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New to this - want to introduce myself

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    New to this - want to introduce myself

    Hi - I'm Barb. It looks like many of you are in the same boat as I am. I drink more than I want to, and it is having negative effects on me (weight gain, lack of energy, and I am setting a bad example for my son). My husband and I both love to go to the Pub and enjoy our cocktails. I am worried about it - DH isn't. He seems to have a much better grasp on it than I do and doesn't get what I am worried about.

    I work out of my home and do not drink while I am working - but the minute Tom gets out of work, I either want to drink or do drink. I feel like I am missing out on all of the fun, because this is really the only thing we do together.

    I have lots of hobbies and don't think about it when I am doing something else. But unless I can convince DH to buy into this or at least support me while I'm trying to do this, it is going to continue being an issue. Has anyone else had to deal with this?

    I am not quite convinced that I am willing to part with the money for the CDs and the vitamins yet - I will probably download the book. There are lots of expenses coming up in July. I am a firm believer in hypnosis/positive suggestions - maybe I'll get there.

    I'll talk more later,


    New to this - want to introduce myself

    Hi Barb and welcome
    This is a wonderful place and people are great. I think many of us can relate to your situation. Often, as drinkers, we surround ourselves (often, including our mates) with others who enjoy drinking. Like you, my husband enjoys the drink but doesnt take it to the extent that I do. He can more or less take it or leave it but does indulge once in a while.
    It makes it hard. We are here for you!


      New to this - want to introduce myself

      Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. It feels good not to feel so alone!



        New to this - want to introduce myself

        Hey Barb, I understand completely. I too was working from home a lot and never partook, but over time, I was working constantly, the family went away, the work took over and I would drink when I was working after 5 it was a slow progression. Then the hobbies went away because I didn't know anyone because of traveling and it was always easy to meet people in the hotel bars or restaurants and at least talk to other living beings, but again, there was the, I had to make a change. It sounds like you are on the verge so it's great that you want to take charge now. Don't give up on the hobbies! and stay healthy. That will help in not letting your alcohol go further or getting it back under control.

        Take care. cv


          New to this - want to introduce myself

          Hi Barb,

          Welcome to MWO! It IS difficult to do something like this when your spouse doesn't buy into it. Although I haven't had to deal with that issue, many here are dealing with it, so there is support for you on that front!

          As for the cds and the supps and so forth, well, all I can say to that is that this program has literally changed my life! I do not regret for even a second jumping into it the way I did...head first!

          Downloading the book is a good place to start. Also, these boards are loaded with information and support about all aspects of the program. We are all here to help you in whatever way you may need!

          Best of luck to you!!



            New to this - want to introduce myself

            Thanks all. I did download the book yesterday and will start it today - on my way to the gym.

            I am going for abs as long as I can (day one yesterday - I have lots of day ones - got as far as day five - then there is that pesky weekend thing). My goal is to get my system cleaned out and them go on moderation if that is possible. I truly believe that this is just a bad habit that I can get under control. Maybe that's denial, but I guess I'll find that out. We are going on vacation in July, and I know it is unrealistic to expect myself not to drink while I'm gone.

            I also keep think it's not fair to DH to quit being his "drinking buddy". But when I think about it, he might enjoy my company a lot more if I quit passing out at 7:30 at night. I think that is what I am afraid of most - what if he doesn't like me anymore if I quit. He is a great guy and would be supportive of just about anything I wanted - this is just a sore spot for me.

            Not to mention the money we spend. I calculated what I spent last weekend- not even what he spent and not "groceries". I spent $100 on cocktails and food (gotta go out to dinner afterwards because I am too "tired" to cook. If I quit for three weeks, I could easily afford the supplements and the tapes.

            More later.


