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Hi all - First post

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    Hi all - First post

    Hoping this site will help me stop drinking. I have been overdoing it for years, and it got worse when I lost my job last July. I'm single (although had off/on boyfriend the last few months... now it's off), so I don't have much support.

    I do have a couple friends I can confide in, which is lucky.

    I'm pretty sure I have depression due to job loss; lately I've been feeling worse (no energy/appetite) and decided this morning (after glass of wine & beer!!) that not only is my drinking not solving anything, but I can't afford it! In fact, I feel guilty that I've spent so much money on booze while not working - kind of a vicious circle. I feel bad or sad, then drink, then feel bad that I spent the money and drank useless calories that keep me from eating right... etc. etc.

    I know I have things to be thankful for and dislike myself when I indulge in pity party!

    It seems hard to think I'll feel better by giving up drinking, but I know it's the right thing to do. I'm hoping I won't go thru withdrawals!

    Anyway, just a post to get me started. Thanks for any input!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    Hi all - First post

    Hello and welcome!!!!

    Now you have a huge network of people to support you. Stay with us!!!!

    You will find lots of souls just yourself in all different stages of what you have been through, what you are going through and what you are about to go through. The good news is that you will not be going through any of it alone.

    Get on chat if you can. Get yourself an hour alcohol free. Then go for 2 hours. Then go for a day,... you get the idea.

    Guilt, shame, depression - all friends of BIG BAD AL - Stay with us, we can beat him up together!


      Hi all - First post

      Thank you, Croft. WOW - I didn't expect a reply so soon!!

      Among those other feelings, I left out an important one: FEAR. Although I know what it is to be sober (obviously, I'm not drunk ALL the time, I haven't been sober for more than a couple/few days in a very long time.

      It's scary, but it's great to know I can come here for advice & support.

      And since this idea is so new (today), I really need to stay motivated.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Hi all - First post

        Hi and a big welcome from me, only joined 3 days ago. This forum if full of warmth and understanding, I cant believe it but but it has motivated me to go for my first AF day in 8 years, only 5 hours to go.:welcome:


          Hi all - First post

          hi savon and welcome i can empathise with all those symptoms youve just mentioned but stick with it and come on line as much as possible ,there all lovely on here and we all suffer the same good luck .
          the shark


            Hi all - First post

            hi john and welcome im 2 days af ,went 5 weeks at the start of the year af but went back on it,im in the uk also:welcome:


              Hi all - First post

              Hi theshark not to far from me in Wigan. I only want to moderate but I guess AF is all part of it.


                Hi all - First post

                welcome to this site. It is an awesome place filled with incredibly supportive people. I just wanted to pop in and offer a welcome and hugs.
                love and hugs,
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Hi all - First post

                  savon - I too struggled with fear - asked myself many times if I really wanted to be sober. Now that I have been sober for a while the answer is YES, YES and YES.

                  john - only 5 more hours - you ROCK - great job! stay with it!

                  gosh I love this site!!!


                    Hi all - First post

                    Savon - Welcome
                    I joined MWO in February this year so I'm new and still really struggling. Have you downloaded the book yet? If not, I would suggest you do and it's not expensive. Some really like the supplements too. I take my own supps everyday and have a pretty healthy appetite (vegetarian) so I'm not lacking there. Nutrition is really important!
                    The people here are awesome and so supportive. This is a good place to be!eace:
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      Hi all - First post

                      I am new too!!


                      I just joined too. I have had a big problem and I have had it most of my adult life. I have gone in and out of abusing alcohol, and kept telling myself I was ok because I kept my job, went to the gym, functioned most of the time. But when I list the bad stuff and the guilt and the embarrasement the morning after I do want to stop this cycle. I am now retired and have slipped into drinking earlier and accomplish less and know this will only get worse.

                      I had tried the 12 step program before, and was very uncomfortable with it. I found this web site and hope it will be the answer as there is support without all the confessions at the AA meetings. I am going to my doctor tomorrow to see if he will prescribe one of the anti craving pills. I am not sure if I can back down to social drinking?
                      I wonder how many on this site were able to continue with fewer drinks, or if most have to quit entirely?

                      I look forward to doing this with the rest of the community

                      moonlight ( as that is when the craving begins!)
                      It is never to late!


                        Hi all - First post

                        moonlight;289823 wrote:
                        moonlight ( as that is when the craving begins!)
                        I guess I should change my name to "Sunlight" --- as that is when the craving begins!!

                        I don't even want to drink by the time Moonlight arrives... :sigh:

                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          Hi all - First post

                          welcome here savon,
                          remember that change starts from within it its good it has already started inside you by admitting to your problem and realising that drinking cannot solve your problem it just worsen it, you are in the right place keep posting and ask as many questions as possible, welcome again


                            Hi all - First post

                            Thank you, Maasai! Nice to feel welcomed, even if I'm not yet "there".

                            I already have read so many helpful posts and appreciate all the replies I've had, even as a "newbie!"

                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              Hi all - First post

                              Hello All,
                              I just joined today too - posted a reply to Savon on the Boredom thread - probably rambled on a bit too much there.

                              I gave up a fairly stressful job a few months ago in order to look after my kids and foolishly thought that my 'less stressful' life would help me to cut back on my drinking. Not! - I start to think about drink earlier in the day and a good few times lately have started drinking in the afternoon where as before it tended to be in the evenings after work and after the kids had gone to bed.

                              I too would love to just cut back but I have tried lots of times to no avail. My plan now is to try and go a month with none and then try to moderate but already finding it difficult just thinking about it and resisting the temptation to go to the shops and get a bottle (or two) of when as soon as my hubby gets in from work. Will try not to.

                              Good luck to all
                              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

