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When will this end!!!

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    When will this end!!!

    I was good at moderating my drinking for 3 weeks. I averaged 6 beers per week. I was working out and feeling much better. Well, I had a 3 day weekend that turned into a beer fest. I could not tell you what I did except that Monday morning before work I could not find my keys. Thank God I hid them from myself before I started.
    Anyways, I am taking the supps and have read the book and even listening to the tapes. I just ordered the top so it should be here in a week or 2. I would like to think I have a strong will but this is not easy. Every little set back just gets me more depressed.

    When will this end!!!

    Hi Azm, sorry to hear you are feeling so bad today but glad to hear you are now geared up to starting over with supps etc. Keep posting when you are feeling so low, we all together in this fight and you are never alone in whatever you are feeling at any time. Wishing you a good day today and look forward to hearing from you later.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      When will this end!!!

      Thanks Tea, I guess I just needed to hear a reassuring voice. I never thought it would be this hard or that I wished it would be this hard. :thanks:


        When will this end!!!

        Hi Azm,
        Don't be too down on yourself, each time you try is another one closer to when you'll succeed.Giving up the grog is hard on many levels(social,personal medical etc) and you have to be on your toes against the beast all the time.
        I'm sure you'll come through this.
        Your certainly not alone.
        Good luck
        Victoria xxooxx


          When will this end!!!

          Hey Biker, don't beat yourself up. Just take the weekend as a learning experience. Victoria is right, it does get easier. You are making a new start, reading, listening to the cds, taking the supps, you realize what you need to do! Keep reading and posting. Everyone is here to help.


            When will this end!!!

            I've just posted on another thread (Hopeless by 5thaday) as I am going through the same - I need to get off this merry go round. And the stupid thing is when will I learn that moderating is not for me.

            As I said to 5thaday: for the time being I have started to take my kudzu and L.Glutamine. It's not nice falling off the wagon, but I always encourage myself by remembering the successful AF days I have had. Every period of abstaining reminds me that I can do this. And so can you.


              When will this end!!!

              Sometmes it seems we need to fall down to understand how much progress we have really made! Yes it hurts. But hindsight is great...20/20. So it allows us to look back and say, I don't want to go there again!
              it sounds to me like you are at that point, you don't want to go there again. So, pick yourself up, dust off your jeans, and get back on your bike! You CAN do this!
              Stay Strong! come here often!
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                When will this end!!!

                Keep on trying. This ain't no disco. This is hard work.

                You did some really awesome things here. You moderating. Drinking less is better than drinking more. It counts! Good work!

                You are reading and taking the supplements. That counts. Good work!!!
                I am proud of you for staying with us!!!! Good work!!!!

                You are on the right track. It may not feel like it but you are. You are making progress. You are going to slip here and there. It is ok. Just get back up. Stay with us. Keep on getting back up. Celebrate the accomplishments on your path to recovery no matter how small. Don't fret too much over the slips. Learn and move on.

                One thing about topo - it makes beer taste just awful! so help is on the way.


                  When will this end!!!

                  that is the way it works it's human nature or just the way nature works. It happens with a lot of thinks if you think about it.
                  exercise, relationships, jobs, art, etc it's like a cycle. sometimes you accomplish everything other times not.
                  get back to phase 1 and keep your goal in mind.

                  be well
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    When will this end!!!

                    I have no great advice, I just want to leave lots of support and hugs. You did great! Keep moving forward, you ARE worth it!

                    love and hugs,
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      When will this end!!!

                      im the same i was 5 weeks af and blew it but im giving it another go ,cant go on like this


                        When will this end!!!

                        Just wanted to add some words of assurance that you ARE doing the right thing for trying to get back into gear.....................:thumbs:

                        I know personally that I learn from my mistakes the BEST lessons in life!

                        Good luck, and let us know how it is going,:goodluck:

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

