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    I was in aa for 15 years and drank then i was in aa for 5 years and drank now i am back in aa 10 days. I seems i have ahrd time making friends. no one will talk to me. i have talked to people but it is all bull @#%$ no one really cares.:c


    Hey there, you'll find friends here, I did AA, not for 5 yrs or 15 yrs.............well, not sober anyway, in & out as they say for about 10 yrs!! They don't talk much to me either, probably think it is contagious!!:rolleyes

    Keep coming back here! Get the book, read it and follow won't be judged here like in AA either, read alot of posts etc and I am sure you will love it better than any AA meeting.....any time too!! that is what is so cool!!!!:happy :P

    (and these emoticons, gotta love em!)
    Mary Anne




      Ya, We wuf everybody here. Even if your weird like me.
      (at least I think they wuf me) I even named my cat after here. Gabby



        Hey - you'll find lots of friends here and lots of people to talk to. People don't seem to be shy here and I've gotten lots and lots of help for others. You've come to the right place, and you'll have fun reading and responding to the many posts as well as starting your own threads. Enjoy, and see you around, you will love it here!




          Gabby, what did you name your cat?
          Miss Layla




            Well, He is a orange tabby. So cute. So while we were deciding on a name we called him orange. Ok....that stuck. Orange is his name. Then we added Manderine to that. Manderine Orange. One son calls him Manny. Well, I always like a middle name. It hit me that it needed to be a W. So his name is......drum roll please........
            Manderine Winston Orange. Catch his initials?

            I still call him Orange. I do think we should let him be an offical registered member. What do ya think? gabby




              You've come to the right place! AA isn't as friendly as MWO..
              We are a very strong support for each other. And we have to talk to each other to know what all of us are going through..We also learn from each other..

              I look forward to your future posts. Welcome!




                Hi Roz,

                Glad you found your way to MWO and AWAY from AA. There is a lot of information from studies on the net on how AA DOES NOT work.

                And people here are friendly. You have found a good group. Welcome.



                  Hi Roz,
                  Welcome to this site. This is just my second day here and I already feel that everybody cares what is happening to me. I have been trying to slay that dragon for a long long time and all seemed so hopeless. Yesterday, by accident I found this site and could not rip myself away from reading all the posts. Here we all have the same problem and perhaps all these beautiful minds can collectively slay all these dragons.
                  I only had one drink last night and a lot of Perrier (should have bought shares in that company). Today I don't have a hangover and I feel pretty cockey. I did order the book and the cd's. I could not possibly do the AA thing, as I live and work in a small village. That would have been the end of my business. Go on let's try it together, I need your support just a badly as you might need mine.
                  Have a really positive day - Lori



                    Gabby, Let's leave the pets out of this, they know too much about us! Glad mine can't speak. Oh the stories, my 14 yr old dog could tell.
                    Miss Layla



                      Roz, are you still there? Welcome...

                      Well I agree with all my MWO mates here, it's a great place for support and just venting and expressing yourself. And most importantly, it works for people who really want to get in control of their drinking. It's better than friends, it's people who understand your struggle, and want to help b/c they have the same problem.

                      I think you have probably taken lots of good stuff from AA, and that's great - take what you need, and leave the rest. I tried AA - only went for 21 days, but I already had a knowledge of the concepts and the 12 steps cuz my ex was in AA for years. But it wasn't working for me, and I found the same problem with making friends there. I desperately wanted someone to take me under their wing, but I was left alone mostly.

                      My suspicion is that if you're an attractive woman, you will have a harder time finding support. Since the sexes aren't supposed to mix during the first year, the guys will keep their distance. And some of the women who see you as a threat will cat you down (unless they are same sex oriented of course).

                      I actually went from meeting to meeting, asked several women to be my sponsor, and they all had some lame excuse, so I had no idea what was happening until a woman came up to me at a meeting and without even introducing herself said, smiling: "You know how this works right?" .... drops smile: "No dating for the first year!" Then she just walked away! I was like O kaaayyyyy! I think I need to bounce, what is this, Haters Anonymous? :lol I wasn't there to get a date, already had a boyfriend. I just wanted support and help to quit, i'e a sponsor and some friendly shoulders...

                      So, long winded way of saying I can relate!

                      Hope you're still around!



                        Or there's the other extreme of the '12 step Program".... "The 13 step Boogie"... and that's with a capitol letter on the B for "Bullshit" in my book!.. just in case ya wanted my opinion on that one...!

                        and "A" does not stand for anonimity, if you're in a small town. It stands for a whole ... lot of things... believe me!

                        I'm not bitter... just realistic, and not naive...:rolleyes ... unfortunatly, there are vultures... even @ AA meetings.

                        Some places do have women's only or men's only meetings. That does simplifiy some things... I have met some wonderful women there. I have also met some great guys @ mixed meetings... met some real A-holes too! .... Go figgar... I always was a magnet for em!!:rolleyes

