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Hiya Mates

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    Hiya Mates

    Just wanted to intro me-self...

    New to the board and hoping to get some help here....

    I need to stop the brewski's, they're running and ruining me life....

    Best to all! :new:

    Hiya Mates


    :welcome: and glad you are here!!

    You will get a lot of support and help here.

    Have you read the book yet? It is a very inexpensive ($13ish US) download and worth every penny. It explains the program in detail.

    If you can't afford it, np, either, everyone here will try to help as best we can.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Hiya Mates

      Bunnygirl :welcome: Congrats on your decision to ask for help.

      Brewskis - haven't heard that word in years. They were my downfall too.

      Read and absorb as much as you can from this site. A lot of great information out there.

      Stay strong. You can do this. We are here for you.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Hiya Mates

        Hey Ho Bunny!

        Make yourself comfy, the more you come around and post, the more you will get out of the forum to help you with your goals. :welcome:
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          Hiya Mates

          :thumbysup: Welcome!
          Glad you stopped by and hope that you continue to post.
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            Hiya Mates

            Hi Bunnygirl! You're really going to like it here.

            Good luck!
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              Hiya Mates

              Hello bunnygirl

              Hello bunnygirl and welcome. See you around. Aunty Vic


                Hiya Mates

                Hi Bunnygirl

                I'm new here to and on day 3 damn today was hard but i got through it

                You can do it too.


                  Hiya Mates

                  Bunnygirl & Melaine, Welcome to you both!!! Hope you get the support you need and enjoy jumping around the boards!!! Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Hiya Mates

                    So glad you joined us! This community has so much to offer.


                      Hiya Mates

                      Greetings from another newcomer good luck.


                        Hiya Mates

                        Hi Bunnygirl and welcome to you. Spend some time reading through the posts, you will get great advice at any time of the day or night. Welcome.

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          Hiya Mates

                          Hi Bunnygirl & Melaine

                          :new: I am new here too. Still trying to get used to posting and finding responses to my posts... Also, I know what most of the "lingo" is here, but can someone please tell me what AL stands for? I have found that just being here and talking it out has really helped me just be more "aware". It is so good to have this support and know we are all on a path together- I can come in here and start reading and I immediately feel stronger and more determined


                            Hiya Mates

                            Hi Bunny and Melanie welcome aboard you are in a great place , look read listen and post its a great place opps said that already :welcome:


                              Hiya Mates

                              Sorry Seeker missed your reply :welcome: to you too. AL is alchol AF is alchol free Mod is drinking in moderation can't think of the top of my head of any other abreviations reguarly used on here oh ya topa is topamax one of the meds recomended in the book . If there is anything you don't know just ask everybody in here is so nice helpful non judgemental supportive etc and i can honestly say what ever i have been feeling or going through on the months i have been on here and i have posted it there has always been somebody who understands and that is just so refreshing as nobody in my day to day life goes through what i do so understands like theses guys and we do have a laugh as well so once again :welcome: and good luck

