I love to start the day early at a meeting.
I call it my A/A breakfast

A great meeting about fear
I was fearfull as a kid Will I pass a test?,
How do I talk to girls?,
Will I plat well at soccer for the team?
Then in adult life,
Am I good looking?
Will she or wont she go out with me? (if I ask her)
Will my wife end up cheating on me?
Will my relationship fail?
What will happen if my son gets ill?
Can I do a good job at work?
and so on.
Point is fear will always be here.
Will I relapse?
What I do know is if I dont face my fear it will metomorphis itself as a drink(or a drug)
I talk about it at meetings, call my sponser, write it down in a journal.
Get feed back and pray like the Dickens about it, just dont let it hide and fester.
Make a list of people to call if you find yourself in a place that makes you feel like using AND CALL THEM. if nobodys home if you have about 15 people on the list by the time you have called them all the urge or craving will most likely have past.
This is what works for me.
Hope you can use it.
John S.