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AA didn't work

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    AA didn't work

    I struggled with the spiritual side of AA but still don't want to be drinking - can anyone help me.........please!!!

    AA didn't work

    Hi, You can do this! You can download the book and/or you can also go into the general discussion forum and read alot of the education posts on the first and second pages to help you understand it's not just spiritual, it's physical! It's not all in your mind and it's NOT a weakness of will or spirit..Stay strong, you can get better!



      AA didn't work

      AA didn't work for me either

      Hey there,

      I tried AA for years, with only 9 months under my belt a few years back...and was MISERABLE!!:evil >: Grouchy, depressed, you name it.....this has worked for me sooooo much better!! Try it out!! Just what Cynthia said!!:

      Mary Anne


        AA didn't work


        Take it from a guy thats been in 3 different Treatment centers. Each time I came out ready to go!! But after a few months of AA I would relapse............its the same thing over and over and over. I got to thinking AA is really 1938 Technology and for some people it works and thats fine. But when I came across MWO and started the program and began feeling the results WOW!
        To wake uo every morning and not have a craving for booze is beyond words!! Now thats spiritual!!!


          AA didn't work


          That is motivation!! I have rea that the morning drink desire is even gone w/ topa...........that is one of my BIGGEST probs on the weekend!! AND, not being able to always stop after a few........maybe after 12!!:rolleyes

          Still waiting on topa and abs on my 5th day, it IS Friday though, and one of the toughest days of the week!!

          Mary Anne


            AA didn't work


            cdrwis, how long have you been doing the MWO program? Do you follow all the steps? Any trouble getting meds?

