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    I've ordered the CD's and supplements but I just can't bring myself to discuss the prescription with my doctor. I prefer to do this myself, since I've always lied to him as to how much I drink. Can anyone recommend a reputable website that I can purchase the Topomax on line and not have to wait 5 weeks to get it? Any info would be most appreciated...


    I used this link. It took about a week and a half. I am into my second week of using the Topa. I got this link from one of the discussion links in here.



      cruize, what about going to a new doc. start out fresh with honesty and see where ya get. It might save you some money plus have a doc to bounce off of. He will respect you more and could be a good doc/patient relationship. just a thought.....gabby



        My physician was proud that I realize I have a problem and want to work on it with her to try and get better. Good luck with this!



          Thank you for reposting the link for Topa online. I have tried the program without the meds, did good for about 3 weeks and fell off big time. I would love to go to my doctor for the meds, but I have Kaiser in USA, which is very unpersonal and and they go by the book. So maybe I could get Campral, but having been on meds for stomach problems I know what having a medication on my medical record can do when you need to change insurance. I just received my new supplements and dusted off the CD's. Feeling good about coming back!



            oh great, I have Kaiser too, and have made an appt for this Thursday to talk to my doc about this...and I have never seen her before...boy, can't wait for this appt



              Great, I really want to hear about the appt. I just have this scenerio that they are going ship me off to the Mental Health Department, then I will have to wait to see them and then they will want me to attend some group or another. See I've got myself all worked up over it. I hope this is not the case as the meds would be a lot cheaper.



                Tomorrow's appt

                Okay..I am now dreading my dr appt tomorrow. I have no clue how to start out the conversation. Like "Hello Doc, I'm an alcoholic and I need you to prescribe Topamax for me..." or "Ahem...see I've been doing all this I know much more then you and I think you should give me this prescription..."... HOw do I start out? I know I am going to be so nervous that I am going to blurt out everything in one long sentence and the poor doc will have absolutely no clue as to what I am talking about... Okay deep breath..I will do just fine..hah hah. I'm just afraid that she will recommend AA and have I tried that and if not how do I know that AA would not work for me...blah blah... For the first time I have found something that is really working for me ...okay I am starting to babble now so I'll just sign off...appt is tomorrow 11:40 mountain time..I'll be even worse tomorrow 8o


                  MEDICATION QUESTION

                  Re: Tomorrow's appt

                  Sorry, I didn't mean to get you caught up in my fears. There must be someone out there that has been through the Kaiser model. I once wanted a small mole removed and the GP who I waited a month to see, sent me to dermatology, which took 2 months to get in. Funny, sad, but true. I am hoping someone will pop up and give us their experience with Kaiser before tomorrow, anyone? anyone? I did call to get an appointment myself on Monday and the soonest I could get in was 3 weeks from now, so you are already doing better then me. I have not cancelled the appt, but I did order the topa online. I feel the same way about group, like most here, this is a very private thing for me. Be Brave, you are almost there!


                    MEDICATION QUESTION

                    Re: Tomorrow's appt

                    wow! That link is expensive! I used the following link for the generic and just cut the tabs in quarters to titrate up.



                      MEDICATION QUESTION

                      Dr & meds

                      Hello...I'm a newbie and "just" discovered this medication board. Had I found it earlier, I probably would have ordered online as I don't know how to do that; guess I wasn't paying attention. So I took the plunge and made an appt - saw my Dr Monday. I had no clue what to say and was very nervous and scared. I just mumbled something about wanting him to work with me on this and shoved the topa dose schedule at him. His first words, "great drug"! And then, why. I squeaked out that I was drinking too much and thought I had a problem (while looking everywhere but at him). I then shoved the supplement list and Lancet report at him. He told me it's just a disease, and why wouldn't people discuss this like they do hemmoroids, or...and he named a few other items I had never heard of. He was extremely generous and wrote a scrip with a refill. He also mentioned that should I have to explain anything like side affects, I could be taking this for migraines. He said he would work with me to wean me off. Wow! I was so emotional and close to tears, had a knot in my throat. My Dr is a DO, not a MD and that may be the difference. But, I guess we never know until we ask and it does depend on the Dr as alot of MD's go by the book and are not always open to alternative meds, etc. Anyway, I just wanted to post and share as that was a very emotional and trying day for me, until I got the meds of course.


                        MEDICATION QUESTION

                        Re: Dr & meds

                        Because of this site, I announced to my family that I am going to try this program. I, too, am full of apprehension about seeing my doctor. I'm also apprehensive about the side effects of the drug and the possible interaction with prozac, which I've been taking for many years. I have to see the dr. anyway for a cholestral screening, so I'm going to take the Lancet article and ask him to work with me. I'm not sure myself about topa, and I just had my first evening of one glass of wine with dinner for the first time in--well, I don't know, just from two days on this site. I am so hopeful. Maybe I can get by without the topa, but I'd like to have the scrip in case I need it. I think I'm going to tell him that.


                          MEDICATION QUESTION

                          Dr & meds

                          Well I'm going to the doc in an hour - a new one so hopefully he/she will be supportive. I'm so tempted to use the migraine approach even though I want to be honest! I already got shot down by one physician so I'm even more apprehensive about being honest.

                          The program is working so well but I think the meds would seal the deal for an amount of time to make this lifestyle change a wonderful habit!

                          Good luck to you and me!


                            MEDICATION QUESTION

                            Re: Dr & meds

                            Guys, see what I mean about the different docs, if yours wont perscribe just look till you find someone that will. And I keep loosing things in here so I dont know who said this but I take Prozac too and my doc said ok on that. gabby


                              MEDICATION QUESTION

                              Re: Dr & meds

                              Well, just got back from seeing my Kaiser doc. I told her my (drinking) problem (went there under the guise of a physical) and told her about the mywayout program and how I had been using the Topa for the last few weeks and my alcohol consumption had dropped considerably from 1 liter of wine per night and blacking out, to 1 or 2 glasses per night and no blackouts for the last two weeks. She (was very young..didn't know you could be a doctor that young...ha ha) commended me on my progress, had never heard of the program, had no idea about Topamax, was under the greater assumption that moderation usually doesn't last as alcohol is a disease and in order to cure it one needs to stay off of it totally, but she could be wrong and this might work for me, but. So she wants me to make an appt with a substance abuse physician and talk about "maybe" getting a script for the Topa...and probably will have to talk to a counselor at least once. You know, ya need to combine the counseling part with the medication part yada yada yada. So I will try that route first and try to explain more about the program to the doc/counselor, and give them a shot. In the meantime, I've ordered my second dose of Topa from the Internet. Found a cheaper source then the inhouse pharmacy, but it is not the generic one. I just wish the program would hurry up and get more recognized for us struggling folks....

