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Help with not sleeping

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    Help with not sleeping

    Hi everyone
    I hope someone out there has some answers to this. I have been AF for 5 days and have had an awful time getting to sleep. My legs get achey and I just lay there wide awake. I never got to sleep until after 2 a.m. this morning after going to bed at 10:00 p.m.! I should mention hubby snores but I usually can get to sleep through the snoring (even sober!). I dont' take caffine after noon so it's not that. Anyone have this problem?
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

    Help with not sleeping

    MWO CDs, passion flower extract, chamomile tea, 5 htp with a bit of fruit 30 minuties before bedtime (no protien), Bach flower rescue sleep remedy, melatonin (I personally am not a fan), valerian ( have to take it a while befroe it becomes effective and it stinks to high heaven), calms forte, calcium & magnesium supplement. I am not suggesting all these at once. Pick one and give it a try; doesn't work, try another. Hope that helps.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Help with not sleeping

      Thanks greeneyes. I'll try the Bachs because I have some Rescue Remedy. Camomille tea is my favorite so will add that too.
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        Help with not sleeping

        I think this happens to most of us when first going AF. It takes awhile to get back to "normal" sleep. But you will, and it will be GREAT! Take care...
        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


          Help with not sleeping

          Hi, I went through the same thing, the sleep does come eventually and it will be worth the wait ...........

          Take care, BB xx


            Help with not sleeping


            Boy can I relate to that! I used to drink to sleep and snored like a bull and slept like crap to boot. The day I went AF I could hear the spiders snoring!! *Ear Plugs* Get a couple of pairs or Kleenex in a pinch. Also practice deep breathing belly breaths at bedtime. Start with 17 slow even deep breaths on your back where you breathe into your belly - just your belly rises and not your chest, think clear nothing thoughts - don't fight any thoughts, just ignore what ever comes in your head. Then do 17 on your right side and then 17 on your left. I bet you never make it to your left side!
            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....


              Help with not sleeping

              hi there..GH1.i have been af for a while now and iam still going thur that even if i work all doesnt matter i have been taking sleep aid . advil pm works good for me .what i do is take two of them 1 hour before i go to sleep . well hope this helps you .good luck
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Help with not sleeping

                Valerian works for me if I take 2 in advance with a warm bath. Do you have the CD's? I always fall asleep listening to the funny man with the accent. I rarely make it to the hammock...usually fall asleep on the elevator.
                Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                  Help with not sleeping

                  The Miracle of GABA

                  Greenhouse, have been an insomniac for 30 years, Sigh??????
                  Only thing that has helped me is GABA, now sleeping at least 6 hours per night. Got it 2 weeks ago and the last few nights have been great. Not available in Australia so got it via the net. Wow 6 hours is wonderful and if not asleep can lay still and rest.
                  Try it green and see, kind regards Aunty Vic.


                    Help with not sleeping

                    This podcast is free and it always works for me. I never get past 10 minutes without falling asleep (it's 15 minutes total). Here's the link:

                    Guided Relaxation (Garden)


                      Help with not sleeping

                      Forgot to say valerian leaves me with foggy head.


                        Help with not sleeping

                        calms forte works for me. Its avail at drug store
                        Starting over again 09/06/11

                        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                          Help with not sleeping

                          Congratulations on your 5 days. If you are feeling achy take magnisum - i had a terrible ache in my back and teh magnisum sorted that out.
                          Other than that i think the advice that everyone has given will do the trick.
                          Good luck with it and stay strong x
                          I am the author of my life.


                            Help with not sleeping

                            Thank you all for your help. Last night was a little better, at least I didn't get out of bed and go to the fridge for a glass of milk! Deep breathing/yoga might work for me. Hoping tonight will be better.
                            The best to all of you!
                            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                              Help with not sleeping

                              Calmes Forte!!! 3 tablets - right to can get it at any drugstore, it is a homeopathic sleep aide (non-addictive). That is what worked for me.

