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Thanks, Dex :)

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    Thanks, Dex :)

    To My Dear Friend, Dex -

    Ok. This is an out-in-left-field thank you ... but nonetheless. Funny how this site evokes such emotion and trust ... but here we are.

    I had a really rough day at work and was in the throes of a big ol' pity party on the way home from work tonight. Then, out of the radio-cyber-world comes GLORIA GAYNOR singing her greatest (and only) hit.

    Baby ... "I Will Survive" ... we all will.

    Thanks for the disco-boogie-singin-at-the-top-of-my-lungs-jammin in my Jaguar as the other commuters looked on at me like I was a mad woman! hehehehe wooo hooo !!! "I will be sober!!!"

    - Masq
    Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
    :wings: :huggy

    Thanks, Dex


    How wonderful!! Yea!!!

    btw, what kind of dog is that? He/She looks a lot like my Poulan. Who the vet "thinks" is a black lab/weimeraner mix.

    I love my Poulan, even when he chews up my leather couch (not), but I forgive him.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Thanks, Dex

      That is so sweet, Masq! Yes, that song is cheesy, but I still love it. Hey, i've got Gloria Gaynor, and the dancing Travolta cat .. got the whole disco era covered. :H:H I know, little things make my day and the members on this site so often make me smile when things suck. I love my MWO pals!!!:h I had never belonged to an online forum before , and I'm still amazed at how attached I have grown to people I've never met in "real life."
      PS: every Saturday I listen to "Saturday at the '70s" on a local radio station. I pull out a cheesy song for every occasion. My friend likes two different guys, so I sang her "Torn Between Two Lovers"!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Thanks, Dex

        Cindi, Darlin -

        The avatar is my "BIG" baby, a chocolate lab, Miss Layla Godiva. She is my brown bomber, part-roller-derby queen. hehehe. My other 4-legged, furry "kids" circled the wagons 'round me this past week as I sought redemption from the flu-monster. I've got a lab-chow-retriever mix .... and a Jack Russell "terrorist," as well. God gave us animals as proof of altruistic love. Yeah?

        Heck; I can forgive my babies almost anything ... more than I can forgive MEN!

        - L
        Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
        :wings: :huggy


          Thanks, Dex

          Masq..I am a dog person, but have decided that I need to rescue all of the cats that the people in my neighborhood throw out. I have often said that my cats are better than all of the men I have ever dated. They don't cheat on you, will eat anything you put in front of them, and get excited when you get home at night.

          Men with problems are like heat-seeking missles, They find me no matter where
          i am hiding.

          Regardless, you, Dexter, and Cindi prove that people who live with 4-legged creatures in their lives are incredible, caring people, with so much compassion.

          My Booboo, a 16 year old handsome long-haired, black cat, has mast cell tumors. Do I stress him out by having his spleen removed? Or do I give him shrimp, roast beef and lots of love?


            Thanks, Dex

            OH Suki. I don't know about your Booboo. A friend of mine has a beautiful, coal black 16-yr-old kitty named Bear. could he, Booboo, maintain some good quality of life without surgery?
            I call my cat Booboo sometimes, although his name is actually Dexter!
            Still love Knut the teeny polar bear. Although by now, he would probably have our dogs and cats for dinner
            Masq, love your sweet princess! I am also a dog lover. Just hard to take care of living alone and renting.
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              Thanks, Dex

              Just wanted to add my thanks, dex. I will always remember that you were the first person to respond to my very first post...I was such a wreck that night...and felt so grateful that you responded so quickly. It was unexpected and deeply appreciated. Thank you! :h


                Thanks, Dex

                Dex....your dancing cat looks and acts just like one of my cats (feral, but affectionate), Squeaky.

                Booboo is happy, well loved, gets massages, good, fresh, New England seafood. The last time he had exploratory surgery, he was under the bed for three months. I have a hard time extending his life by putting him through the stress of surgery.

                I love your dancing cat! I feel like singing and dancing every time he boogies on my screen!


                  Thanks, Dex

                  Kirova;284097 wrote: Just wanted to add my thanks, dex. I will always remember that you were the first person to respond to my very first post...I was such a wreck that night...and felt so grateful that you responded so quickly. It was unexpected and deeply appreciated. Thank you! :h
                  thanks Kirova :h Now, Kirova, Cindi, Suki, Masq, I want to see pix of ALL your pets! I love cats but have dog lust.
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    Thanks, Dex

                    Kirova, Dex and Suki .... -

                    Isn't love grand? Doesn't matter whether it is of the human or canine/feline variety ... the warm, fuzzies are simply amazing to the human need.

                    Suki - I am a Leo and LOVE
                    the "Love you on my own terms" kitties with their detached need. Give Booboo oodles of shrimp, roast beef, tuna, and tummy-rubs/ear-scratches .... as righteously deserved.

                    Dex - I follow KNUT as often as I can in press-related posts. I pray for his orphaned acceptance into knowing God's meaning for his way. I am sure of one thing ... the World has accepted him with open arms.

                    May they each find their "Own Way."
                    Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
                    :wings: :huggy


                      Thanks, Dex

                      DEX ROCKS!!!!


                        Thanks, Dex

                        Thanks Masq for starting this ..........

                        I too have never been on an online forum and can't believe how deep the feelings are between members here ......... I love the reminders that I get of all of you just walking down the street ........

                        Love you guys .......

                        BB xx


                          Thanks, Dex

                          Okay, okay. I MUST get a picture of my babies. I'll have hubby do it so I can post it here.

                          They are such a huge part of my life and my hubby's. (So grateful I have a hubby who loves them as much as me, if not more...)

                          I have a cat called Baby who has no hair on her tummy because she licks it off in OCD fashion. :H I have a cat called Cosmo after the Fairly OddParents cartoon, because he is such a goof. He also incredibly fat. We give him only dried cat food and he is still FAT!! (genetics?? hmmmm..)

                          and I have Poulan, a Black Lab/Weimeraner mix (according to vet) who showed up on my 50th B'Day on the porch. A GIFT FROM GOD, seriously. He has made my very difficult and sad alcoholic life better by being there.

                          However, I must say, I have a husband of 32+ years (33 in June) who has put up with some really bad stuff the last couple of years and still snuggles down with me at night (if Poulan isn't between us :H) and holds my hand and simply cares. Simply cares that I am okay and that I am not hurting myself. I mean that. Truly cares.

                          I love the animals. I really do, but I have to say I love Greg (hubby) more than any of them. Luckily, he loves the animals, too.

                          I guess I am lucky "or smart" to have married one of the good ones. Hell, he has gone through his tribulations, too, and I was there for him. We love each other, our children our grandchilren and our animals.

                          I wish I could say that "life would get better if I quit drinking and smoking" but life throws a bunch of cr@p our way. However, I could relieve a bunch of tension from hubby and myself if I quit smoking and drinking.

                          What I do love, is that I wake up each morning "knowing" that there is someone in the world who cares if I live or die and if I am okay. He has the same thing. Someone who just cares.


                          OMG, Masq, Dex, what a hijack this was!! Sorry. Dex, you rule and you do help us all out a huge amount!!! and Masq, you are doing so well, a kindred GP like me. Hard stuff. I just wanted to state how much I love my man, my kids, my grandkids and my pets. They really help me through every day. :l When I added MWO and my friends here, life became so much better.
                          AF April 9, 2016

