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Green makes it past the bar!
Green makes it past the bar!
On the way to doggie school. Raining cats and dogs. :H I mean POURING, windy lightening, sky a wierd color, hail possibility, tornado watch and I'm in a little sports car wishing I had not left the house. Drive by the neighborhood bar where the used to pour me huge martinis. AL shouts my name - "Greenie! Come in from the storm." I turn my head and look in his direction and put my foot on the brake. And then think to myself, "greenie, go to school" and greenie keeps driving. Doggie would have gnawed off my gear shift anyway. I have doggie on speed. So exhausted after over an hour of her in constant motion in school (why can't she just sit calmly like the other doggies?) I didn't even turn my head as I drove by on the way home. Proud greenie again.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUTTags: None
Green makes it past the bar!
Greenest Bean: You know, I have your Puppyhead programmed. I can't exactly tell you how I did it. But when you drive past a bar with Puppyhead in the car, she goes on high alert. If she feels your car slowing, she will do one of two things:
a.) jump down and push on the accelator with all her might, or
b.) start ripping all the upholstery in the car to shreds.
Or maybe bothI haven't gotten her programming quite fine-tuned yet.
We are proud of you Beanie!!!!! :happy::happy::boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
Green makes it past the bar!
Smiley Toes - I just cannot believe how much progress you have been making lately!!! Pretty soon you are going to be graduated out of those big girl pants!!!!
Dex - you have a very interesting mind. What have you done to booby-trap my car?!
Green makes it past the bar!
GO Girl!
GO GREENIE!! You did great, I don't go near my old party spots yet. As for liquer store, NO WAY, but even going into Cirlce K the Miller Lite is calling my name....................I won't listen, WAY TO GO!!!! YAY!!!:happy::yay::yougo:
MA:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace: