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Topa didn't work, iaskng Dr. for Campral or Naltrexone?

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    Topa didn't work, iaskng Dr. for Campral or Naltrexone?

    I was doing all the program, but the Topa did not help that much especially compared to the ill side effects MAJOR DOPA! Now I am serious again after a brief period of taking nothing and being disgusted with myself when 5pm rolls around every night. Not to mention how alcohol is messing up my new weight loss program (10 lbs).

    SOOOoo, recently my Dr. gave me Wellbutrin (I take Effexor but this works differntly) as I also tend to snack with my wine (chips!) at night and since this drug helps addictive behaviour in smokers, she thought it might help relax me. Only on day 3, but realizing I need something more in keeping with the cravings. Hence my research into Campral or Naltrexone. The only concern I have with Campral is if I 'blow it" one time that it may stop working. I have read that Naltrexone works on different levels, helping with cravings, decreasing the "high" after drinking which in turn decreases the urge.

    I hear some people say on Campral that the "urge is gone" which would seem like heaven to me. I was expecting somewhat the same feeling on the Topa, and although it seemed to help somewhat, the negative effects and sluggishness were too much.

    Sorry for the long wind...but looking forward to being here most nights instead of drinking and would DEARLY love any input / experience you have had on either drug.
    Honestly it seems hard for me to even abstain for 4-7 days to start the meds! I seem to go 2-3 then cave. Relate? Also if you have been on either drug and "gave in" what happened?

    Thanks again guys are great!


    Topa didn't work, iaskng Dr. for Campral or Naltrexone?

    I can only tell you my experience.

    I couldn't go much more than a night without drinking. For me, Campral didn't help, because, you have to be able to remain sober for at least some time to experience it's help, and it does not help you once you begin to drink. I found it very frustrating. I so wanted the Campral to help, but it did not at all for me. I never got to the point where it could. For me, once I started on Topa, it was very helpful, but not at first, only once I titrated up to about 100 mgs. then I lost interest in drinking, and if I did drink, i didn't get a buzz or have a desire for more. However, I was fortunate in that the only side effects I noticed was some tiredness.

    Don't know if this info helps you, as I know you already had a less than positive experience with topa. but figured I would offer what I could.

    Good luck to you!!



      Topa didn't work, iaskng Dr. for Campral or Naltrexone?


      See post above...I, like you question whether I could do Campral and be abstinet. Maybe giving Topa another try would work if I titrated up slowly to only a 100?



        Topa didn't work, iaskng Dr. for Campral or Naltrexone?

        Kitkat, are you doing the supps or at least l-glutamine and gaba to help restore your system and control the cravings? Many folks find that the supplements and hypnosis cds are enough for them when they can't or choose not to do the meds. Restoring your brain neurotransmitters for your particular type of alcohol use with the nutritional therapy goes a long way towards restoring your system and diminishing the physical cravings. The meds won't rebuild your system for you.

