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    Re: Dr & meds

    Hi Smokey, Will Kaiser make you stick with that same doc or can you look for anther one. And MAYBE the abuse counselors might know about topa? I just know tha day I am having today if not for topa I would be probably finishin off the whole 12-pk. Instead none. There were two in the fridge (I didnt put em there) and I put them out in the garage to get warm to help with the temptation. gaggy



      Re: Dr & meds

      I ment gabby



        Re: Dr & meds

        Managed Care, you gotta love it. Good thing you didn't need a mole removed too or you would have been "referred" to yet another department. Sorry the visit was dissappointing, I was really hopful that Kaiser was coming out of the AA mode, but I guess not yet.

        Gabby, I hear you about getting another doctor, but when you are in managed heath care system, they go by their playbook and that is that and they all use the same playbook. To go outside the system is to paid a lot of $$ for docs and meds when we are already paying premiums for the insurance in the 1st place. Ok now off the soap box I promise!



          I'd recommed anyone see their doctor

          My doctor has been awesome. Of course wanted me to go to AA, but she agreed to let me have topa when I saw her. Unfortunately I couldn't take it for medical reasons. An addiction therapist did prescribe Campral for me though and it's doing wonders. I think about having wine for a couple seconds and then it just passes. I would recommend anyone see their doc and try to get topa before ordering off shore. They work for you, if you approach them about it and they have an open mind they should be willing to prescribe.




            Where did my post go????

            Anyways, nice to have an awesome doctor. Mine apparently isn't. Kaiser appears to be behind the times, and I don't think it will take just lil ol me to get them into the "here and now". Yes, a bit frustrated right now.
            >: I'll go ahead and make an appt with the substance abuse physician and muddle thru that so I can tell my doc that I did indeed go to see him when I see her again in about 3 weeks. So I guess I'll just keep ordering my meds online. And on a final note, my Doc practically jumped at the opportunity to prescribe me medication for my persistent heartburn....go figure ......



              Re: Where did my post go????

              sorry smokey



                Re: Where did my post go????

                I took the MYO book to my appointment and explained the program to the doc. She left for a while to go research it and came back and agreed to give me the script. Since then for my follow ups she and the PA's I've seen have been very entheusiastic about the program and my progress. I think it just takes a forward thinking doc who is open minded. i have been singing the praises of MYO to them hoping they will spread the good word.



                  MEDICATION QUESTION

                  Re: Where did my post go????

                  I was terrified about seeing my dr., but because of the posts at this site, I felt well-prepared. I had everything in hand--the entire book, which I printed for him, the Lancet study, and the Wall Street Journal story about the study at BU. He had never heard of using Topamax and didn't know how much to prescribe. I was able to produce the chart with the dosage escalations on it. He said, "Don't you think you need a support group?" I said that I had a support group, one that was mostly women and was about as anonymous as you can get. We went into his office, where he figured out how much I needed. I did try one trick that you might be able to use. I flattered him. I told him that at our last visit, he had told me that if I couldn't stop at two drinks, I should just quit. I said, "You told me that, and it caused me to come to the place where I am now." Now, we all know that what brings us here is a thousand, million things that happen every day, that we've known we needed to do something for years. But he didn't know that. I let him think that he was the single most important person in my recovery. It works.


                    MEDICATION QUESTION

                    Ah, I see my post came back...

                    ah hah...interesting!!
                    Anyways, I also had brought my book to my doc appt, gave her the printout of the Lancet rpt, and a printout about the Topa Drug. She also went away for about minutes or so and conferred with the Kaiser docs in substance abuse..They had never heard of using Topa for alcohol abuse. They are of the mindset that alcoholics cannot use moderation. It is a disease, and it may work for a while, but in the long run, it will "get you" and you will just go back to drinking full time again. You must abstain forever. My Doctor wants me to make an appt with the substance abuse doc (way on the other side of the city) to talk about it, and probably go to at least one counseling session one on one. The substance abuse pamphlet they give out specifically states that you have to give alcohol up totally, no mention of any help with the use of medications or supplements, just lots of "sessions".
                    I am still debating whether to make that first appt, I am afraid I will get into a fight/argument with the doctor and storm out.... oh well, gotta love Kaiser


                      MEDICATION QUESTION

                      Re: Dr & meds

                      What is a DO ?


                        MEDICATION QUESTION

                        Re: Ah, I see my post came back...

                        Your experience with the doc sounds exactly like mine.


                          MEDICATION QUESTION

                          What is a DO?

                          A Doctor of Osteopathy, from what I have been told and I've also googled it. They tend to allow for alternative types of medication and programs, like this. My MD before was pretty restrictive and by the book.


                            MEDICATION QUESTION

                            Re: Dr & meds

                            Hi Smokey

                            Can you tell me where you ordered your Topamax from & do you know if they ship to UK? Am having problem buying this drug & would prefer to order from a pharmacy somebody has used?
                            Thanks Maria


                              MEDICATION QUESTION

                              Re: Dr & meds

                              Hi Maria,

                              The first site I order from was :
                              (got this site from another post)

                              Almost out of the Topa, so order from a second site:
                              Second site is from:

                              Seems a bit cheaper...just ordered from them last week. Ordered the 180 100mg pills for $144.00 with a site registration fee. You'll see this if you order from them.

                              Hope this info helps!


                                MEDICATION QUESTION

                                Re: Dr & meds

                                I ordered my Topa from
                                No problems with it yet.

