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Provigil to counter the Topa Dopa effect....

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    Provigil to counter the Topa Dopa effect....

    Hey Backpacker, I read your post to Dr Garcia...
    Hey, I'd be interested in trying out Provigil...I too live in the Denver area. My doc rejected a script for the Topa, so I got it offshore. I'm in my 3rd week of the program, was up to 75 mg, but started running out, so went back down to 25 mg until my next pkg of Topa arrives. I noticed I was very "draggy" especially in the eveinings...and since I've went back down to 25, I haven't been that tired. I do want to ramp back up again, but just don't like to feel tired all the time. And I am taking all of the supplements.
    So I would be interested in how the Provigil works out to combat the Topa's tiredness...

    Provigil to counter the Topa Dopa effect....

    Thats a good one Smokey. I am interested too. I'm at 100 and ready for 150 but startin to get a bit unproductive.
    And Denver I would keep tryin for a doc there. Surley you could get someone to perscribe in that city. gabster

