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Newbie here

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    Newbie here

    Hey all,
    I have been lurking here for the past 5 days and I have found each of your stories to be honest, heartfelt and mostly courageous. Several of your stories have brought me to tears. I applaud each of you. It has been an amazing 5 days for me (4 were AF). I told my hubbie on the second day about this website and how we, (alcohol users) all feel and think, WORLDWIDE!! dismal things with this serpent that is called AL on here. (I've never heard the acronyms used here, but I am picking up on them) anyway, I feel blessed that I found this site.
    Here I thought I was on this tiny piece of real estate on earth all by myself with these feelings, cravings, emotions and everything else that we all go through with it and dang here popped up a great website with honest and open people that lets me know otherwise. So thank you all for your open doorway into some of your private lives.
    I too, drink too much when I drink which is more often than not. Had 4 days of non drinking under my belt but then I went off track. But I know that I can start anew, I have people like you to look to and am thankful for. Wine is my vice. Or maybe my victim who knows? i just want to be victorious over it one day. Maybe one day I too, will have the courage and candor that each of you that have shared and hopefully be a light unto other people's paths and not a stumbling block! You guys/gals are great. Thanks for being here.

    Newbie here

    Welcome - It's all good,

    This is a great place. I have found a lot of strength in reading the posts. Wine has been my vice too. I was drinking up to 2 bottles a day. Yikes!!! I found the supplements (purchased from MWO"s store) to be unbelievably helpful. They really help with cravings and just as important, replinish vitamins and nutrients that AL took from us. I will be 30 days AF on 3/5, and I owe so much of it to this site and the supplements.

    Keep on reading and posting. Best of luck to you with your goals.



      Newbie here

      welcome to the family! you will find more support and love here, this place is awesome. get the supps and book, they are a huge help. hope you stay with us...


        Newbie here

        Welcome! and Congrats on 4 days!!!!
        I am also a newbie here and have found great support from great people! Look forward to your posts as you continue your journey fighting the demon AL! Baby steps and Breathe!
        hugs, flyinhgh


          Newbie here


          Thanks for your responses. I knew you were all a great bunch of people. I know that I was brought here for a reason.
          More to life: that has always been our kids fav verse. I so love it. I just haven't adhered to it in all the things in my life. But I will and I will be victorious over this thing that is like a poisonous snake that I should avoid. Shouldn't we all avoid poisonouse snakes? That's how I should look at the bottle of wine, avoid it like I would a poisonous snake! I certainly wouldn't pull one of of my cabinet knowling it was poisonous right? So I shall try that tactic and see if it helps me on my journey. Whatever it takes right?


            Newbie here

            Whatever it takes....that is so true


              Newbie here

              Welcome, It's all good -

              Your avatar is beautiful! One of my favorite flowers ... and the hope for an early Spring.

              The folks here are honest, supportive and genuinely caring. The love and understanding is palpable as you reach out both to help and be helped by those of us in the same situation.

              - Masq
              ps ... snakes never bothered me much ... or worms in the bottom of a bottle of Mescale! Dangit. It's the potatoes that turn into Vodka that I fear most! Spud-phobia?? ... lol. Whatever your phobia .. I agree - get rid of the source!
              Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
              :wings: :huggy


                Newbie here

                It's all good -- welcome! You'll find that every story shared here lights the path for another. Glad you're here to share your light. :h


                  Newbie here

                  hello and welcome,
                  you are not alone and you will find much love and support here
                  ~ I am better than this devil AL ~:new:


                    Newbie here

                    From another newbie: the thing that surprised me the most is that I wasn't the only person in the world who drank two bottles of wine a day. (at least not while masquerading as a functioning human being)

                    Welcome and good luck on your journey.
                    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


                      Newbie here

                      It's all good - and it truly is -glad to see you! Wishing you well on your journey to a new, sober life.
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        Newbie here


                        Yes, we should avoid our deamons. Yesterday, I through out my wine bottles, they were on special at Wal mart, 1.97, so we nicknamed them 2 buck glut. Also, my four 24 ounce Miller's and my 1/2 bottle of Crown. My vises were four beers, crown and then if I was still thirsty, let's start all over.

                        If anyone still goes through the trash, then they hit the jackpot's gone though and I did it myself.
                        The problem is that I've done this before......not too many times, but this time was different.

                        Keep up the effort. This is a good site and I'm happy with the responses and the efforts being put out by people.


                          Newbie here

                          Welcome It's All Good! I'm new here too and I have found this sit to be such a help and inspiration. Come back to it often. We are all fighting that nasty demon AL so you are not alone!
                          All the best
                          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                            Newbie here

                            Welcome. I'm new here also, and I agree with everything you said. I'm a beer drinker myself, but don't you think that TV and movies make that wine look so provocative?????
                            Good luck!!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

