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Could Use Some Help

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    Could Use Some Help

    Hi everyone,

    Of course I'm new and need some support.

    I tried the program initially just after New Year - bought all the supplements etc. Something I was taking (not sure which) was giving me hives (either that or it was stress). I stopped the supplements and gave up for a bit although I do listen to the hypnotherapy.

    I had never had a problem with very moderate AL consumption until my daughter was seriously injured (hit by a drunk driver (ironic, huh?) and lost her left leg). I thought I had coped with some serious stress in my life until that happened. I have been in and out of therapy for severe emotional trauma.

    I would like today to be AF - does anyone have any suggestions? There is no AL in the house - but the LCBO and Wine Rack are just a car ride away.

    Thanks in advance,

    "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill
    Bunnie aka Time

    "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill

    Could Use Some Help

    Hi Bunnie,
    I'm pretty new to this, so I'm not real great with advice. But the most important thing is to take this one day at a time or one minute at a time. Make the decision right now that you are not going to go out and buy any alcohol. Read the book again. Stay here and read bunches of posts, or at least come back often and do that if you get the "thought" to go out. The alcohol won't really help you, it will only make it worse in the long run. Drink lots of water--I like lemon in mine. If I eat something it will take the craving away for awhile. I'm sure you'll get lots more good advice by the end of the day. Hang in there!!
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Could Use Some Help

      Time after Time ~ welcome. Sorry you are dealing with so many tough issues. That has got to be a horrendous thing to go through. But you know drinking isn't going to help you or your daughter.

      I would say perhaps try the supps again. Start with what helps with the cravings like L-glutamine and/or Kudzu. Slowly introduce the supps one or two at a time to see if anything makes you break out again. I know stress an cause severe hives, because it has happened to me.

      Also, like Vettech suggested, when you are craving you should stay close to us. Maybe even go to live chat and talk it through. I'll go there now if you want.

      I hope these suggestions help you. Remember that we are here for you.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Could Use Some Help

        You made your mind up don't change it!

        You must make a decision right now NOT to drive over and buy the wine. You decided to be AF today. Do not change your mind. As hard as it is - your mind is already made up for today. You will only regret it tomorrow. DO NOT DRINK TODAY. Take 2 L- Glut and 4 Kudzu to help with the cravings and drink herbal teas.

        Best to getting through this day!

        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          Could Use Some Help

          I'm new too. And fighting the fight one day at a time. I haven't determined yet if I need to give up drinking entirely or can try to moderate, but if I make it to Wednesday (but I'm only counting today for now) it will be three weeks. And I feel better.

          My moderate intake increased to too much during and after a traumatic event as well. At the time it was easy to tell myself that it was only slightly different than prescription antidepressants or anxiety meds or sleeping pills, because I was medicating myself, and who knows me better right? The truth was that I didn't want to have to give up drinking to take those meds. Even though that initial trauma is past and I sought therapy for the depression, I continued to self-medicate.

          Just like I know what I've been doing to myself and my family, you know that you're drinking more than you should. Be proud that you've come to the realization and use that to help you through the craving. Get a fruity juice or seltzer on ice, have a snack, pick up a book, go for a walk (just not to the liquor store), do something that isn't passive and your craving will pass.

          Then come back tomorrow and get more encouragement.
          The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
          Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

          W Whitman

          90+ days yay!


            Could Use Some Help

            Thanks everyone. I'm meeting my sister and my children for dinner so it will be easy not to drink there. I start getting panicky around 8 pm or so... afraid I won't sleep, anxiety attacks, that icky craving feeling in my stomach (freaks me out!). If anyone is around tonight to chat that would be wonderful. Thanks for your support and kinds words.

            Bunnie aka Time

            "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


              Could Use Some Help

              Well, here it is Thursday. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all busts.

              Today is a new day and I will get through it today.

              My stress level has been off the chart. Is life supposed to be this difficult? I mean I expected some bumps and bruises along the way and I have dealt with more than my share of serious life issues (and that was before my daughter was injured), but the continuous onslaught of what seems to be one crisis after another just seems to be too much.

              In any case, I can't solve every problem all at once. One day, one minute, one (hopefully) good decision at a time.

              Bunnie aka Time

              "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


                Could Use Some Help

                Time after time - I'm in Ontario too (figured it out by the LCBO and Wine Rack comment)

                I am also struggling so I can relate.........this is difficult - it's a tough beast to tackle.

