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I'm scared!

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    I'm scared!

    Hi I'm a newbie!
    Hello everybody!
    I have just found this site this morning and am totally unable to stop reading all your stories. I am not alone. I have tried so often to stop, but it never lasts more than 3 days at the most. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am afraid that I have drank enough to have procured peripheral neuropathy, a condition that feels like you just fell into an enormous anthill and all the beasts are actually living under your skin. I am a good 40 pounds overweight, my stomach is visibly extended and only male size sweat shirts can hide some of it. Every morning I great myself in the mirror with such disgust. Ain't it a great way to start the day.
    Do you think there is hope for me after all these years.

    I'm scared!

    Hello Lori
    Welcome to this wonderful community. Yes there is hope for you! I suggest that you create a user name (sign up) and download the book right away. We are here for you!


      I'm scared!

      Hello Jen,
      thanks for your reply. I have ordered the book and the disks online and can hardly wait for them to arrive. I so need to do this. I live in a small town and everybody knows me like a pink dog with polka dots. AA simply was not an option. My clients would drop me like a hot potatoe if they knew about my other live. If I can do this in the privacy of my home then I might even stand a chance.
      Thanks for the hug.
      Kind regards,


        I'm scared!

        Wow Lori, your post hit me like a ton of bricks. I have had neuropathy for a few years now (not severe, but lots of ant crawling in my legs) that I assumed was from sitting at my job all day and not exercising. After doing a google search I truly think it is from alcohol. I am so disgusted with myself and then this disgust usually causes me to drink more. Ugh. I have not thrown myself into this program like I should but plan on doing so very soon. Good luck to you. Keep us posted on how you are doing.



          I'm scared!


          Welcome to the Family! You are not alone...We are here to support you. And don't even think twice about AA not being the path you want to take..You should know that alot of us tried the AA road and found that it wasn't the path alot of us chose either. There are some people that have had success with AA and some didn't ....That's why we came to MWO.

          Glad to have you!



            I'm scared!

            I think all of us were scared in the beginning, but found after getting started the fear left. It was hard, but easier than we thought. The hardest part was making the descision to start. I, for one have never regreted it. Everyone here is a great support. When we need to share with someone and can't share with those around us, we can always come here. The meds, sups, book, & cd's are a real aid in controling alcahol cravings. I have been in the program since May 6th. I haven't been totally abstenent, but almost. I never dreamed I would have come this far after sinking so low into my drinking. AA wasn't for me either. I was a clauset drinker too, and wasn't about to stand up in front of an audience of people and declare that I was an alcaholic when I kept it a secret from everyone else. I hope you (Lori & Molly) will join us. I am sure you won't be sorry. Eliziby


              I'm scared!

              Hi Lori,
              We met on chat - of course, my new addiction :lol - given my current state of unemployment. I think you will generally find the board a welcoming place. Your comment about not being able to make it past day 3 really hit home for me. I am starting back on a new month of abs after slipping badly ... with this new period of unstructured time.

              Just yesterday I commented to another member that today, Monday, would be my fourth day. Well, because I had not yet printed out my July inebriation calendar I came upon the realization that today would only be Day 3. No wonder I've been a little squirmy for the last few days! Like I took 6 mg of melatonin last night and slept not a wink! Take lots of Evening Primrose Oil - it does take the edge off. Day 3 has always been the hardest for me too, but it does get easier. This time has been a walk in the park, just a wide awake one.

              Also, I would recommend either reading cv's posts on nutrition/chemistry/alcohol or picking up the book "seven weeks to sobriety" by joan mathews larson. Much the same info, but all in one place.

              Good luck, you landed in good place,


                I'm scared!

                Hey Lori,

                I just posted you on the newbie thread, and then saw this one! Good for you, you have come to the right place!! I , like you, tried AA (for over 10 yrs!) and was "dry" for 9 months, but depressed, anxiety ridden, miserable!!(read cv's thing on hypoglycemia, it hit home for me!!) This has done wonders for me so far and it has only been a very short period of time!!!

                Keep reading and posting and you are already on your way as I read that you ordered the CDs and book! WOW!

                Hope to talk to you soon, and if you haven't already, register here, it is free!

                Mary Anne:d :h


                  I'm scared!

                  Dear Molly,
                  Thanks for your reply. Oh, how I hate the ants. I am also addicted to Nicorette gum (about 10 a day), which also increases the problem, as well as severe hairloss. Bummer!
                  I find that the only thing that helps with the tingling is a hard power walk or a long swim in the lake. I am hopeful that it will disappear altogether, once I have strangled this horrible beast
                  thats been killing me.


                    I'm scared!

                    Dear Brandy,
                    thanks for your post and the welcome. I did it all yesterday.
                    Books are ordered and the CD's. Just don't know if I can sway my Dr. to let me have the drugs, but I will give it a try. My husband probably thinks I am having an affair online, because I was online all day long. Yesterday was the first time I was ever in a chat room. I am not ready to share this with him, until I have read the book and done the CD's. Today, I feel very "proactive" and am in a really good mood. Only had one night cap and of course, could not sleep a wink all night. Heh, this is still better than being hang-over.


                      I'm scared!

                      Dear Eliziby,
                      Thanks for your encouraging words. Yes, I have done it, I joined yesterday and am awaiting my materials. It totally floored me that there are so many of us suffering alone and nearly hopeless all over this little old world. I have been looking for online help before, but never came across this site. It was just meant to be and you are all so caring and understanding. I guess the old addage was right - it takes one to know what pain one suffers.
                      Thanks and have a grand day.


                        I'm scared!

                        Dear Pansygirl (or are you a nightshade).
                        Thanks for your post and the recommendations. I guess I just found another insomniac to commiserate with. Yesterday, I did take one (ONE) just one nightcap to help me dose off. Alas, it was not to be. At 11 pm somebody send off firecrackers in the neighborhood to celebrate Canada Day. By 1 A. M I am rummaging through the drawers for some left over cold remedy with codein. NONE to be found. Back to bed and low and behold I drifted off. 4 AM the cat comes home over the roof and into the office window. He is long haired and completely soaked from the dew in the grass. He snuggles as close as possible and bingo, I am wide awake. So I should not complain, I got a scant 3 hr. sleep, but I am not hang-over.
                        I will look into the primrose oil and whatever else I can find out.Have a really good day.


                          I'm scared!

                          Hang in there with us and we will help it get easier!



                            I'm scared!

                            Hi Lori. Welcome.
                            We'll be there for the ups and downs.NOT too many downs i hope.My hubby looks really suspisous too.Not just because i'm on the pc a lot,i'm smiling a lot more,more active and all round happier.Then the other day i cried all day(ups and downs)He has this confused look on his face.Oh, well maybe one day i'll tell him.
                            I also have Neuropathy,mostly in my legs. I started most of the supps the week before i stopped drinking and noticed a difference in my legs within the week.Its not gone but is definitely better.
                            Glad your on the ship. Lets sail.
                            :lol lluf

