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Ready to change-i need help!

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    Ready to change-i need help!

    urgent, i am in desperate need to "clean myself up", dont know what to do, i keep trying to stop drinking, but just keep drinking more, everything is falling apart, i need some guidance, please, where to start?

    Ready to change-i need help!

    Don't worry about where to start. You've started by coming here. you will find tons of support and the the posts and ask lots of Qs.think about starting the program.Everyone will be here for you. i hope you will. I started only 9 days ago and it has change my life. Just wait and see how wonderful this is. glad you found us


      Ready to change-i need help!

      Just try to stop for today, did you order or download the book yet?? Read all over the website etc......go out and get as many supps as possible and maybe if you can order the on this site, which you have done already, you are on your way!!! :h Others will respond with caring and loving words as they did w/ me when I first came around (and still do!):d :h

      Good luck, and keep in touch!!

      Mary Anne


        Ready to change-i need help!

        START HERE! already started by coming here! Read, read, read,, Post, post ,post.....and order the book and supps. The cds are not to be missed also. Start by clearing out alcohol from your house and drink plenty of water to start detox. If you can't 'cold turkey " the least start to cut back. Read everything on this site and post to start getting some moral support. You are not alone.....we can open up and start will not shock anybody here!
        :d :d :d :d


          Ready to change-i need help!

          Welcome Katie--
          First of all, take a deep breath and realize that by asking for help you've taken a HUGE step--good for you! This is definitely a place to get lots of support, advice and real methods to get your drinking under control...and we have ALL been where you are right now.... There IS a way out!

          Keep reading the boards here and you will see how many of us there are--and help and hope IS available. Now that you're here, I recommend that you download the pdf of the book (it's on the home page, the menu on the left-hand side) and start reading....

          Keep posting with your questions and let us know how you're doing--we're here for you!


            Ready to change-i need help!

            Thankyou for the replies, i'm in tears right now, happy that i can share my problem with others-who will understand-it feels like a big weight just came off my shoulders, so glad to find this site!


              Ready to change-i need help!

              Welcome Katie, what the others said is exactly what to do. Read the board and post and download/order the books and supps. It is a great program and it does work if you are determined to change.

              Good luck,


                Ready to change-i need help!

                kathie I just found you on another stand. So here is my reply again.
                Hi Kathie,
                welcome to all of us 'spirited' spirits. I just started to come here too and the support alone has enabled me to be 36 hrs.
                dry. I know its not a big deal, but to me it is. I have no real advise for you other than read "allllllllllllllllll" the posts. We, in one shape or form express the same anguish, loneliness and self hatred as the next person. Just the fact that we can come out of our closet and talk about it and 'fess up to somebody has been a tremendous relief to me. (guess is't like a catholic confession - these Jesuits can't be all wrong). Sorry! And everybody replies without judgement. Together, we are a powerful force. My dad once showed me a match and asked me to break it. I did. Asking what this was all about, he handed me a bunch of matches and told me to break them in halve as well. I couldn't. He was trying to teach me about the power of the multitudes or team spirit. I remembered this as I was lying in bed trying to figure out how all this works.
                Please stick with us and together we'll beat this.


                  Ready to change-i need help!


                  Welcome! Glad you've found us..


