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Looking for help

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    Looking for help

    I have a pattern everynite to drink in order to sleep.Then I eat and go to bed.

    Looking for help

    Hi there Minah,
    Maybe try homeopathic remedies, my sister too drank to sleep, took homeopathic sleeping pills and did over 300 days AF, its the pattern you have to change, at the time you normally start drinking, do something else, pick up a book, run a bath, play games on yr PC.... anything.....I started my fabric painting which I've been doing for 3yrs(its a big one} been 40 days sober and its nearly finished.....

    Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

    Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


      Looking for help

      Hi Minah, yes the sleep pattern is very hard at first but it does get easier. There was a thread yesterday on sleeping difficuties without alcohol and Melatonin was recommended as being a great help. Hope you find what works for you. Alcohol induced sleep is not a restful sleep at all, once you have a few nights of 'good' sleep you will feel the difference I promise.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        Looking for help

        If anyone told me a few months back I would be able to have a sound sleep (??) without the help of AL, I never would have believed them, as I too was a nightly drinker using the booze as my sleep aid. With the help of Melatonin I have a great nights sleep.....and waking up in the morning sober...thats the best gift!!......Good luck in reaching your goals.
        sobriety date 11-04-07

