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Waiting to get started

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    Waiting to get started

    I'm glad that I found MyWayOut. I actually found it while browsing books about cutting down on the Barnes and Noble site. It certainly sounds like it's right for me and I've been reading the boards here to get myself informed. I called my psychiatrist today and couldn't get an appt. until July 21st so will have to wait a bit for the Topa. I ordered the supplements and also a hypnosis CD from Ebay. I want to see if the hypnosis is for me before investing in the MyWayOut set. I've spent today on the computer getting myself set up with the tools to start. I can't wait to feel better. Also, just wondering if any teachers have tried this program. It's hard being in front of adolescents all day. At least I have until the end of the summer to get started. Hope to hear from others.

    Waiting to get started

    Grace I'm not one of em but I do there are a lot of teachers here. Try starting a thread that asks just that. Calling all teachers. You will get a lot of replys I bet.
    This program is great. Do you have the book? If not just download it. I just started a month ago and am doin great. I havent had such an easy time stopping drinking. But I think the topa is key. You'll see. Smiles gabby


      Waiting to get started

      Yes, I teach. It is hard, hard being in front of teenagers all day and it is doubly hard when I have a hangover. I try to hide it, I think I do pretty good, but I'm sure some of them know.. they have to know, I'm sure some of them see thier parents hungover. I'm sure some of them were on to me. They recognize it. I go in some mornings not sure how I'm going to make it through the day,that is why I am so excited about getting this going this summer. I want to have the best year of teaching that I have ever had...sober! This past year the relief after a hard day of teaching was wine, but it was never just a glass, if you know what I mean, and than before I knew it, it was the next morning and time to teach and I would be so mad at myself...a vicious cycle! (I think I spelled that wrong, so please don't take off for spelling.) If we can teach, we can do anything!!


        Waiting to get started

        Thanks for writing soccermom. I know exactly what you mean about wondering if the kids are "on to you." There were many mornings when I was absolutely sure by the way they were looking at me that they had to suspect something. One day one of my female students (whose parents are both drug
        addicts) asked me if I was O.K. I'd been staring off into space wondering how I was going to make it through the day.
        She shocked me back to awareness and I gave some lame answer. I'm with you - I want this year to be super. I haven't started yet as I just found out about MWO and am waiting for an appt. in 2 weeks with my Dr. to get the med.
        Hope I'm well into it by Sept. I too rewarded myself with wine every night and it progressed to a bottle a night. My goal is to be able to have one glass and call it quits. I still need to reward myself! Hope you'll let me know how you're doing. Em


          Waiting to get started

          Well, I started with just the supps after I found MWO in Feb. Ordered Kudzu online and it helped tremendously with cravings. I've included l-glut and milk thistle and vits.
          I seriously thought I would be able to psych myself up to ask my dr. for topa, but when the time came, I couldn't. Please, let me know how it goes with you. I've ended up ordering from overseas and have been on topa a week. I am glad that I went ahead and started with the sups because I know they helped! This past year was so horrendous as far as trying to make it through the day. I found myself looking at my colleagues wondering, "hmmm, she looks like she could be hungover...he looks a like he probably had one too many..." you know, trying to make myself think that it was a "normal" thing to do every night. Drink yourself silly. I'm surprised my students didn't still smell alcohol on me. To make matters worse, I was assigned a student teacher. Trying to make myself appear normal on a daily basis is exhausting. This is something that we can do my teacher friend!!! Hugs to you and me!


            Waiting to get started

            Yes, We Can

            Yes, soccermom, we can do it! As I sit here typing with a glass of chardonnay. I haven't started yet - waiting for the vitamins and supps to arrive and hypnosis CD. But I am optimistic that MWO will help me to stop this destructive behavior. I never knew how hard teaching was going to be when I signed on 17 years ago. It's gotten progressively more challenging, yet our day and schedule haven't really changed since the 1950's. With all the demands and expectations it's totally unrealistic to think we can teach 5 classes that are often different subjects, have a duty and a study. So when do we get done all the new demands and mandates? 'Tis really, really frustrating. And we live in a climate where we get blamed for the declining success of U.S. students and disliked for taking too much of people's tax dollars. It's enough to make a person drink for heaven's sake! I want this year to be good, yet I dread getting into the rat race again. I'm kinda scared of the Topa as it works on dopamine. That's a heavy duty-neurotransmitter. My mom and uncle have Parkinsons and dopamine is involved. But, on the other hand, I'm willing to give it a try temporarily if it helps me cut down.
            Are you by any way involved with horses? Someone on another thread said there was another teacher who rides. Thanks for the encouragement, and ya, we'll do it!


              Waiting to get started

              Re: Yes, We Can

              Em, We can do it!! As of right now I am moderating! I am having good days and not so great I said, this past school year seemed to be so horrendous, with bad days, just trying to make it through the day days, outweighing the good days, I knew I had to do something. I stumbled across this website when trying to google something about photography...thank you God! My goals this summer are:
              trying not to have any drink before 8pm (normal happy hour for me starts around 5pm year: when I walk in the door.)
              take sups and topa
              I am not scared of topa dopa side effects at all..I think they are going to be minimum (I can't spell) compared to a hangover. If they are awful, I'll stop, but I definately want to give it a shot. And please don't forget to let me know how it goes with your you know, I ordered via internet, but would love to have the courage to ask my dr.
              Oh, and, no, I have no horses, just a dog and 2 kids.
              Teaching is definately the toughest job I know!


                Waiting to get started

                There are so many of us

                Wow! I have been perusing this sight for months. It is amazing how many people there are like us. Teachers, wine drinkers, struggling with weight issues...It's just amazing. I went to my doctor (totally humiliating) and asked for Topamax, but alas, she recommended the Kaiser Drug and Alcohol addiction clinic. NO THANKS! I have the Supps and the hypno tapes...I have not been consistent so far. I have a husband, who has low level depression, and drinks. Even when I feel: It is time...he will drag me down (not that it is that much of a fight!) Geez, I just want to stop drinking and lose weight! (Also can't spell, ironic for a teacher don't ya think!)


                  Waiting to get started

                  Re: There are so many of us

                  Ezenin:Welcome! And I feel kind of weird saying that because I have only been posting for a few days. I've been reading posts for months, though, like you. Okay, yes, it is amazing how many of us are out there, and a relief in a lot of ways too, as I was convinced I was the only one that drank the way I did (notice past tense!) This is something that I am going to do for me weather my husband is on board or not. As a matter of fact, I haven't even told him about it, I'm just going for it myself. I have been taking the sups, 2nd week on topa, but I do not have the CD's...please let me know if you find them beneficial.....I don't know why that is an aspect I've left out. I couldn't even ask my dr. I ordered topa on the internet. We can do this!


                    Waiting to get started

                    No longer alone

                    I agree with you two. For so long I've felt shame and humiliation. Here I am a teacher - a role model and drinking wine at night. What a revelation this is that there are so many of us. What's going on? Since I'm an historian I always look for the "big patterns." Why are so many women feeling this way? This seems to be a mini epidemic. RJ has really hit onto something. We really do need each other. Like you guys, I haven't really filled in hubby yet. He's a worse drinker than I am.
                    I worry that if I get better, we'll no longer be compatible.
                    Sorry guys but I haven't started the program yet and am sitting here typing with 5 glasses of chardonnay under my belt. This sucks though. I wonder what it feels like to not want to drink???? Can't wait to get going.Em
                    (Sorry that this is a mish-mash but I think you understand ??

