After 5 days of detox (much of which I dont remember)
I was intoduced to the house residents. 8 at that time 2 women and 6 men including myself.
I was given a list (or should I say a booklet) of rules.
1. All residents will be assigned a weekly chore.
2. All residents will have a cook night (with another resident)
3. There are to be 2 breath alcohol tests which must be completed by 8 am and 10 pm.
4. There are also urine tests to be given randomly.
5. No sleeping during the day (except for quite time 1-3 pm)
6. No leaving the facility for 14 days and after 14 days you must be in the company of a senior peer.
7. You are responsable to fix your own breakfast and lunch.
8. You must attend I.O.P. (intensive Outpatient Programme) 3 times a week 3 hours a night. If you are asked to leave I.O.P. you will be required to the leave the house.
9. You must meet with your case manager twice a week for an hour at a time.
10. When the staff think you are progressing enough you will be allowed 6 hours of pass time.
11. Pass time activity has to be aproved by your case manager and be written on your schedule.
12. You have to make at least 3 or 4 meetings a week (and have your paper signed by the chairperson)
and so on and so on.
Once more my time is up at the Library so I will have to log off for a moment and go get back in the Queue for a P.C.
See you soon.
John S.