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My excuses

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    My excuses

    Welcome Steer. Welcome Bushdrop.

    I hope you find the support you need here- I've never been to an AA meeting, but it is my fear of meeting someone who is comfortable with this disease that would like come up to be at the local grocery store and say, "Hey! I haven't seen you at the meetings lately!" I'm sure that the AA veterans on this site can correct this stigma that I feel, but that's how I am.

    This is YOUR way out. Not mine. Not your wife's way. Not your parent's. It's yours, so if this site is enough, so be it (it's working for me). I have not done the CD or the Topamax, but I've read the book and I'm now a supplement junkie. I take a Vitamin B complex, Calcium with Magnesium, Flaxseed Oil, Vitamine E, L Glut, Chromium, Selenium, and a "Liv 52" complex that I read about here.

    The supplements help get your liver back to work. It's proven that alcohol interferes with the your liver's ability to break down foods into the necessary vitamins, so even if you don't suffer a physical addiction, the supplements help your body and your energy level.

    Don't be worried if you start craving sugar- that's normal. It helps to have hard candy, tootsie rolls, or chocolate kisses nearby. Also, if you feel you need something to drink at night in your favorite glass, cranberry juice mixed with sparkling water and a twist of lime is a wonderful alternative that's good for you, too. :dancin:

    Best wishes. You guys can do this! :cheering You don't have to decide whether this will be a lifetime commitment, or just a breather for 30 days. After 30 days, you can choose.

    Bushdrop, there may be a day when you can split a bottle of wine with your significant other, but why don't you work on getting your body back into shape before popping open that bottle...

    Tampa, FL


      My excuses

      Steer, Bushdrop!
      :welcome: To a really great site if you want to beat AL out of your life! The support and help on here is amazing. I was a 4-5 martini a night guy, then wine...finally decided I had enough and had to stop.I found this site and it has been amazing. I do have a dr I can talk to about the cravings, etc. and he has been wonderfully supportive. Also I have a wife that is very happy I am kicking AL out..she love me and wants me back.
      I hope to hear more from both of you. Oh, and if you slip and stumble, don't let it keep you away. We all have done that..we learn from those experiences.
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        My excuses


        Hi and welcome Steer and bushdrop!!

        you have found an AWESOME site, we are here for for the AA stuff, I think I have FINALLY found meetings I love, no pressure from people to "get a sponsor", "work the steps".........I am doing it "MY WAY" this time, with MWO and AA, I think I have a chance to really make it!:thumbs:

        Read and post often, get the book and supplements you want (I don't use them all) Even (If you are comfortable doing so) get meds from your doc..............I did,and take Campral every day...............I really think it helps!:cheering

        hope to see you often!!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          My excuses

          bushdrop;283527 wrote: Here's my story... I too partied a lot in college, and somewhere along the line I drank at home, and dipped tobacco to slow down the beers. I'm most worried about the tobacco, and know that I never want it unless I'm drinking beer by myself before bed. Never really knew there was anything wrong with the drinking (my father always preached no more than a beer an hour and my mom just warned me not to drink and drive.) I've become alcohol dependent, though. I had to drink before I went to work or my hands wouldn't be coordinated enough to do my job well, so I took some time off for that. Whenever I stop cold turkey I am a total insomniac (even with prescription sleep aids), and I get gout attacks. I haven't had a drink since Saturday, and now I can barely walk. It's almost backwards for me. My parents split a bottle of wine before bed every night (but no tobacco,) and funtion well, so they really can't to relate to my demons.
          Anyhow, I just started the program today with all the supplements and the first cd. No exercise yet until I stop limping, and no prescriptions yet, but I have no cravings. I know most of my triggers (easily intolerant of certain behavior, and getting stuck going at home tonight to watch my favorite tv shows or a dvd) and I've learned to avoid other situations that make me want to have more than a couple of beers, but I wish everyone luck, and hope you wish me some too!:new:

          Bushdrop.... have you talked to your doctor about your gout attacks? I'm not a doctor, but just searched Gout and Alcohol on the medical web sites, and the advice I found there concerning gout was:
          1. Gout is more common with heavy beer drinkers- there is something in beer that inhibits kidney function.
          2. If you stop drinking, make sure you increase your water intake so that your kidneys can flush out the excess acids that contribute to gout.
          3. Avoid red meat and seafood; eat more dairy.
          4. Pain relievers like Aleve do the best job of treating the inflammation of the joints.

          Please be careful! Are there supplements that you should avoid or add to control your gout?

          Tampa, FL


            My excuses

            Thanks everybody for the kind words and support... i just made it past midnight day 3... going good so far... my gout symptoms are better. I'm a nightowl, so I did my hypnotic earlier, just did my "after lunch supplements," and have the subliminal playing in the car... still those 15 minutes before midnight are the hardest! Once I get through that, it's smooth sailing until tommorrow!


              My excuses

              Day four, I'm good

              No problems today, read many of your responses, thanks!!!!

              Any of you have alcoholic kids? That scares the hell out of me. The weekend is coming and I'm not planning on braking the effort.

              Thanks for the backing to you all!!!!!


                My excuses

                Welcome!! I really hope you find what you are looking for here. I sure did. I am still struggling, but things are so much better than they were!!!

                Stay with us. And the good part.......this is a smoke free environment!

