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Still Not AF, but feeling positive
Still Not AF, but feeling positive
I wish I could say I'm 100% all the way, but I'm not. BUT, I feel good about what I am doing and feel positive that it will only get better. I bought all of my supplements and began taking them - maybe Wednesday- but only the ALL ONE, and 2 supplement rounds- not the evening one,b/c by then I had succumbed. BUT-- I don't fault the program..I felt GREAT! Before I drank, I knew, I FELT that I didn't need to. It's crazy, but I told myself, "Just this one last ime", I start on Monday (kind of like a diet!). Anyway, I had a few successful moments, where I could have drank earlier, but didnt'. I haven't gone through a day yet, but tomorrow, I am committed. Today I bought the L-glutamine, so I plan to add that. I ordered the CDs and hope to receive them early this week. I love reading everything here on MWO and I am constantly amazed and surprised that there are so many people "just like me"...I'm a mom with a great career and wonderful boyfriend...everything looks so great from the outside (except for the fact that AL has helped me gain over 60 lbs :) but I have this constant little secret, like an affair with alcohol. I just felt that I needed to post b/c I received such wonderful feedback last time I did, and I dont' want to give up just b/c I 'm not "perfect" and AF. I'm working on it. This is a great site and I hope to become more involved and contribute more. It's soo hard, and I often wonder, how did I let this happen? Where a stupid drink (s) (beer, wine, etcc) became such a part of my life that I have to juggle my day around buying it, drinking it, hiding it, etc.... I so want to be free of all of that.
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Still Not AF, but feeling positive
Jls ~ you certainly sound like a woman on a mission! Half the battle is having a well laid plan and you seem to have that. Good for you.
The fact that you are happy with your progress thus far is commendable. This life style change does not happen overnight. You keep right on trying and that's fantastic. You'll get there. I have no doubt.
Keep up the great work!! We are here for you.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Still Not AF, but feeling positive
:new:Hi Jls - thanks for your post - I'm a newbie and just stumbled on this site over the weekend. Like you, not yet AF, but have been encouraged by all the posts on here to become so. Have ordered the starter pack, but because I am in far flung New Zealand probably won't get it for another month, so went to the healtheries store this morning and have stocked up on L-glutamin, magnesium, etc etc. Unfortunately couldn't find any Kudzu anywhere (we probably don't have it here).
Am looking forward to hopefully getting through the day / evening. Perhaps we can do this together? One moment at a time.
Still Not AF, but feeling positive
3 weeks and I'm a lot happier
This is meant to encourage you, so I hope it doesn't discourage you in any way as I wasn't honestly going for AF, just more control. I'm just really truly sick and tired of it having control over me. You know, the whole bottle, rather than enjoy a glass or 2 and then I'm done. I bought the whole kit and kaboodal of MYO before I started; the tapes, suppliments, got the Topamax from the doctors. She says in the book to get it all before you start and start when you know you won't be traveling. 2 or 3 days in I lost my father and this is NOT a good time to stop drinking! (Just following the books suggestion here!-Yeah right!) I got back and bought a bottle. Drank the whole blasted thing and was disgusted with myself. My husband was none to happy either. But that's his problem. He's never been Mr. Supportive anyway. So I had the MYO stuff. I put all the supplements in one of those weekly pill boxes (making my own labels Morning/Mid-Morn / Afternoon / Evening compartments) for the next day and made a commitment to myself. I used the Topamax and I listened to those tapes. As soon as I walked in the door from work I told my husband to hold off the kids, locked my bedroom door and listened to the tapes. My son came knocking twice and I thought, this is NEVER going to work! I didn't REALLY believe this would work. I mean I hoped it would of course. I kept doing it. I also drank 2 or 3 glasses, trying to maintain it to 2, but sometimes blowing it. But I kept up with everything for a week. Then I got sick with the flu (Just a little streeeesssed). Everything stopped again (but this time, so did the wine! At these times I don't even think about it!), except for the tapes. A couple of nights ago I had a glass of wine with dinner. Then, poured myself a half glass. Why not the full glass as usual, I have no idea. I went into the living room, put it behind me on the table behind the couch as I normally do and started watching TV as I usually do. I don't know how long went by, maybe around a half hour before I thought about being thursty to turn around and see a half a glass of wine still there. WO! Where's my tapes, Where's my tapes?! I need to listen to them some more. Keep going. This is actually working. I'm not drinking to get drunk! Is it possible? I can't tell you how great it feels to get up in the morning and not be mad at me! I'll probably blow it here and there. I'm not perfect. But I'm going to keep going with this. That right there; that one moment, was a great step for me. One step. I need more of those, I know, but you guys go for it.:h I wish you that step - that feeling of Wo!
Still Not AF, but feeling positive
Leanwolf, so sorry to hear about your Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Boy, you really have been tested, huh?
What a great post! I'm so glad that you are doing so well. You should put this is a separate thread titled "To all the skeptics of MWO" or something like that. The newbies should really read this.
:goodjob: Keep up the great work. Remember, we are here for you.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Still Not AF, but feeling positive
I've only been a member for 6 weeks, we are not infallible.... can you imagine if there was an easy way to become AF, you've taken the first step....way to go.
I am in South Africa, so,so much not available here, I took atabuse for 2 weeks, cannot get RJs book here, so have ordered it through Amazon, the members here and their feedback have kept me "on the wagon" Focus, focus , focus, you are so there!!!!Fiona:angelgirl:
Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008
Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!
Still Not AF, but feeling positive
Thanks FionaS
Difficult when you make the decision then what seems to be somewhat the component to the cure seems so far away. However, did go to the local health store and get L-glutamine, magnesium, epo, vit b etc, so am hoping that will see me through till my pack arrives. But more-so I think the positive messages on here are doing better.
This evening I had a class I normally go to, but generally rush home to get a couple of drinks in before my daughter (16) gets home, tonight, no rush, spent time talking to others, and had no compunction to have a drink - is that the supps alread after half a day, or change of mindframe?