                If you ever want to chat, pm me - love to talk anytime.
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  Could Use Some Help

                  Hi Universal,

                  Yes, Ontario does have a distinct distribution of AL. I can't get over the level of sophisticated advertising and marketing I'm seeing in the stores. Geez, the stuff is addictive enough and they make it look all sexy and attractive.

                  Meanwhile, I have never felt so physically and emotionally miserable in all my life! The weekend did not go well. I really want to have an AF day today!

                  I had a huge grief reaction on Saturday after helping my daughter get ready to go out. But I have to move past this thing and gain some acceptance around it. I can't change it.

                  I didn't know we could IM here? I appreciate the offer. Thanks.

                  Bunnie aka Time

                  "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


                    Could Use Some Help

                    Hi Bunnie. I'm sorry to hear about the accident that took your daughter's leg. I can't even imagine what that must be like for a parent to deal with. It sounds like you have other stress in your life too. It's really really tough to give up these addictions, but it's so worth it. You might (or maybe not) appreciate the slogan in my signature line. I stole that from a guy who runs a web site much like this one for quitting smoking. So the "original" had cigarette instead of "drink" in it...but the truth is just the same.

                    Did you try what Thankful suggested - just starting with Kudzu and L-Glut to see if those are causing your reaction? It's important to replenish a wide variety of nutrients that acohol has robbed us of. But until you can isolate what (if any) of the supplements were causing, those are the two I would recommend as well. I also REALLY like the GABA from here. It seems to lift my spirits just a little bit - just enough to help make it easier to say no to the beast.

                    I managed 60 days AF last summer when I first found MWO. Then I stupidly fell for the "let's just have one" mind game, and down the hatch I went. 6 months I finally am again starting over. But I know that if I can do 60 days, anybody can do 60 days. (I'm a day drinker - and I mean ALL day long) And I also know that if I can do 60 days, I can do a lot, lot more than that.

                    You can do it!! I urge you to stick to your guns and don't drink booze today. Your life will only get better if you can dump this addiction.

                    Day 4 AF after the fall
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Could Use Some Help

                      Thanks for the encouragement DG. I did see your quote when I was wandering around the forums and I do appreciate its truth. It's probably even more true in the case of AL, not that smoking is a positive behaviour but AL causes so much destruction.

                      I did try again with just the K and the L-Glut last week and they didn't cause me any problems, but I was not in control at all this weekend. I have a feeling the hives were stress-related.

                      I generally drink at night to destress. Since my daughter's accident I have forgotten how to relax. It also seems to be the only way to numb myself and then be unconscious (because I know AL interferes with proper REM sleep).

                      But I am sick of feeling sick. I once wrote out a list of why I wanted to stop drinking. I think I had 20 solid reasons on it, but it wasn't enough to push me into action. Today I did something positive and went to see a counsellor and I am starting a program called 'resiliency training' (something I thought I had a lot of but apparently I don't).

                      Congrats on finding your way back! Keep up the good work. And thanks for the boost.

                      Bunnie aka Time

                      "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


                        Could Use Some Help

                        I DID IT

                        I got through the night (and the day) without a drop!

                        It took me a long time to get to sleep (after 1:30 am) but non-AL induced unconsciousness was not a factor and I did eventually sleep.

                        I do have a question though, is it normal to get an upset stomach from stopping? When does it go away? What helps?

                        Thanks all!

                        Bunnie aka Time

                        "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


                          Could Use Some Help

                          Hi Bunnie,

                          I sometimes get an upset stomache (diarreaha etc) when stopping too. It usually goes away in a couple of days, I think it's the toxins coming out of the body. I'm going to pm you as well. Maybe we can help each other - if nothing else at least we can relate to the weather! LOL

                          Congrats on an AF day........that's great considering the stress you have gone through.

                          Love and hugs,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            Could Use Some Help

                            Hi all,

                            Start of day 3 and feeling hopeful and physically better already. Thanks for all your support.

                            I have one small question, the Gaba instructions on the bottle say best not taken with protein and the L Glut is between meals also. What is the L Glut? Would it be considered like a protein and interfere with the Gaba?

                            Bunnie aka Time

                            "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


                              Could Use Some Help

                              making one good decision at a time

                              Wanted to have dinner w/ my kids tonight, but didn't think I could handle the restaurant situation yet.... so we ordered sushi in.... only 3 hours left in day 3! ODAT
                              Bunnie aka Time

                              "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill

