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Help with not sleeping

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    Help with not sleeping

    I have also had insomnia for 20 years...Different things work from time to time for me...I have tried homeopathic remedies, herbal and prescription...Right now I am trying the nutritional supplements. I really hate ambien..always feel it the next day. My work hours are part of the problem as well as my overactive crazy-brain! I cannot turn it off at night. I am thinking about trying the GABA also..haven't tried that yet. I have always noticed that I can fall asleep after alot of wine (sigh) then I always wake up after a few hours and cannot go back to sleep. I have not ordered any of the CD's yet.
    Does the GABA help?


      Help with not sleeping

      i'm a bit embarassed to post this here with all your wonderful herbal/natural remedies..but here's what does it for me:

      1000 mg of tylenol (for the aches and pains) and 50 mg of benadryl. Goodnight, Lefty.

      You can't do it often because tylenol's not good for your liver and benadryl makes you a bit foggy the next day...but it beats the heck out of NO sleep. For a few days here and there to get over the Al sleeping pill...I think it's ok.

      Every time I've ever gone a couple days AF, I have used this on day 2. Unfortunately, day 3 always puts me back on the Al sleeping pill. Not this time,though!
      "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


        Help with not sleeping


        Your post made me laugh! I too, find sleeping hard when first AF, and the worst part is hearing my hubby snore!! I never realized how bad it is!!!

        Of course, I can't be laying awake myself listening to his chopping wood, so I constantly push him to turn over! (works for 5 seconds!!). Then we are both exausted! lol

        However, after a few days AF, sleep seems to get MUCH better! And once I fall asleep, I don't hear hiim anymore

        Calmes forte, and melatonin (HTP-5) seems to help as well. If you are like me, in a couple more days sleep will be better-even something to really enjoy!!!

        Hang in there. Why do men snore so loud???? LOL

        formerly known as bak310


          Help with not sleeping

          Lucy, i swear... If you only knew! i give the big nudge and and he says WHAT?! I say you're going to wake the neighbors! I have these great ear plugs made out of wax that you can get at the drugstore. But then I can't hear the slep CD. He says can you turn that down, it keeps me awake. Good thing it was dark so he couldn't see the grrrrr look. When he started to snore I cranked it up. :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Help with not sleeping

            Went through the not sleeping too and still need a book to help me to nod off, have tried the deep breathing but can't get just my tummy to rise.... doing something wrong somewhere. Going to try the guided relaxation alwayswishing recommends, let us know how you get on with it.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              Help with not sleeping

              insomnia for 20 years

              I too have had insomnia for a long trying some new supplements for it..Natural. I hate ambien...the residual is there the next day...I have tried everything from homeopathic to prescription meds. I spoke recently with a nutritionist who told me I have all the symptoms of adrenal gland depletion. Anyone ever heard of that? It's pretty interesting. There are a number of things that cause your adrenal glands to "burn out". Of course alcohol is one of those things...
              Does the GABA really help? Never tried it.
              I can sleep if I drink enough red wine- then i wake up. Anyway, I am here to cut way back on my drinking! and if possible, have some AF days during the week. There has to be a way to be AF and not be afraid and weak.


                Help with not sleeping

                Hi i struggled with the sleep thing plus the hot flushes of menopause..lovely!!

                i was either switching on a fan, getting up at 2am and reading or raiding the fridge or generally doing stuff in the middle of the night.

                After 3 weeks AF the pattern changed and i sleep soundly lately 7 hrs..Fab

                i think my body is rejoicing at its detoxed state.....i now must ensure i dont over do things when i hit the moderating again soon.

                Baths, reading, prayers..a;; help me.

                nothing worse than when the alarm goe soff and you feel like you now need to go to sleep??/
                Wishing everyone a peaceful sleep tonight!!!



                  Help with not sleeping

                  Hi again all, I have just heard about Melatonin (think that is how it is spelt), supposed to get you off to sleep within 20 minutes of taking it. Haven't tried it myself but will try to find it tomorrow and let you know how I get on with it.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    Help with not sleeping

                    Many great suggestions on getting to sleep! Lots of you like calms forte. I think I'll buy some tomorrow and see how it works. Last night wasn't as bad but the snoring was still annoying! Beth: When I poke him he says "WHAT?" and I say....'you are snoring!'. He says "Good! That means I'm sleeping."
                    Happy Sunday and I hope you all have a good snooze!
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      Help with not sleeping

                      melatonin is probably the best to start with since it is your body's natural sleep agent. as we age our body doesnt produce the needed amout so this supplement is a not habit forming and there are no hang over effects. sweet dreams!

