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Yay For Day 3

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    Yay For Day 3

    Hi Guys

    I am happy to report that I am on Day 3 and surviving. I must say though it's real hard to control the physical withdrawals and the mental craving at the same time. Really wanted to buy a drink on the way home from work but managed to get by. I am finding that if I come straight home and eat a meal it really helps.

    To everyone else here who is new I am finding this a great support, and I can't wait to put a third 0 in a row on my drink traker.

    We can all do this.

    Best wishes

    Mel xx

    Yay For Day 3

    Great going, Melaine! Are you taking the supplements? I find they really help with cravings. Here's wishing you continued success. You're right -- we CAN all do this. :h


      Yay For Day 3

      That's great Melaine!!! Getting started is the hardest....but you're up and running keep yourself busy, stay positive and read as much as you can on here, books etc to keep yourself motivated!!

      Good luck,

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Yay For Day 3

        No supplements - doctor offered me a diazapam drug but turned it down. Doing it hard way but thats cool. Just reading lots as Janice suggests and keeping busy.


          Yay For Day 3

          OMG Melanie, I am from NZ also. Been living in the UK for 13 years!!
          Great to see you are on Day 3!! You go girl....
          Yep keep reading and keep busy.
          Thinking of you.

          Sober since 30/06/10


            Yay For Day 3

            Hi Melanie / Amelia / all others
            Fellow Kiwi here. Well done Melanie, have yet to have an AF free day, but hoping tomorrow will be day one. Think I need the supps. Have either of you managed to track down Kudzu in this neck of the woods?


              Yay For Day 3


              Great on you for the day 3.

              Day 4 and 5 can be the worst craving and withdrawal-wise. Not to discourage you but to give you a head's up. Bull through them, whatever it takes, and once past those days, you are on a downhill slide.

              By day 10, your body has completely withdrawn from alcohol and you are then dealing with cravings alone.

              Best of luck to you!! Keep strong.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Yay For Day 3

                Hey Aysha! Hello to another fello Kiwi.
                I am not sure where you are...NZ or elsewhere....
                If you are in NZ I would do a search for Kudzu and see what you get...
                I have found Kudzu easily here in the UK and have also received some from MWO when I subscribed.
                Good luck honey.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  Yay For Day 3

                  Hi Amelia

                  Have ordered some from MWO, but because of distance probably have to wait 3-4 weeks. Google searched already, you know what NZ is like - years behind the time. Customs probably still think it is an illegal drug. Did it help you?


                    Yay For Day 3

                    Glad you managed to order it form MWO. It's good stuff.

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      Yay For Day 3

                      Where do you find the 'alcohol tracker' that some people have talked about?


                        Yay For Day 3

                        Hey Aysha,
                        Just scroll down to the bottom of your page to 'Forum Jump' and it is listed as 'Drink Tracker'....
                        Let me know if you can't find it.

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          Yay For Day 3

                          Well done to you on day 3, really an achievement. The first wee whiley is really difficult eh, but yes keeping busy and doing things you have been putting off such as clearing out cupboards, sorting out drawers etc passes some of the hours away. Coming on here is really the best to keep you motivated. Well done you.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

