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Never done this before..

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    Never done this before..

    Hi - I found this site last year but pushed it to the back of my mind...or to the bottom of a bottle. I have taken today off work to stay in bed and cry. I didn't drink today though - just threw out all the empty bottles. I feel really shaky. Headache and sooo tired. I have tried to stop before but haven't managed, except for one year seven years ago. I am wasting my life. I want to try kudzu now after researching it. And Omega 3. Any advice is very welcome.
    thanks, D.

    Never done this before..

    hi druid and welcome to my way out. kudzu and the supplements as well as L-glut do work, they do take some to specially if you have been abusing alcohol for a long time.

    Take it easy like the say here ODAT one day at a time.
    Please come back and write as well I find that it really takes a load of my shoulders when I come here and support people who help support me as well.

    big welcome

    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      Never done this before..

      Welcome, Druid....

      I'm glad you didn't forget about this website, because it has been a godsend for me. If you have any full bottles, now would be the best time to throw those puppies out, too ....

      Drink water, water, water. Hot water with a twist of lemon will taste wonderful about now. A Vitamin B complex is good for long term recovery, too.

      Get ready, Druid, for the fight of YOUR life... we are talking about living again, right dear? Give yourself 30 days of sobriety, and then make a plan. You were sober for a complete year, and you can do that again. There are tons of people here that can help guide you.

      Here's a virtual hug and a big squeeze, too. :l :huggy:
      Much love, :heart:

      Tampa, FL


        Never done this before..

        Hi Druid

        welcome and I know you will get lots of sound advice, support, honesty and real sharing of experience on this site..dont despair you ahve made a start. I,ve read some amazing stuff on this site and in my own way made significant progress on my personal journey.

        It may not be easy but nobody said CHANGE would be..

        You sound like you are ready to make some changes I wiah you all the best.

        Dont worry if its slow progress ..keep coming here it helps.

        good luck



          Never done this before..

          Hi druid!

          Welcome to the forum! I'm not sure about the supplements as I don't personally take them but I'm sure there are plenty of other members who do who will be more than willing to share their own experiences of them with you. It's a great online community here and I don't now what I'd do or even where I would be right now if it wasn't for this forum. Reaching is out is a big step and one you will be glad you made.

          Hope to hear from you more on the forum
          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Never done this before..

            Welcome D.

            Glad you came back! This site is full of wonderful information and help. Please keep reading and reading and posting. WE will help anyway we can. Re-read the book if you have it......the supps really do help. Kudzu, l-glut.......I also love the calms forte and GABA. Don't forget the milk thistle for liver function and ALL-One for everyday happinesss. All of these and more will get you back into the world of "living". This is what we all strive for!

            Lets kick this horrible addiction in the butt!
            Hugs, Bambi
            "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


              Never done this before..

              Welcome druid! Hey, do you remember that one year seven years ago? If that was a good memory, try remembering it and how you'd like to feel that way again, only for a longer period of time. I mean don't live in the past, just bring out the good memory and use it going forward.

              Read, read, read and post, post, post. Good luck!
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                Never done this before..

                Welcome Aboard, Druid,
                Glad you made it back here. Man, I hate that alcohol induced depression, so sorry to hear that you are suffering with it. The good thing is, that it will pass fairly quickly. Rehydrate and if you have any vitamin C or B vitamins, take them!

                I am a huge supporter of the MWO program. I do take the supps and I take Kudzu and Glut for cravings. Although, just during the past two weeks I have dropped the Kudzu. If I feel like I need it again, I will not heesitate to start it again.

                I am happy to say that today is my 45th day sober! I also really believe that reading the MWO book is a huge step in the right direction. Reading the boards, you will see that this is a program, personalized by each member. You will also find varying degrees of success in beating this. I do believe that this is a mind, body and spirit battle. MWO has helped me to organize the information and have a plan that is so far working well for me.

                Good Luck to you!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Never done this before..

                  Once again the fabulouse people on this site have offered tons of great advice.

                  Welcome back and I really hope you don't go an whole 'nother year with out hanging out with all of us out here.

                  Good luck, I know you can do it. Kudzu has been a really wonderful resource for me!!!


                    Never done this before..

                    Hey Druid,
                    Welcome! Just keep coming here, maybe every day, maybe several times a day. There are lots if great ideas here for gaining control over Big AL. Ask questions when you are ready, start ODAT perhaps. The most important thing is to keep coming here and looking for your next step.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Never done this before..

                      Hi druid. Like you, I found this site last year....and then tucked it away. But then I got to a place where I couldn't deal anymore. Felt like crap --24/7, physically and emotionally. Not the way I wanted to live my life. So I came back here and found the support I needed to get unstuck and move forward. Thankfully. Embrace the journey ahead of you,'s your life and it's worth it. Wishing you the very best! :h

