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Affordable Generic Topamax Link

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    Affordable Generic Topamax Link

    Re: faxing scrips

    I ordered from them, and not too bad.........$130.00 for 100 100 mg tablets (which I can cut to their needed strength, done that before and checked w/ the pharmacist who called me, she said yes it is safe to) so I will take 1/4 pill for 25 mg, then up to 1/2 pill for 50mg, then so on and so on.....#100 tablets should last over 3 months!! Thanks for the site!! Thought it was expensive at first, then did my math......well just rec'd the book, so am off to read!!

    Mary Anne


      Affordable Generic Topamax Link

      Hi do you know if they ship to the uk?


        Affordable Generic Topamax Link

        Well I got the Topa from India customs did not open it in Canada.

        I am so happy!!!!


          Affordable Generic Topamax Link

          re:affordable topamax

          I live in Australia and my doctor when I took the book with all the good highlighted bits and asked for a script said she wanted to send me to a shrink who specializes in addictive behaviour.
          I wasn't going to a shrink - asking a G.P for help was hard enough.
          So I tried a website
          It was cheap and it got into Australia! I think the the federal drug association are pretty strict over here.


            Affordable Generic Topamax Link

            anyone know?

            I live in Florida, USA, and ordered topa last week. They emailed me that it was shipped last Friday and I still haven't gotten it.....anyone know (I ordered from lifhaus web site) how long it takes to get through customs??? I am just getting depressed cuz every day I go home hoping it will be there, and it has been a week now.....w/ the weekend, I was hoping to have it by now

            Mary Anne


              Affordable Generic Topamax Link

              Re: anyone know?

              hi mary anne
              there are not any definite rules as far as customs is concerned.....your package may be in an area that may take the customs employees an extremely variable amount of time to get at.....homeland security-patriot act all affect when mail is experience has been a max of 3 weeks waiting.....the good news is that most people usually get their orders but as to how long you will have to wait thats sometimes very difficult to say.


                Affordable Generic Topamax Link

                ok, thanks

                OK, thanks, but :c BUMMER, I hope I receive before 3 weeks!! But yeah, forgot about that homeland security stuff!: guess is is good we have in place though........

                Mary Anne


                  Affordable Generic Topamax Link

                  Re: ok, thanks

                  Just got home and it arrived!!!!:happy :h

                  I am ready to go.......any recommendations, should I mod or abs for the first few days...........hard to abs on a friday!!!

                  Anyway, thanks again.............:

                  Mary Anne


                    Affordable Generic Topamax Link

                    Re: ok, thanks

                    i just received my order from 50mg topo in the original boxes and all in blister packs...cost was 70 very happy about this,now i can really get into the bad thing about the way they shipped the topo was the package---it definitely rattled and im surprised that it actually made it through...however we are not ordering any controlled substances like tranquilizers or heavy duty pain meds so customs may just have a quick look and send it on its way....cheers to you mary anne and im sure that this will work out for the best....amazing to me that just after i replied to you i received and then just a few hours later you received....kinda makes me go hhmmmm?
                    anyway all the best


                      Affordable Generic Topamax Link


                      Yeah, funny..........let's keep tabs on eachother to see how we do! Are you starting off abs or mod?? I don't know exactly what everyone else does....any feedback anyone?

                      Have you started it yet Mike? I took 25 mg this AM

                      Mary Anne

