I am so tired of the shame, the guilt, the mouth drying rock in the pit of the stomach..
the thinking, "I said, what!":blush:
I took myself off to my doctor almost three weeks ago and asked him to put me onto antabuse.
He looked very confused.
"Usually I'm the one requesting my patients, not my patients requesting me"
The thing is, I want a life.
I want to wake up feeling rested, alive, guilt free.
I want to live moment by moment free of emotional gloves masking my emotion.
I want to sing, becuase I can and not because I'm plastered.
I want to just be free of the panic when the bottle empties and the hostess has nothing left in the cellar.
Yet I am afraid,
I am afraid of the empty late afternoon shadow,
I am afraid of the party without my best friend
I am afraid of the dread of being boring
I am afraid of the light of being so sober, so often.
I both welcome and dread change.
I reached my 15 days sobriety status.. and went and blew it. I did not even enjoy getting drunk. I woke up with an antabuse headache from hell and the question, "what the hell happened?"
So this is my first post, one of many, I hope.