming here, reading, posting etc.....get started and see what it is all about......just keep your chin up:happy :P :h
      Mary Anne


        Taking Back Control


        I can relate to all those feelings: guilt, self-hate, fear, not the insomnia though. I usually passed out. Night sweats, yes. Now, I absolutely love MWO. It is fantastic. I felt my life was spiraling downward and now I feel like there is hope. I am moderating. I had 3 glasses of wine last night. I still am kicking myself for pouring myself that 3rd glass!! In the words of Joyce Meyer: I'm not where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I was.


          Taking Back Control

          Hi Judy,

          Welcome! No, you certainly are not alone! I felt the same relief as you when I first found this site. I expect many of us here did! We will do what ever we can to help you get on your way! Best of luck!



            Taking Back Control

            Ditto for me, Judy. I'm just starting today so I'll need all the help and support I can get. :eek :h


              Taking Back Control

              Hi Judy, Welcome aboard! This is a great place... and you're definatly not alone! That self- loathing is the "Pitts"!! I used to lay awake all night worrying about everything I was screwing up in my life....(pretty much all of it!), and not be able to sleep at all, then in the morning, search the house for any hidden alcohol, after Hubby left for work... So I could try & numb myself out to get thru the day.... :c ...
              What a life! :c
              Don't miss that part!.....:happy :P :d Welcome Again...:d Judie:h


                Taking Back Control

                Re: taking back control

                Hi Judi,
                welcome to this wonderful place. I have only been here for a week myself, but have already felt the tremendous impact all the other members have had on me. Keep reading and sharing. It's as if someone has lifted a gargantuan mill stone from around your neck and all of a sudden there is hope where there was non.


                  Taking Back Control

                  Re: taking back control

                  Thanks everyone for your words of support and encouragement. Its morning here now and after reading the responses I am feeling very empowered and will definitely download the book today. I know it has been said before - I can't talk to those nearest and dearest to me about my problem but I find it suprisingly easy to 'talk' to you guys.

                  Does moderation really work - its just that everything I have heard or read says that the only way to be 'cured' is to go cold turkey and totally abstain forever (no nice little patches or chewing gum for drinkers!!!). But I don't want to completely give up the wine, just be able to enjoy a glass of good Aussie shiraz with dinner and not want to drink two bottles of the stuff!

                  Also for any other Aussies out there, are the supplements available here or do we need to order online? Are there any Customs or Quarantine problems that anyone knows about?

                  Have a great day



                    Taking Back Control

                    taking back control

                    What's that about quarantine? Are you intending to import an entire Kudzu vine? Don't. Invasive is an understatement.


                      Taking Back Control

                      Re: taking back control

                      Hey Judy, come check out our Moderation thread.. It's just down below the General discussion, & Just Starting Out, Threads on the Main page. I think it works...has been for me since Jan. of this year... 7 1/2 mo! A "Hellofa"-lot better than any Re-hab(thousands & thousands $$), or AA, ever did!!:eek :P :d ...Judie

