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My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

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    My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

    Times (such as right now for instance) I drink to aid my sleep, I'll be off to bed in an hoursish - Its roughly 22:30hrs here in Sunny Sheffield UK.

    Its wet of me to worry about such things isnt it?? - However, in my jumbled mindset - I find it the less of the 2 evils havin say 6 pints (tins) of lager than to not sleep at all.

    Can anyone relate?? - Or could anyone give me advice as to how to negate this worry??


    My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

    Love the UK

    So you're in merry old England! I love your country. I haven't started this program yet, but I feel SO hopeful.
    You just keep talking to all these good people and following the advise. Women have to come together and connect - we have the power! (all over the world).
    You're ahead of me as I haven't even started yet but I wanted to respond. Keep in touch! Em


      My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk


      Hey - what does that mean - it's wet of me? I'm not familiar with that expression. Em


        My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

        Re: Wet?

        Bat -

        I love your English. One reason I fell in love in with wine was the sleep issue. Magazines would tout - alcohol interferes with sleep and deep down I would think, "not if you drink the whole bottle." It's still a real struggle.

        Some of the people here find a homeopathic supplement called calms forte helpful (does nothing for me), others use the smallest amounts of high quality melatonin (don't know if available in UK - talk to doctor). Perhaps discuss the sleep issue with doctor - valid medical issue ... and interferes with your quality of life definitely.

        And - what does "wet of me" mean?

        Cheers Duck,


          My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

          I'm a brit to.(scottish)
          Sleep was/is a big issue for me as well. if you read cv's posts thay will advice you on some supps to take that help
          your brain produce serotonin. Also reaserch foods that help.Bananas and some protain at bed time will help stabilize the blood sugar. its early days for me here so i'm just experimenting with different things. good luck.I hope this helped.
          And no its not wet of you to worry.


            My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

            YUP, completely relate to the whole not being able to sleep. My nightly drinking began with a glass of wine to help me sleep. That escalated. I have struggled with a phobia of not sleeping. But, remember, if you drink, you DO NOT sleep properly. So I tell myself, if i am lying there, well, if you only get a couple of hours even, you are still getting better sleep than if you drank and passed out for 8! That seems to help.
            Also, you might want to try the calms forte and melatonin - i havent tried them yet but plan to pick some up.
            Best of luck in the brilliant UK


              My initial Fright re Stoppin with the Plonk

              Thanks everone for your kind responses, for everyone who asked what "Is it wet of me" means, I basically meant, any of:-

              Is it me being Daft (or stupid etc)" - probably a UK thing!!

              Is that right then?? - 8hours of passing out asleep after 8ish pints is worse for you next day than 2ish hours proper sober sleep??

              If so I could extend my time awake sober by about 30% per day!! Wow!!

              I bought a supply of Amino Acid today - Monday I start!! Wish me luck!!

              I'll let you know how I get on.

              Cheers again all, keep in touch.

